Tuesday 2 March 2010

How wonderful to see our Council insisting on wasting another £10,000

and then saying we would all think it hypocritical if they didn't!!!

Hastings Council's consultant spending slammed

Published Date: 25 February 2010
By Richard Morris

A planned £10,000 spend on consultants by Hastings Borough Council has been criticised as a waste of public money.

During Wednesday's council meeting opposition Labour councillors urged their opposite numbers to remove the allocation earmarked to pay for consultants to help engage members of the public. Cllr Paul Barlow argued the local authority should make better use of its existing skilled staff and called for all officers to become more involved in gathering residents thoughts. He said: "I attended a day with a consultant who was being paid more than £1,000 a day plus expenses. One of the first bits of advice he gave was to reign in our use of consultants. "We have good staff already and should be using them."

However, the critics failed in their bid. Cllr Matthew Beaver said: "This was in the overall corporate plan we agreed less than an hour ago."I am sure that the man on the street would view this opposition as hypocrisy of the highest order."!!!!!

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