Thursday 25 March 2010

And a Good Time Was Had by All

This evening saw the first Political Hustings at which the English Democrats were in attendance, in Hastings. Due to the BNP also being invited, the Lib/Lab/Con party withdrew leaving just us, UKIP and the BNP. Not the ideal situation but in the interests of Democracy I decided that we would attend. As it turned out, the BNP did not turn up! However, the sitting Labour MP and his two friends did, so we had an almost full panel but without any of the distractions presented by the BNP.

I must admit that I was nervous, this being my first time and in the company of seasoned politicians, but it all went very well in the end. Security was tight as nobody had told the UAF that the BNP would not be there and they were out there in force determined to disrupt the proceedings. However, so were Sussex Police and a very heavy and efficient security set up inside of the meeting hall. (I quite enjoyed being frisked but no more on that)!

Despite my initial nervousness where I was worried that I would be tongue tied and forget what I was going to say, but as soon as I felt that English blood pumping through my veins, the passion took over and I was soon into the swing of things and the time went very quickly. The Chairman had to stop me from over running a couple of times. I surprised even myself and I was soon ripping shreds off of all of the Lib/Lab/Con party and earning cheers from the audience. Good practise for the floor of the House I reckon.

To anyone who has one of these events coming up - ENJOY. Don't be nervous, once you start they will have a job to shut you up. Not many people had heard of us at the start of the meeting, but they certainly had by the finish.

I thoroughly enjoyed it God Save England.

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