Monday 29 March 2010

Can you spot a Totalitarian Government?

With acknowledgement and thanks to Mark Lancaster - English Democrats

Can you? Let us have a go and see if we can spot what is all around us?

I believe that a totalitarian system of government will conform to certain behaviours. Here is a list of some of those behaviours:-

A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe.

A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with.

A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control.

A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law.

A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights.

A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens.

A totalitarian government will crush dissent.

A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box.

A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry.

A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition.Allow me to examine these points and present some evidence.

A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe. The tool used by the governments of the Western world is political correctness. By using this tool certain subject become taboo and individuals become frightened of expressing views that may contradict political correctness. If one does attempt to challenge the mantras of the politically correct they are instantly labelled racist, sexist, fascist, etc. Debate is instantly stifled by such name calling. All 3 main parties adhere to the religion of political correctness.

A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with. Every totalitarian state has to rail against someone. In Nazi Germany it was communists and Jews. One of their first acts when gaining power was to burn down the Reichstag and blame it on Communist terrorists. In the USSR it was capitalism. In the Middle East it is Israel. In the modern Western World it is Islamic Terrorists. Please note how evidence is emerging that many terrorist attacks could have been prevented?

A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control. In England we have unelected Regional Assemblies. These have been renamed as Regional Development Agencies. Only the name has changed, the personal and the powers they wield have not. In Europe the European Commission is unelected. The President and all high offices are appointed by the political elite of Europe. No individual citizen has a vote. In England there has never been a vote to give sovereignty away and to obey the legislation of a foreign power. These decisions were taken by the political elite in our country. These people often take an unelected position in Europe as the reward for their complicity. If the British Government wants to legislate with the effort of debating it in public view in parliament that legislation is taken to Privy Council and debated in secret. Appropriate laws are then passed.

A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law. Under European Law no EU Commissioner can be prosecuted for wrong doing. The European Commission has failed to get its accounts through audit for the last 15 years. Has any government spoken up and brought them to task? It is suspected that the black hole in European Accounts cover billions of Euros of taxpayers money. There will be no investigation into the losses. In the UK government there has only been 4 prosecutions arising from the expenses scandal. A majority of MPs and many Lords wrongfully and knowingly claimed money they were not entitled to; an act that would have got most working people sacked and in many cases, prosecuted.

A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights. Since 2001 various acts of parliament have eroded the human rights of our citizens. The rule of Habeas Corpus so enshrined in the Magna Carta has effectively been eradicated if the word terrorism is used in the case against the individual. You can be detained without trial for 28 days since 2001.No one is allowed to protest outside our own parliament building without first getting permission from the Police. Why? To prevent acts of terrorism!

A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens. What are we really doing in Afghanistan and what did we really do in Iraq? Instead of preventing terrorism it has put us more at risk from terrorism. This threat allows the government of the UK and Europe to further restrict the rights of its citizens. ID cards are promoted as a way of fighting terrorism. With these the government will have information on all its citizens and the effective means to control them. Software already exists that allows GCHQ to spy on the computer accounts of all UK citizens and to monitor all telephone calls. Is it used? Probably but we will never be told the truth. Telling the truth may aid terrorists. Can you see where this is going? The Conservative and Unionist Party fully supported the war in Iraq. A totalitarian government will crush dissent. In the UK any political group that contradicts the gospel of political correctness are likely to be visited by the Union Against Fascism. A political meeting in Hasting has already had to be abandoned in the run up to the election because the BNP would be on the platform. Not that the BNP are their only target. Anyone protesting on behalf of English rights is met by violence from these thugs. They are effectively the Brown Shirts of the Labour Party. Whoever the protesters may be their aim is always to stop reasoned debate by violence and shouting people down. Think back over the last 60 years and reflect on the rise of violent protest. Now ask yourself this; how many violent protesters have found their way into the heart of the British and European Governments?

A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box. Last year we had the European elections. The European Parliament does not make legislation. It rubber stamps the laws created by the European Commission. MEPs are only allowed 90 seconds to speak on any subject. Democracy in action? You tell me!In the UK we have reached a state where the difference between the 3 tired old parties is only discernible to the most learned political scholar. In the expenses scandal they rallied round and defended each other. When the Lisbon Treaty was signed and many of our national rights given away there was no referendum. After the next election none of the 3 larger (for now) parties will consult their people on this subject. The mother of all democracies has only ever once allowed the whole nation a referendum. This was in 1975 regarding continued membership of the then known Common Market. Evidence now shows that the people were lied to about loss of sovereignty. In the North East of England the people were allowed a vote as to whether they wanted a Regional Assembly. The result of the vote was a resounding; “No!” The government’s response? To go ahead regardless and rename the Assemblies as Regional Development Agencies and rule out direct elections. Under devolution the English were denied a Parliament like the other Home Nations. All 3 main parties and most of the smaller parties oppose the establishing of an English Parliament. Recent polls have shown that 60% of English voters want an English Parliament. Every study into the subject states that the English should have a Parliament. Many are now concluding that the only reason the 3 larger parties will not agree to an English Parliament are purely for party reasons. Party before the people? Is that a totalitarian trait? You tell me!

A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry. Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you the BBC. Probably one of the most politically correct organisations in the country! For example; whenever the English Democrat Chairman, Robin Tillbrook is interviewed he has little chance to discuss policy. He spends most of his allotted time answering the same question. Are we like the BNP? For the last time BBC the answer is a resounding, “NO!” Are the English Democrats ever allowed the time to explain the difference between our democratic values and approach and those of the LibLabCon? Never! What of Sky TV? Rupert Murdoch has decided this time around to support the Conservatives and call me Dave. Please note with both of the above how often the term British is applied when in truth they should be saying English.

The European Soviet (Union) has a large publicity department and spends millions of Euros every year telling people how good Europe is for them. They even have a cartoon action character who is used to promote European Union in Schools. A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition. As an English Democrat I have tried many times to get debates going with my local television station, radio and the national press with regard to an English Parliament, the Barnett Formula, Europe, etc. My success rate? To date; nothing! Ask English Democrats around the Nation what success they have. You will find the same answer time and time again. In the ‘leaders’ debates only three parties will be allowed onto the debates. There will be strict controls on the audience. Cheering and applauding are banned!If you can tell me when the issues of an English Parliament and the Barnett Formula have been debated on national TV or in the press I would like to know. So, there you have it. What I think makes up a totalitarian state and my thoughts as how they apply to us.What do you think?

Crikey! I almost forgot the biggest give away of all. How could I be so careless?

A totalitarian government WILL LIE!

You can put you own evidence in here!Please note, for the sake of space this is not a concise list of my thoughts!

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