Tuesday 16 March 2010

The Link between New Labour and the UAF

Please do not underestimate the Unite Against Fascists (UAF) organisation.

They are not ‘misguided fools’ as some would believe, neither are they trying to ‘do good’. They are an extreme left wing group of people, who hide behind anonymity and use bully boy tactics to achieve their end.

Their goal is to stifle FREE SPEECH. They will do this by any means possible, using intimidation and the power they hold within the Labour party. They are funded and supported by the Labour party and most, if not all members of the ‘top table’ of the Labour party have signed their support to them, including Gordon Brown. As long as you agree with the aims of New Labour, you may succeed in avoiding the attention of this insidious group of troublemakers, but even that is not guaranteed. The sole purpose of the existence of the UAF is to subdue and silence opposition, ANY opposition to their version of the Labour party.

A meeting was due to be held in Hastings Sussex with all six candidates present, this would have allowed the people of this town, an opportunity to quiz them and compare the answers and consequently help them make a considered decision as to which way they would vote in May. However, the UAF have ordered Michael Foster, the sitting Labour MP not to attend. Naturally he has obeyed his orders and withdrawn. What is slightly more confusing on the face of it is that the candidates for both the Conservative and the Liberal Democrats have also withdrawn, saying that although they believe the decision of Michael Foster, was wrong – they will also withdraw! The result is of course that the people of the town, no longer have the ability to make an enlightened decision. So much for Free Speech! The meeting is still scheduled to go ahead but with only three of the candidates present. They are the English Democrats, UKIP and the BNP. Oh, and of course, the unrepresentative UAF. There are other meetings scheduled to take place but all of them will consist of just the three ‘Main’ parties which in reality, is just a nice genteel opportunity for Mr Foster, Miss Rudd and Mr Perry to have a nice gentle chat amongst themselves and to hell with what the people think!

In nearby Eastbourne a similar meeting due to take place has been cancelled completely. The Unison union who own the venue location have decided that they do not want the BNP on their premises. This is slightly more acceptable than the situation in Hastings but is still anti democratic and against the ethos of Free Speech and indeed Freedom itself.

The reason that the BNP polls as many votes as they do in towns like Hastings and also the reason why the turnout is so low, is because the people only have two alternatives to voting for the Lib/Lab/Con party and that is vote either for the BNP as a protest or, to not vote at all. The English Democrats ARE an alternative and we are meeting amazing support on the streets of Hastings and every other town across the land, where the word is being carried.

The target this time is the British National Party but we have to ask “If not the BNP, then who?” The English Democrats in Hastings have already been targeted by the UAF and branded as ‘Extreme Right-wing’, ‘Racist’ and many other insults. These accusations are of course made anonymously with the authors using pseudonyms as opposed to their real names, although I am reasonably confident as to the identity of one of them as a Labour councillor. Should they succeed in chasing the BNP away, I am confident that we will become their next target - until all opposition is quashed. The status quo will then be resumed, with power being bounced between the ‘Old Boys’ network of Tories and Labour, with the occasional input from the Libs.

Onward then to the ‘Brave New World’ which is the ultimate aim, with the Regions of the former United Kingdom being fully absorbed by the EUSSR. I wonder where they will place the Gulag?

No, do not make the mistake that the UAF are ‘misguided do-gooders’, they are in deadly earnest and are committed to destroying all opposition to their aim, which is a Communist Style EUSSR.

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