Wednesday 10 March 2010

NoFeeding at the Trough for the Eng Dems!

I'm currently reading through a new glossy magazine that has just come clumping onto my front door mat, courtesy of Amber Rudd, the Conservative candidate for Hastings & Rye. A nice newsy production that has lots of pictures of - well, Amber really! The mag is called 'People talk!' complete with a little logo that states 'Delivered FREE by your local Conservatives - at no cost to the taxpayer', well that's OK then, at least that's something we haven't got to pay for - directly at least.

I trust dear reader, that you are not waiting eagerly behind your front door for a copy of a similar Magazine from the English Democrats, for you will be sorely disappointed. For we do not have wealthy benefactors, 'Non-Dom' or otherwise such as the Lib/Lab/Con party have, who are willing to pour £m's into our party, (hasn't it been fun to watch the Tories and Labour playing 'Kettle - Black - Kettle... over this?) we only have me and my pension and that doesn't quite stretch that far I'm afraid. You will have to satisfy yourself with the Internet, which is the cheapest method of reaching out to the Community that I can find. It does of course cost money to run an election campaign and it is money that I really could use on such non-essentials such as food and heating bills etc. Neither do I have the infrastructure set up that the Lib/Lab/Con party has - yet, remember that the party only arrived in Hastings last autumn, and there are far too many roads for my poor, tired old feet to cover. Of course, some would say that you don't have loads of pictures of me to upset the children before bedtime but I ignore them!

I hope I am earning some sympathy here because then I might be able to persuade some of you to help with getting our word out in time to make a change. The vast majority of people that I get to speak to, very quickly let me know how much they agree with the English Democrats and how refreshing they find it when a political party talks about things in a way that they understand. The truth is that if I had a bit longer to spread the word, we really could make a difference , not only to Hastings but to England.

In the absence of time I really do need practical help, in the form of money and of your time. If you are not in a position to help in either of these two ways there are other ways you can help, especially if you intend to support us in May. I do seriously believe that this election will be very important in the history or our country, we NEED to get things changed!

Please visit our website at where you will find our contact details as well as a wealth of other information about us including links to some other interesting sites. I look forward to hearing from you.

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