Tuesday 9 March 2010

Free Speech? In Hastings? Are You Joking?

It has been the right of every English person to express the freedom of Free Speech for centuries. Every English person has the right to say what they like, where they like and when they like. The freedom of Free Speech is ingrained in our souls.

Well not anymore! Not in the brave New World Order of the New Labour Party. And certainly not in Hastings.

Not only do we no longer have the freedom of what we are saying, but we no longer have the freedom to even THINK what we want. The Thought Police already have the people of this country so tied up that we are afraid to even think thoughts that may upset the Labour party or any of their 'friends'. Should any 'miscreant' still harbour any quaint old thoughts of justice and right, then the Labour party will call in their 'Brownshirts' to break up and disperse those poor ill advised fools.

The evening of the 25th March will see a good old fashioned political husting organised by the Hastings Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses. The panel will consist of me, representing the English Democrats of course, the Lib/Lab/Con party, the UKIP and the BNP. Obviously the inclusion of the BNP will be controversial because of their views, but at least it will give us all the chance to hold a sober, reasoned debate on not only the issues that a lot of people find objectionable relating to the BNP but it will certainly give me a good platform to explain our issues to the public. This is particularly important to the English Democrats as I am not very often able to get anything printed in the local Hastings Observer.

However, it will be very unlikely that a reasoned and sober debate will be allowed to take place. Casting my eyes over the website of the Hastings Unite Against Fascists, I see that they are rapidly calling their members to arms to demonstrate and to disrupt the meeting. They believe that nobody should be permitted to debate with the BNP therefore they will do everything within their power to stop the meeting. Not all of the vitriol put forward by the UAF is directed at the BNP either! The English Democrats and indeed even the dear old UKIP are both described as 'Odious'. Prior to this the insults emanating from the UAF towards the English Democrats have been much, much worse than this. Which is a pity because I have offered to meet with them and 'Debate' relevant issues. But of course these 'stormtroopers' of Browns SS are not interested in debate.

What worries me greatly is that if the UAF are being their usual vocal selves outside of the meeting hall, it is likely that their counterparts, the English Defense League will also be in attendance. These people will not be standing quietly the other side of the road and saying 'shush, let the people ask their questions' to the baying mob across the other side of the road, they will both be trying to figure out how they can break the police lines (if they are there) and rip each others throats out!

And all the while, we poor people inside the hall, still hanging on to our fast disappearing images of democracy and freedom, still try to have that reasoned and sober debate.

I sincerely hope that no members of the public and that includes me, get hurt by these thugs. I fear it will be too much to hope that nobody is prevented from attending the meeting and I am particularly concerned about our police officers who will have to form the 'Peace Line' to allow people in and out and try to stop blood from being spilled in the streets of our town because of political intolerance.

According to the Hastings Observer at a meeting held last week to discuss the coming election, there is to be another five of these hustings! I welcome the opportunity to put the case of the English Democrats to the people but I do not welcome the intervention of political bully boys who are supported by the Labour party hierarchy and perversely some pretty high up members of the Tory party, aren't they Mr Cameron?

If the Labour party were really interested in free speech, they could stop the UAF thugs with one phone call but they're not and they won't. Please don't be put off by these people, come along and ask your questions. I welcome the opportunity to tell you my views. As somebody said to me only today "It's the price of democracy to have somebody like the BNP". But then of course the Labour party are not big on democracy, are they?

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