Tuesday 2 March 2010

Medway Conservative “suggest’s supporting English Democrats

Medway Tory serial blogger admitted yesterday that the only other political party worth voting for is the English Democrats.
Writing on his blog yesterday John Ward said;
“With all the talk of voting for one or another of the minor political parties that I read in various places (generally in comments threads), I have been wondering just how much change will be made to the “others” vote numbers this time around.”
In his “helpful” blog John goes onto say (and i agree) that he is only meaning to be helpful and positive.
“Personally, I am too concerned about rescuing the country to bother with any of these others at this critical time; but for those who are dead set against voting Conservative, at least there is a possible alternative if the English Democrats are standing a candidate in your constituency. There would at least be merit in having one or more of them as MPs in the next parliamentary term, whereas I couldn’t in all honesty say that about any of the other “others”.
“The only minor party I could possibly suggest supporting would be the English Democrats. At least they have a decent outlook, a genuine point to make, and might actually be bothered to serve their constituents (unlike UKIP or Greens who are too tied up with their own agenda to bother with mere constituents’ own concerns and issues, as some have privately admitted).”
John also spoke about the “other” parties standing here in Kent and about the policies and level of support that they could offer;
“Would I suggest UKIP?” No!
Their outlook is hopelessly impractical (literally) as they are not interested in actually doing anything until and unless the UK pulls out of the EU, at which point they cease to have even a smidgeon of relevance anyway. Indeed, their leader was seriously contemplating closing down the party altogether, so they clearly have no commitment to even being there in the future. It would be a wasted vote on a party of boorish posturing (as Nigel Farage exemplifies) and no positive future for governance of the country.
“How about the Greens?” No!
Their Leftie agenda is all about taxation and Big State dictatorship, and not of enabling and progress, as always with the Left. We know that the “global warming” scam was devised by Marxists for that very purpose (taxation and dictatorship) and is based on completely false data, yet the Greens lap it up and use it as an excuse to be those dictators, given the chance.
“Well, surely not the BNP?” No!
For obvious reasons, there is no way that anyone with any knowledge of the BNP’s real nature could recommend a vote for them.
john spoke from the heart yesterday in his blog, identifying that the English Democrats are the countries fastest growing political party and pose a real threat to the 3 main parties.

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