Saturday 6 March 2010

Have the English Democrats done a deal with UKIP?

The short answer is NO. I will repeat that 'NO'

There has been much said recently that the English Democrats have done an electoral deal with UKIP. This was to mean that the either party would not put candidates up against the other party. I can state most definitely that this is not the case. There is no electoral agreement between the the 2 parties.

I can also state that the Hastings candidate for UKIP has approached yours truly and asked for such an agreement, privately between the 2 of us. After I had politely declined the invitation he then went direct to the English Democrats Party Chairman and asked the same question of him. I consider that this was the height of rudeness after I made it clear to him that no such agreement would be made. The response from Robin Tilbrook, the English Democrats Party Chairman, was to say "If UKIP want to stand down in favour of the English Democrats that is fine, but we will never stand down in preference to UKIP".

That was pretty clear I thought. I hope that the message has been received loud and clear.
In theory it may sound reasonable but it has to be remembered that UKIP is effectively a 'One Issue' party and that is the removal of the UK from the EU. We at least agree on that point. The local UKIP man tells me that he will argue for an English Parliament. Well this is where the problems start because it is all very well the United Kingdom Independence Party local rep arguing for an English Parliament but search as I might I cannot see anywhere in their manifesto that this is official party policy.

Likewise, I simply cannot find their policies on Education, Health, Defense, Immigration.......... as I said, a 'One Issue' party. Compound this with the fact that UKIP is in the process of self imploding, then I am happy that we stand alone and fly the flag of St George and not the Union flag.

I also thought that it might be rather impolite to ask which of the two parties actually has an MEP currently serving a prison sentence for fiddling his expenses don't you?

Have Faith in England


  1. nither party has an MEP in jail. How could the English Democrats have on in prison anyway when they have never had one elected ?

    Single issue ? lol have you looked at at the top on the toolbar

  2. You can't have looked very hard for UKIP's policies. Go on and click on "policies" for a whole bundle of detailed policy papers.

  3. I used to belong to UKIP but realized that they are merely there to dilute the nationalist vote.As has been said nasty names fly against anyone that dare speak against the communists and their NWO I think Mr Bridger should think about that rather than join in with the same calls against the BNP!
