Wednesday 3 March 2010

Do You Feel the Same as Mr ANGRY?

Are you ANGRY at the way politicians seem more interested in feathering their own nests but treat the rest of us with utter contempt? Can you even afford a Duck House, let alone a Moat?

Are you ANGRY at the state of our NHS and of our schools? Surely, as we enter the second decade of the 21st Century we have the right to expect to get better when we go into hospital, not get a killer disease? Surely, as we enter the second decade of the 21st Century, we have the right to expect our children to be able to read and write when they leave school?

Are you ANGRY because you have to pay £7.30 for each prescription item when other parts of the UK get them FREE? It’s true. Read on.

Are you ANGRY because when your children go to University, you are going to have to pay thousands of pounds, when other parts of the UK go to Uni for FREE? It’s true. Read on.

Are you ANGRY because our legal system is too lenient on crime & criminals? Over the last 20 years or so, certain sections of our community have lost all respect for themselves as well as the law and we all pay the price for that.

Are you ANGRY at the way your hard earned money was given away to bale out the Bankers who almost bankrupted this country? Left to the Lib/Lab/Con party, our grandchildren will still be paying this debt off many years from now.

Are you ANGRY because politicians never seem to listen to what real people think? Every 5 years you become IMPORTANT to them!! What about the rest of the time?

Are you ANGRY because politicians say one thing, mean another and then do something completely different? Do you trust politicians? Never before has Parliament been held in such contempt by the people.

Are you ANGRY because you are afraid to say what you think anymore? Beware the Thought Police!! When was the last time you told a joke or made a comment, and then got into trouble because it was considered so un-PC?

Are you ANGRY with the Governments ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration and what it means to the NHS, Schools, and Jobs etc?

Did You Know That:

It costs the UK £41 MILLION PER DAY to belong to the EU. Just think how our hospitals and schools could be improved if even part of that money was properly invested in them.

YOU have NEVER been asked if you want to belong to the EU. The Government, fully supported by both the Tory Party and the Liberals have lied to you and continue to do so.

According to the EU and Labour, ENGLAND no longer exists. England has been divided up into 9 separate regions by the EU and with the full support of the British Labour Government. We are the South East Region and our ‘Capital’ is Lille in France. Jack Straw said that the English are ‘Mongrels’ and are ‘violent’ and ‘untrustworthy’.

ENGLAND is the most populated country in Europe. England 1,023 people per sq mile – twice that of Germany and FOUR times that of France.

In the last 20 years, England has sent more than £200 BILLION to other parts of the UK. Prescriptions are FREE in Scotland. University is FREE in Scotland. Residential Care for the Elderly is FREE in Scotland – BECAUSE ENGLAND PAYS FOR IT but without enjoying any of the benefits.

Scottish, Welsh & Northern Irish MP’s can and still do, vote on matters that affect only England (such as Education & Health) but English MP’s have NO say in the affairs of those countries.

The British Labour Government has deliberately encouraged AN ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration. This has been done in the hope that the majority of Immigrants will vote Labour; statistically most immigrants do vote Labour.

The Citizens of England are treated as Second Class citizens in our own country by the British Government. We are a tolerant nation. We tend to joke and make the best of a bad job. We form queues, we open doors for other people, we apologise when it’s not our fault – but even the stiffest upper lip must begin to quiver eventually.

What Can Be Done About It?

Our Party will hold an IMMEDIATE referendum to determine our future association with the EU. Our intention is to withdraw from the EU as quickly as possible and rejoin the European Free Trade Area. We will still trade with the EU but we will not be controlled by it.

We will regain our full Sovereignty. We will be responsible for making our own laws and we will not be answerable to laws that are imposed upon us by an unelected and undemocratic EU.

We demand equal rights to those enjoyed by the other parts of the UK. Despite having their own Parliaments, Scottish & Welsh MP’s continue to vote on English affairs at Westminster. Taxes raised in England will be spent in England and not sent to other parts of the UK to subsidise them. England is the only country within the United Kingdom that does not have its own Parliament AND THAT IS NOT FAIR.

We will put a stop to Mass Immigration. The English Democrats are NOT against Immigration – we ARE against the ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration that the British Labour Party has encouraged for 13 years. We will instigate a ‘Points’ Entry system similar to that operated by Australia, New Zealand & Canada.

We will reclaim our Fishing Grounds. Consecutive Tory & Labour Governments have given away all but 16% of England’s fishing grounds. Is it any wonder that the Hastings & Rye fishing fleets are struggling to survive? The English Democrats will regain 100% of what are our own fishing grounds.


By far the majority of UK political parties and this most certainly includes the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the United Kingdom Independence Party and the British National Party, all have the ‘Party Whip’ system imposed upon them. This means that ultimately, any MPs from these parties will vote as their political masters’ order them to do so.

This is irrespective of how the individual MPs, feel they SHOULD vote for the benefit of their constituents. Their Master MUST be obeyed.

Every MP from any of these parties is a representative of their party only and certainly NOT a representative of their constituents. There is NO DEMOCRACY in British politics either at a national level or at the Town Hall level.

English Democrats 1066 Against Racism Against Fascism For Hastings & Rye

The English Democrats are a Party of Independents, which means that they will vote according to their conscience and after listening to what the people say – not how their bosses in Westminster tell them to vote.

Rod Bridger is your Parliamentary candidate representing the English Democrats for Hastings & Rye.

Being born in Hastings in 1947 (he reckons that makes him a tad over 25) Rod is as passionate about the area now as he was when a young child and growing up in 1066 Country. Rod has been happily married for more than 36 years and his five children and five grandchildren all live, work or study within 1066 Country.

Rod is not a Career Politician and as such is not tainted with the arrogance that is prevalent amongst today’s politicians. He is a REAL person who has lived, worked for his living and brought up his family in the REAL world, just like you. Rod is proud of the 1066 Country and considers himself privileged to live here.

We are committed to sweeping away the tired old system, which has done and will do so much more, damage to our country.

The English Democrats pledge to bring Honesty, Common Sense and Openness to politics and to truly represent the people, by the people, for the people.

The English Democrats do not have access to vast sums of money donated by wealthy contributors such as the Labour Party and the Tories, who plan to spend £millions of pounds on this election.

In fact, every English Democrat candidate is self funding and has to raise their own election expenses. This is of course very expensive. We rely totally on donations from our members and supporters.

We Want To Know how YOU think things could be improved.

Find out more about us and read our full Manifesto at:

Telephone us on:
0844 3574 799

Email us at:

We want to hear what YOU have to say.
We want to LISTEN.

Join the RED & WHITE Revolution

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