Friday 12 March 2010

BNP - Should we DEBATE with them?

Let's make one thing absolutely clear. I do not like the BNP! In particular I do not like their views on race. Yes, they now admit coloured and black people to their ranks but that is purely because if they failed to do so, they would have been shut down as a political entity. If you are told it is because they have 'seen the light', then you are being lied to. Their policy remains the same; Stop Immigration Dead - Send All 'Immigrants' home - Retain a 'White' population.

How on earth this would be obtained I have absolutely no idea. For instance, one of my own children has dark skin. His grandmother was Indian whilst his Grandfather was English, his Mother was of course, mixed blood. His Father was from Sri Lanka. However, he was born in the Mayday Hospital in Croydon and he has been with us since birth. Where the hell would they send him? England is his home and he is as English as I am.

The English Democrats view on Immigration is somewhat different to the BNP. We are not against Immigration per se. We ARE against the Open Door, Uncontrolled Mass Immigration that has been not only practised but encouraged by this Labour British Government. This is a policy that was deliberately adopted by the Government for at least two reasons. The first was to 'Rub the Tories noses in Diversity' and the second was to build their own voter base to ensure their continuance in power. Historically the majority of immigrants will vote Labour. This policy is a major factor in the growth of Far Right parties such as the BNP. People see huge unemployment, crowded schools, lower standards, poor housing and the creation of 'ghetto's' all as the fault of the Immigrants. It is not their fault of course, they just want a better life. It is squarely the responsibility of Gordon Brown.

The English Democrats WILL allow immigration, not only will we allow immigration but we recognise that there are times when it can be essential for the continued development of the country. However, that ever open door will be shut. We will control the type and number of persons that are allowed to come into the country and settle here. We will operate a points system similar to that operated by New Zealand. If a person can bring with them a skill that we need, if they can support themselves and therefore not be a burden on the nation, if they can speak English sufficiently well - then they will be welcome.

But, unless we talk to the BNP in open debate, how can anybody get this message across to the people. On the 25th of this month there is such a 'hustings' to be held in St Leonards at which 'yours truly' will be appearing. I welcome the opportunity to debate the 'Race' question with the BNP in a reasoned manner. That way the people will have a full understanding of what the various parties stand for. However, our own parliamentary representative, or at least that's what he should be - Michael Foster, has announced that he 'does not have to talk to them' and has withdrawn from the debate. Well Michael, you should talk to them, as should all of the candidates. Unless you are so ashamed of your own policies, you should be able to put your own case and at least TRY to destroy the BNPs argument. To skulk away and refuse to 'come out to play' is not the way to deal with any argument, certainly not such a serious one. You are neglecting tour duty.

However, I suspect that the truth is that Michael is simply following orders. Orders in this case issued by the Unite Against Fascists (UAF) movement, which is a left wing gathering of rabble rousers, supported and funded by the 'Establishment', who are against any form of Free Speech, unless they are saying it of course. These people have already committed themselves to disrupting the meeting on the 25th by preventing others from entering the venue. Of course, they have already achieved that by blocking Mr Foster's attendance.

No, I do not like the BNP - nor do I like that other Fascist group - the UAF.
Vote English Democrats on the 25th May.

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