Tuesday 2 March 2010

It's good to see that the influence of the English Democrats has reached deep into the heart of even Hastings Borough Council.

The English Democrats have long been advocating for the openess of government, both local and national. Politicians need to remember that they are there to serve the community and not for their personal gratification.

Published Date: 25 February 2010
By Richard Morris

A new culture of openness is being promised at Hastings Borough Council.
Mindful that politicians' reputations nationwide nosedived after the expenses scandal in Westminster, members of the local authority have vowed to try and restore public confidence in elected officials.

From now on the council will begin publishing on its website details of all payments over £500 made to suppliers and start uploading all background papers to committee reports prior to meetings. And more importantly according to councillors, the salaries of all chief officers at the local authority will be made public.Other plans include presenting residents with a host of alternative options during consultation, rather than just asking people whether or not they are in favour of one. And council meetings could soon be coming to a venue near you, after councillors mooted the idea of taking key meetings out on tour in an attempt to engage more residents in the political process.

Speaking at Wednesday's meeting, local Labour councillors moved plans to introduce a raft of new measures to make the authority more open and accountable. Cllr Jeremy Birch said: "When you speak to people they often say there are too many decisions made behind closed doors and that we never listen to them."There needs to be a culture change in how this council operates. "People need to feel they can have an input. Introducing these measures will help raise the standing of the council in this town. "The Conservatives on the council criticised Cllr Birch's decision to introduce the measure at such a late stage, with more than one Tory pointing out the irony of suggesting an amendment of this type without consulting the public first. However, Cllr Trevor Webbe countered: "I cannot see why this is so controversial. Surely transparency and openness are things all councils should be striving toward?"Lib Dems voted with the Labour group to force through the measures.

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