Monday 15 March 2010

Democracy Declared Dead in Hastings

Following a long illness, it has been announced that Democracy has finally passed away in Hastings. Democracy has fought a hard battle against her demise in Hastings, but finally passed away on Friday 12 March 2010 when the sitting MP for the town, capitulated to pressure from the left of his own party and announced that he would not attend a public Hustings on 25 March, because the BNP are scheduled to appear.

Following the announcement by Michael Foster MP that he would not be attending, both the Tory and the Lib Dem parties have also capitulated and announced they will also not attend. This leaves only the ‘small fry’ of the political spectrum, to try and keep the memory of democracy alive in the town. Also invited to appear were the English Democrat Party and the United Kingdom Independence Party.

Many people are surprised that there are indeed any other political parties standing in the coming election, due to the lack of media coverage (except the BNP), and welcomed the chance to ask questions of all six candidates. Of course there are other SEMI-hustings around the town but they appear to be the preserve of the Lib/Lab/Con party and as there is not enough room to slip the proverbial cigarette paper between them, there really is not a lot of point in attending these meetings. They are purely for the political ‘elite’ to preen themselves in public but are not designed to give the people the information they need to make a considered choice as to who will represent them in parliament.

This is further evidence of the contempt in which the Lib/Lab/Con party holds the people of Hastings. The BNP may very well be an extreme right wing, indeed Fascist party but at the same time the Labour Party is fully supported by the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) group which is determined to stifle Free Speech, in ordering Mr Foster not to attend. Of course the UAF is not a political party so will therefore not engage in political debate, preferring to rely on its bully boy tactics to control the Labour party and get its own way, and in this case has indeed won the day.

Friday was indeed a very sad day for Hastings for we can be certain that the so called ‘Three Main Parties’ really do have no interest in Free Speech and only disrespect for the people that they are supposed to serve. The only option for the revival of Democracy is for the people to vote for the English Democrats on 5th May, and return to parliament an Independent MP who will represent the people, and NOT the political party that he/she serves. And we are not afraid to debate with anyone, no matter how unpleasant they may appear to be.

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