Thursday 11 March 2010

"We've Got Too Many Police Officers" says British Government

On the day that 64 year old David Askew is hounded to death in his own home, the Home Office let is slip that they are considering reducing our nations police forces by up to 28,000 uniformed officers.

Disabled Mr Askew has been tormented for 20 years by generations of thugs in Manchester. It appears that this is one case where the police had done everything that they could. Neighbours report that police officers and PCSOs frequently visited the home where David lived with his mother and brother. They had even fitted CCTV cameras and flood lights to the house to deter the thugs but they simply flipped up their hoods and carried on with their campaign of terror.

Arrests were made and at least one ASBO was issued but clearly this was not enough of a deterrent. The fault for this tragedy lies not with Manchester Police but fairly and squarely with Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson who have created the laws that allow such vile behaviour to go unpunished. The police may be the most effective and efficient in the world but if the courts then let the criminals go with little to no punishment, is it really a surprise that this sort of thing continues to be reported at least once a week?
Naturally the people cry out for more police on the streets. Already we have Police Forces such as Sussex Police putting PCSO's into a uniform that so resembles that of a Police Officer that the public are fooled into thinking that there ARE the police officers on the streets. This is of course, exactly the delusion that the police management teams want you to think. A PCSO is not a Police Officer and does not have the powers of a Police Officer but he is cheap! We are already being cheated and getting Policing on the cheap. Now Mr Johnson is seeking to 'Save millions' by replacing even more uniformed police officers with civilians.
A report by Deloitte for the Home Office concluded that "Reducing officer numbers is still politically controversial and is something that all forces have to consider carefully". It has been disclosed that nine police forces have been trialing schemes under the so-called Workforce Modernisation programme by changing the mix of police and civilians in various policing units. Last month, the Chief Constable of Surrey Mark Rowley, suggested that policing can be "at least as good" in forces where civilians make up half of the staff". His report concluded that if carried out nationally, that would mean 28,000 fewer officers and with savings in the region of £400 million.

This is of course good news. Good news for the criminals and thugs to carry on exactly as they wish. Not so good news for the rest of us law abiding citizens who will have to suffer the consequences of this continued traitorous governments actions. It will not be long before the only time you will see a uniformed Police Officer, he will be behind a shield and carrying a sub machine gun. For they will only be dealing with serious criminal acts. The rest of society will have to get by as best it can with 'plastic' policemen and their own wits.

The whole of the Criminal Justice System is rotten, as are so many other aspects of our society, and needs to be thrown out and completely rebuilt, with sufficient police officers, laws that are a deterrent to criminals and judges who put the victims before the criminals. There is only one political party who has the courage to do this and that is the English Democrats.

Vote English Democrats on 6th May

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