Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.. Separately, Rudd angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT.. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know
Monday, 29 March 2010
Can you spot a Totalitarian Government?
With acknowledgement and thanks to Mark Lancaster - English Democrats
Can you? Let us have a go and see if we can spot what is all around us?
I believe that a totalitarian system of government will conform to certain behaviours. Here is a list of some of those behaviours:-
A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe.
A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with.
A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control.
A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law.
A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights.
A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens.
A totalitarian government will crush dissent.
A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box.
A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry.
A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition.Allow me to examine these points and present some evidence.
A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe. The tool used by the governments of the Western world is political correctness. By using this tool certain subject become taboo and individuals become frightened of expressing views that may contradict political correctness. If one does attempt to challenge the mantras of the politically correct they are instantly labelled racist, sexist, fascist, etc. Debate is instantly stifled by such name calling. All 3 main parties adhere to the religion of political correctness.
A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with. Every totalitarian state has to rail against someone. In Nazi Germany it was communists and Jews. One of their first acts when gaining power was to burn down the Reichstag and blame it on Communist terrorists. In the USSR it was capitalism. In the Middle East it is Israel. In the modern Western World it is Islamic Terrorists. Please note how evidence is emerging that many terrorist attacks could have been prevented?
A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control. In England we have unelected Regional Assemblies. These have been renamed as Regional Development Agencies. Only the name has changed, the personal and the powers they wield have not. In Europe the European Commission is unelected. The President and all high offices are appointed by the political elite of Europe. No individual citizen has a vote. In England there has never been a vote to give sovereignty away and to obey the legislation of a foreign power. These decisions were taken by the political elite in our country. These people often take an unelected position in Europe as the reward for their complicity. If the British Government wants to legislate with the effort of debating it in public view in parliament that legislation is taken to Privy Council and debated in secret. Appropriate laws are then passed.
A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law. Under European Law no EU Commissioner can be prosecuted for wrong doing. The European Commission has failed to get its accounts through audit for the last 15 years. Has any government spoken up and brought them to task? It is suspected that the black hole in European Accounts cover billions of Euros of taxpayers money. There will be no investigation into the losses. In the UK government there has only been 4 prosecutions arising from the expenses scandal. A majority of MPs and many Lords wrongfully and knowingly claimed money they were not entitled to; an act that would have got most working people sacked and in many cases, prosecuted.
A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights. Since 2001 various acts of parliament have eroded the human rights of our citizens. The rule of Habeas Corpus so enshrined in the Magna Carta has effectively been eradicated if the word terrorism is used in the case against the individual. You can be detained without trial for 28 days since 2001.No one is allowed to protest outside our own parliament building without first getting permission from the Police. Why? To prevent acts of terrorism!
A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens. What are we really doing in Afghanistan and what did we really do in Iraq? Instead of preventing terrorism it has put us more at risk from terrorism. This threat allows the government of the UK and Europe to further restrict the rights of its citizens. ID cards are promoted as a way of fighting terrorism. With these the government will have information on all its citizens and the effective means to control them. Software already exists that allows GCHQ to spy on the computer accounts of all UK citizens and to monitor all telephone calls. Is it used? Probably but we will never be told the truth. Telling the truth may aid terrorists. Can you see where this is going? The Conservative and Unionist Party fully supported the war in Iraq. A totalitarian government will crush dissent. In the UK any political group that contradicts the gospel of political correctness are likely to be visited by the Union Against Fascism. A political meeting in Hasting has already had to be abandoned in the run up to the election because the BNP would be on the platform. Not that the BNP are their only target. Anyone protesting on behalf of English rights is met by violence from these thugs. They are effectively the Brown Shirts of the Labour Party. Whoever the protesters may be their aim is always to stop reasoned debate by violence and shouting people down. Think back over the last 60 years and reflect on the rise of violent protest. Now ask yourself this; how many violent protesters have found their way into the heart of the British and European Governments?
A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box. Last year we had the European elections. The European Parliament does not make legislation. It rubber stamps the laws created by the European Commission. MEPs are only allowed 90 seconds to speak on any subject. Democracy in action? You tell me!In the UK we have reached a state where the difference between the 3 tired old parties is only discernible to the most learned political scholar. In the expenses scandal they rallied round and defended each other. When the Lisbon Treaty was signed and many of our national rights given away there was no referendum. After the next election none of the 3 larger (for now) parties will consult their people on this subject. The mother of all democracies has only ever once allowed the whole nation a referendum. This was in 1975 regarding continued membership of the then known Common Market. Evidence now shows that the people were lied to about loss of sovereignty. In the North East of England the people were allowed a vote as to whether they wanted a Regional Assembly. The result of the vote was a resounding; “No!” The government’s response? To go ahead regardless and rename the Assemblies as Regional Development Agencies and rule out direct elections. Under devolution the English were denied a Parliament like the other Home Nations. All 3 main parties and most of the smaller parties oppose the establishing of an English Parliament. Recent polls have shown that 60% of English voters want an English Parliament. Every study into the subject states that the English should have a Parliament. Many are now concluding that the only reason the 3 larger parties will not agree to an English Parliament are purely for party reasons. Party before the people? Is that a totalitarian trait? You tell me!
A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry. Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you the BBC. Probably one of the most politically correct organisations in the country! For example; whenever the English Democrat Chairman, Robin Tillbrook is interviewed he has little chance to discuss policy. He spends most of his allotted time answering the same question. Are we like the BNP? For the last time BBC the answer is a resounding, “NO!” Are the English Democrats ever allowed the time to explain the difference between our democratic values and approach and those of the LibLabCon? Never! What of Sky TV? Rupert Murdoch has decided this time around to support the Conservatives and call me Dave. Please note with both of the above how often the term British is applied when in truth they should be saying English.
The European Soviet (Union) has a large publicity department and spends millions of Euros every year telling people how good Europe is for them. They even have a cartoon action character who is used to promote European Union in Schools. A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition. As an English Democrat I have tried many times to get debates going with my local television station, radio and the national press with regard to an English Parliament, the Barnett Formula, Europe, etc. My success rate? To date; nothing! Ask English Democrats around the Nation what success they have. You will find the same answer time and time again. In the ‘leaders’ debates only three parties will be allowed onto the debates. There will be strict controls on the audience. Cheering and applauding are banned!If you can tell me when the issues of an English Parliament and the Barnett Formula have been debated on national TV or in the press I would like to know. So, there you have it. What I think makes up a totalitarian state and my thoughts as how they apply to us.What do you think?
Crikey! I almost forgot the biggest give away of all. How could I be so careless?
A totalitarian government WILL LIE!
You can put you own evidence in here!Please note, for the sake of space this is not a concise list of my thoughts!
Can you? Let us have a go and see if we can spot what is all around us?
I believe that a totalitarian system of government will conform to certain behaviours. Here is a list of some of those behaviours:-
A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe.
A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with.
A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control.
A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law.
A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights.
A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens.
A totalitarian government will crush dissent.
A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box.
A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry.
A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition.Allow me to examine these points and present some evidence.
A totalitarian government will attempt to dominate the minds of its citizens and tell them what to believe. The tool used by the governments of the Western world is political correctness. By using this tool certain subject become taboo and individuals become frightened of expressing views that may contradict political correctness. If one does attempt to challenge the mantras of the politically correct they are instantly labelled racist, sexist, fascist, etc. Debate is instantly stifled by such name calling. All 3 main parties adhere to the religion of political correctness.
A totalitarian government will always have a bogey man to scare its citizens with. Every totalitarian state has to rail against someone. In Nazi Germany it was communists and Jews. One of their first acts when gaining power was to burn down the Reichstag and blame it on Communist terrorists. In the USSR it was capitalism. In the Middle East it is Israel. In the modern Western World it is Islamic Terrorists. Please note how evidence is emerging that many terrorist attacks could have been prevented?
A totalitarian government will remove large sections of the government from democratic control. In England we have unelected Regional Assemblies. These have been renamed as Regional Development Agencies. Only the name has changed, the personal and the powers they wield have not. In Europe the European Commission is unelected. The President and all high offices are appointed by the political elite of Europe. No individual citizen has a vote. In England there has never been a vote to give sovereignty away and to obey the legislation of a foreign power. These decisions were taken by the political elite in our country. These people often take an unelected position in Europe as the reward for their complicity. If the British Government wants to legislate with the effort of debating it in public view in parliament that legislation is taken to Privy Council and debated in secret. Appropriate laws are then passed.
A totalitarian government will shield its administrators from the law. Under European Law no EU Commissioner can be prosecuted for wrong doing. The European Commission has failed to get its accounts through audit for the last 15 years. Has any government spoken up and brought them to task? It is suspected that the black hole in European Accounts cover billions of Euros of taxpayers money. There will be no investigation into the losses. In the UK government there has only been 4 prosecutions arising from the expenses scandal. A majority of MPs and many Lords wrongfully and knowingly claimed money they were not entitled to; an act that would have got most working people sacked and in many cases, prosecuted.
A totalitarian government will use the bogey man to legislate against human rights. Since 2001 various acts of parliament have eroded the human rights of our citizens. The rule of Habeas Corpus so enshrined in the Magna Carta has effectively been eradicated if the word terrorism is used in the case against the individual. You can be detained without trial for 28 days since 2001.No one is allowed to protest outside our own parliament building without first getting permission from the Police. Why? To prevent acts of terrorism!
A totalitarian government will have to go to war against the bogey man and use this as an excuse to legislate further on human rights and to spy on its citizens. What are we really doing in Afghanistan and what did we really do in Iraq? Instead of preventing terrorism it has put us more at risk from terrorism. This threat allows the government of the UK and Europe to further restrict the rights of its citizens. ID cards are promoted as a way of fighting terrorism. With these the government will have information on all its citizens and the effective means to control them. Software already exists that allows GCHQ to spy on the computer accounts of all UK citizens and to monitor all telephone calls. Is it used? Probably but we will never be told the truth. Telling the truth may aid terrorists. Can you see where this is going? The Conservative and Unionist Party fully supported the war in Iraq. A totalitarian government will crush dissent. In the UK any political group that contradicts the gospel of political correctness are likely to be visited by the Union Against Fascism. A political meeting in Hasting has already had to be abandoned in the run up to the election because the BNP would be on the platform. Not that the BNP are their only target. Anyone protesting on behalf of English rights is met by violence from these thugs. They are effectively the Brown Shirts of the Labour Party. Whoever the protesters may be their aim is always to stop reasoned debate by violence and shouting people down. Think back over the last 60 years and reflect on the rise of violent protest. Now ask yourself this; how many violent protesters have found their way into the heart of the British and European Governments?
A totalitarian government will present a façade of democracy while in reality the people have no choice at the ballot box. Last year we had the European elections. The European Parliament does not make legislation. It rubber stamps the laws created by the European Commission. MEPs are only allowed 90 seconds to speak on any subject. Democracy in action? You tell me!In the UK we have reached a state where the difference between the 3 tired old parties is only discernible to the most learned political scholar. In the expenses scandal they rallied round and defended each other. When the Lisbon Treaty was signed and many of our national rights given away there was no referendum. After the next election none of the 3 larger (for now) parties will consult their people on this subject. The mother of all democracies has only ever once allowed the whole nation a referendum. This was in 1975 regarding continued membership of the then known Common Market. Evidence now shows that the people were lied to about loss of sovereignty. In the North East of England the people were allowed a vote as to whether they wanted a Regional Assembly. The result of the vote was a resounding; “No!” The government’s response? To go ahead regardless and rename the Assemblies as Regional Development Agencies and rule out direct elections. Under devolution the English were denied a Parliament like the other Home Nations. All 3 main parties and most of the smaller parties oppose the establishing of an English Parliament. Recent polls have shown that 60% of English voters want an English Parliament. Every study into the subject states that the English should have a Parliament. Many are now concluding that the only reason the 3 larger parties will not agree to an English Parliament are purely for party reasons. Party before the people? Is that a totalitarian trait? You tell me!
A totalitarian government will employ a propaganda ministry. Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you the BBC. Probably one of the most politically correct organisations in the country! For example; whenever the English Democrat Chairman, Robin Tillbrook is interviewed he has little chance to discuss policy. He spends most of his allotted time answering the same question. Are we like the BNP? For the last time BBC the answer is a resounding, “NO!” Are the English Democrats ever allowed the time to explain the difference between our democratic values and approach and those of the LibLabCon? Never! What of Sky TV? Rupert Murdoch has decided this time around to support the Conservatives and call me Dave. Please note with both of the above how often the term British is applied when in truth they should be saying English.
The European Soviet (Union) has a large publicity department and spends millions of Euros every year telling people how good Europe is for them. They even have a cartoon action character who is used to promote European Union in Schools. A totalitarian government will control the media and use that control to stifle opposition. As an English Democrat I have tried many times to get debates going with my local television station, radio and the national press with regard to an English Parliament, the Barnett Formula, Europe, etc. My success rate? To date; nothing! Ask English Democrats around the Nation what success they have. You will find the same answer time and time again. In the ‘leaders’ debates only three parties will be allowed onto the debates. There will be strict controls on the audience. Cheering and applauding are banned!If you can tell me when the issues of an English Parliament and the Barnett Formula have been debated on national TV or in the press I would like to know. So, there you have it. What I think makes up a totalitarian state and my thoughts as how they apply to us.What do you think?
Crikey! I almost forgot the biggest give away of all. How could I be so careless?
A totalitarian government WILL LIE!
You can put you own evidence in here!Please note, for the sake of space this is not a concise list of my thoughts!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
And a Good Time Was Had by All
This evening saw the first Political Hustings at which the English Democrats were in attendance, in Hastings. Due to the BNP also being invited, the Lib/Lab/Con party withdrew leaving just us, UKIP and the BNP. Not the ideal situation but in the interests of Democracy I decided that we would attend. As it turned out, the BNP did not turn up! However, the sitting Labour MP and his two friends did, so we had an almost full panel but without any of the distractions presented by the BNP.
I must admit that I was nervous, this being my first time and in the company of seasoned politicians, but it all went very well in the end. Security was tight as nobody had told the UAF that the BNP would not be there and they were out there in force determined to disrupt the proceedings. However, so were Sussex Police and a very heavy and efficient security set up inside of the meeting hall. (I quite enjoyed being frisked but no more on that)!
Despite my initial nervousness where I was worried that I would be tongue tied and forget what I was going to say, but as soon as I felt that English blood pumping through my veins, the passion took over and I was soon into the swing of things and the time went very quickly. The Chairman had to stop me from over running a couple of times. I surprised even myself and I was soon ripping shreds off of all of the Lib/Lab/Con party and earning cheers from the audience. Good practise for the floor of the House I reckon.
To anyone who has one of these events coming up - ENJOY. Don't be nervous, once you start they will have a job to shut you up. Not many people had heard of us at the start of the meeting, but they certainly had by the finish.
I thoroughly enjoyed it God Save England.
I must admit that I was nervous, this being my first time and in the company of seasoned politicians, but it all went very well in the end. Security was tight as nobody had told the UAF that the BNP would not be there and they were out there in force determined to disrupt the proceedings. However, so were Sussex Police and a very heavy and efficient security set up inside of the meeting hall. (I quite enjoyed being frisked but no more on that)!
Despite my initial nervousness where I was worried that I would be tongue tied and forget what I was going to say, but as soon as I felt that English blood pumping through my veins, the passion took over and I was soon into the swing of things and the time went very quickly. The Chairman had to stop me from over running a couple of times. I surprised even myself and I was soon ripping shreds off of all of the Lib/Lab/Con party and earning cheers from the audience. Good practise for the floor of the House I reckon.
To anyone who has one of these events coming up - ENJOY. Don't be nervous, once you start they will have a job to shut you up. Not many people had heard of us at the start of the meeting, but they certainly had by the finish.
I thoroughly enjoyed it God Save England.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Battle for Democracy
Thursday 25th March 2010. 57 Marina St Leonards. 7pm.
Date Place and Time of the only Democratic debate to be held in Hastings for this election.
The only chance for the people of Hastings to have ALL SIX of the candidates in the same place at the same time, to answer any question put to them by the people that matter - YOU the voter.
Due to be present were the three 'Main' parties plus the English Democrats, UK Independent Party & the British National Party.
Unfortunately, the unrepresentative Unite Against Fascists UAF have decided that it is not right to allow anybody to talk to the BNP and instructed their lapdog politicians not to attend. Consequently our Labour MP Michael Foster has done as he has been ordered and withdrawn saying that although the BNP have the right to speak, he 'doesn't have to speak to them'.
The other very good friend of the extreme left UAF, Nick Parry of the Lib Dems and also Amber Rudd of the Tories have both withdrawn saying that although they disagree with Michael, they also will not attend.
Apparently the people of Hastings - that's the same people that you all want to 'Represent' Foster, Parry and Rudd - are not important enough to you to bother to attend. Well they are important enough to me. I will be there, ready to answer ANY question that the PEOPLE want to throw at me. I will not lie to them, I will tell the truth. If they don't want to hear what I have to so, so be it, but I reckon that they will.
It will not be any easy evening as the UAF have said that they will do what they can to disrupt the meeting and they will be gathering from about 6pm, with whistles, drums and trumpets. Clearly 'Free Speech' is OK as long as you say what they want you to say.
I am asking for as much support as possible for this meeting, whether you are English Democrat or not. It is important to demonstrate to these thugs that Democracy is important and will win through in the end.
Please show your support for Democracy and come to this meeting.
Date Place and Time of the only Democratic debate to be held in Hastings for this election.
The only chance for the people of Hastings to have ALL SIX of the candidates in the same place at the same time, to answer any question put to them by the people that matter - YOU the voter.
Due to be present were the three 'Main' parties plus the English Democrats, UK Independent Party & the British National Party.
Unfortunately, the unrepresentative Unite Against Fascists UAF have decided that it is not right to allow anybody to talk to the BNP and instructed their lapdog politicians not to attend. Consequently our Labour MP Michael Foster has done as he has been ordered and withdrawn saying that although the BNP have the right to speak, he 'doesn't have to speak to them'.
The other very good friend of the extreme left UAF, Nick Parry of the Lib Dems and also Amber Rudd of the Tories have both withdrawn saying that although they disagree with Michael, they also will not attend.
Apparently the people of Hastings - that's the same people that you all want to 'Represent' Foster, Parry and Rudd - are not important enough to you to bother to attend. Well they are important enough to me. I will be there, ready to answer ANY question that the PEOPLE want to throw at me. I will not lie to them, I will tell the truth. If they don't want to hear what I have to so, so be it, but I reckon that they will.
It will not be any easy evening as the UAF have said that they will do what they can to disrupt the meeting and they will be gathering from about 6pm, with whistles, drums and trumpets. Clearly 'Free Speech' is OK as long as you say what they want you to say.
I am asking for as much support as possible for this meeting, whether you are English Democrat or not. It is important to demonstrate to these thugs that Democracy is important and will win through in the end.
Please show your support for Democracy and come to this meeting.
HASTINGS - is Dying of Boring Old Farts
Hastings is dying of boring old farts!
This town is crying out for new blood.
Don't turn away, it's YOUR town and the home of YOUR kids.
You could do something really serious about your home town and make it somewhere really fantastic to live in, work in and bring your family up in.
It's up to you.
Don't do nothing and then complain.
Call me on 0844 3574 799 and do something really important. It won't cost either.
Waiting to hear from you.
This town is crying out for new blood.
Don't turn away, it's YOUR town and the home of YOUR kids.
You could do something really serious about your home town and make it somewhere really fantastic to live in, work in and bring your family up in.
It's up to you.
Don't do nothing and then complain.
Call me on 0844 3574 799 and do something really important. It won't cost either.
Waiting to hear from you.
Monday, 22 March 2010
What is a Healthy Life Style?

I received this in email form this morning from a source within the NHS. It makes you think!
Q. Doctor, I've heard that a cardiovascular exercise regime can prolong my Life. Is this true?
A. Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it....Don't waste time on exercise, everything wears out eventually. Speeding you heart up does not make you live longer. It's like saying you extend the life of a car by revving the engine.
Q. Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruit & vegetables?
A. It is essential to have a balanced understanding of logistical efficiency. What does a cow eat? Grass, hay and corn. What are these? Vegetables. Therefore a steak is nothing more than an efficient method of delivering vegetables to your system. Should you need grain - eat a chicken. Free Range Beef is a very good source of field grass, which is a green leaf vegetable. A pork chop will provide 100% of recommended daily allowance of vegetable product.
Q. Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A. No. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, which means that the water is removed from the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is made from grain as is whisky. Bottoms up!
Q. How can I calculate my body fat?
A. There is a very simple method of calculation; If you have a body and you have fat, the ratio is one - to - one. Two bodies two - to - one. Got it?
Q. What are some of the advantages for participating in regular exercise?
A. Err...can't think of any. My philosophy is 'No Pain - good'.
Q. Aren't fried foods bad for you?
A. YOU ARE NOT LISTENING. Most food is fried in VEGETABLE oil nowadays. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?
Q. Will 'sit ups' prevent me from getting a little soft around the tummy?
A. Definitely not. When you exercise muscle, it gets bigger. You should only do sit ups if you want a bigger tummy.
Q. Is chocolate bad for me.
A. At the risk of repeating myself. Chocolate comes from cocoa BEANS. Beans = vegetable. Therefore chocolate is good for you and the best feel good food around.
Q. Is swimming good for your figure?
A. If swimming is good for your figure - explain a whale to me!
Q Is getting in shape good for my lifestyle?
A. Hey, 'round' is a shape!
I hope that this has explained any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.
With regard to your actual lifestyle, remember; Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body - but rather to skid in side ways - chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly shagged out and used up and screaming "WHOO-HOOO, what a ride"!
AND for those who insist on watching every mouthful of food, here's a final word on nutrition and health. Its a relief to know the Truth after all of the conflicting nutritional studies.
1. The Japanese eat very little fat - and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat - and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
3. The Chinese drink very little red wine - and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine - and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
5. The Germans drink a lot of beer, eat a lot of sausages and fats - and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
Eat and Drink what you like.
It is Speaking English that kills you!!!
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
The Link between New Labour and the UAF

Please do not underestimate the Unite Against Fascists (UAF) organisation.
They are not ‘misguided fools’ as some would believe, neither are they trying to ‘do good’. They are an extreme left wing group of people, who hide behind anonymity and use bully boy tactics to achieve their end.
Their goal is to stifle FREE SPEECH. They will do this by any means possible, using intimidation and the power they hold within the Labour party. They are funded and supported by the Labour party and most, if not all members of the ‘top table’ of the Labour party have signed their support to them, including Gordon Brown. As long as you agree with the aims of New Labour, you may succeed in avoiding the attention of this insidious group of troublemakers, but even that is not guaranteed. The sole purpose of the existence of the UAF is to subdue and silence opposition, ANY opposition to their version of the Labour party.
A meeting was due to be held in Hastings Sussex with all six candidates present, this would have allowed the people of this town, an opportunity to quiz them and compare the answers and consequently help them make a considered decision as to which way they would vote in May. However, the UAF have ordered Michael Foster, the sitting Labour MP not to attend. Naturally he has obeyed his orders and withdrawn. What is slightly more confusing on the face of it is that the candidates for both the Conservative and the Liberal Democrats have also withdrawn, saying that although they believe the decision of Michael Foster, was wrong – they will also withdraw! The result is of course that the people of the town, no longer have the ability to make an enlightened decision. So much for Free Speech! The meeting is still scheduled to go ahead but with only three of the candidates present. They are the English Democrats, UKIP and the BNP. Oh, and of course, the unrepresentative UAF. There are other meetings scheduled to take place but all of them will consist of just the three ‘Main’ parties which in reality, is just a nice genteel opportunity for Mr Foster, Miss Rudd and Mr Perry to have a nice gentle chat amongst themselves and to hell with what the people think!
In nearby Eastbourne a similar meeting due to take place has been cancelled completely. The Unison union who own the venue location have decided that they do not want the BNP on their premises. This is slightly more acceptable than the situation in Hastings but is still anti democratic and against the ethos of Free Speech and indeed Freedom itself.
The reason that the BNP polls as many votes as they do in towns like Hastings and also the reason why the turnout is so low, is because the people only have two alternatives to voting for the Lib/Lab/Con party and that is vote either for the BNP as a protest or, to not vote at all. The English Democrats ARE an alternative and we are meeting amazing support on the streets of Hastings and every other town across the land, where the word is being carried.
The target this time is the British National Party but we have to ask “If not the BNP, then who?” The English Democrats in Hastings have already been targeted by the UAF and branded as ‘Extreme Right-wing’, ‘Racist’ and many other insults. These accusations are of course made anonymously with the authors using pseudonyms as opposed to their real names, although I am reasonably confident as to the identity of one of them as a Labour councillor. Should they succeed in chasing the BNP away, I am confident that we will become their next target - until all opposition is quashed. The status quo will then be resumed, with power being bounced between the ‘Old Boys’ network of Tories and Labour, with the occasional input from the Libs.
Onward then to the ‘Brave New World’ which is the ultimate aim, with the Regions of the former United Kingdom being fully absorbed by the EUSSR. I wonder where they will place the Gulag?
No, do not make the mistake that the UAF are ‘misguided do-gooders’, they are in deadly earnest and are committed to destroying all opposition to their aim, which is a Communist Style EUSSR.
They are not ‘misguided fools’ as some would believe, neither are they trying to ‘do good’. They are an extreme left wing group of people, who hide behind anonymity and use bully boy tactics to achieve their end.
Their goal is to stifle FREE SPEECH. They will do this by any means possible, using intimidation and the power they hold within the Labour party. They are funded and supported by the Labour party and most, if not all members of the ‘top table’ of the Labour party have signed their support to them, including Gordon Brown. As long as you agree with the aims of New Labour, you may succeed in avoiding the attention of this insidious group of troublemakers, but even that is not guaranteed. The sole purpose of the existence of the UAF is to subdue and silence opposition, ANY opposition to their version of the Labour party.
A meeting was due to be held in Hastings Sussex with all six candidates present, this would have allowed the people of this town, an opportunity to quiz them and compare the answers and consequently help them make a considered decision as to which way they would vote in May. However, the UAF have ordered Michael Foster, the sitting Labour MP not to attend. Naturally he has obeyed his orders and withdrawn. What is slightly more confusing on the face of it is that the candidates for both the Conservative and the Liberal Democrats have also withdrawn, saying that although they believe the decision of Michael Foster, was wrong – they will also withdraw! The result is of course that the people of the town, no longer have the ability to make an enlightened decision. So much for Free Speech! The meeting is still scheduled to go ahead but with only three of the candidates present. They are the English Democrats, UKIP and the BNP. Oh, and of course, the unrepresentative UAF. There are other meetings scheduled to take place but all of them will consist of just the three ‘Main’ parties which in reality, is just a nice genteel opportunity for Mr Foster, Miss Rudd and Mr Perry to have a nice gentle chat amongst themselves and to hell with what the people think!
In nearby Eastbourne a similar meeting due to take place has been cancelled completely. The Unison union who own the venue location have decided that they do not want the BNP on their premises. This is slightly more acceptable than the situation in Hastings but is still anti democratic and against the ethos of Free Speech and indeed Freedom itself.
The reason that the BNP polls as many votes as they do in towns like Hastings and also the reason why the turnout is so low, is because the people only have two alternatives to voting for the Lib/Lab/Con party and that is vote either for the BNP as a protest or, to not vote at all. The English Democrats ARE an alternative and we are meeting amazing support on the streets of Hastings and every other town across the land, where the word is being carried.
The target this time is the British National Party but we have to ask “If not the BNP, then who?” The English Democrats in Hastings have already been targeted by the UAF and branded as ‘Extreme Right-wing’, ‘Racist’ and many other insults. These accusations are of course made anonymously with the authors using pseudonyms as opposed to their real names, although I am reasonably confident as to the identity of one of them as a Labour councillor. Should they succeed in chasing the BNP away, I am confident that we will become their next target - until all opposition is quashed. The status quo will then be resumed, with power being bounced between the ‘Old Boys’ network of Tories and Labour, with the occasional input from the Libs.
Onward then to the ‘Brave New World’ which is the ultimate aim, with the Regions of the former United Kingdom being fully absorbed by the EUSSR. I wonder where they will place the Gulag?
No, do not make the mistake that the UAF are ‘misguided do-gooders’, they are in deadly earnest and are committed to destroying all opposition to their aim, which is a Communist Style EUSSR.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Democracy Declared Dead in Hastings

Following a long illness, it has been announced that Democracy has finally passed away in Hastings. Democracy has fought a hard battle against her demise in Hastings, but finally passed away on Friday 12 March 2010 when the sitting MP for the town, capitulated to pressure from the left of his own party and announced that he would not attend a public Hustings on 25 March, because the BNP are scheduled to appear.
Following the announcement by Michael Foster MP that he would not be attending, both the Tory and the Lib Dem parties have also capitulated and announced they will also not attend. This leaves only the ‘small fry’ of the political spectrum, to try and keep the memory of democracy alive in the town. Also invited to appear were the English Democrat Party and the United Kingdom Independence Party.
Many people are surprised that there are indeed any other political parties standing in the coming election, due to the lack of media coverage (except the BNP), and welcomed the chance to ask questions of all six candidates. Of course there are other SEMI-hustings around the town but they appear to be the preserve of the Lib/Lab/Con party and as there is not enough room to slip the proverbial cigarette paper between them, there really is not a lot of point in attending these meetings. They are purely for the political ‘elite’ to preen themselves in public but are not designed to give the people the information they need to make a considered choice as to who will represent them in parliament.
This is further evidence of the contempt in which the Lib/Lab/Con party holds the people of Hastings. The BNP may very well be an extreme right wing, indeed Fascist party but at the same time the Labour Party is fully supported by the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) group which is determined to stifle Free Speech, in ordering Mr Foster not to attend. Of course the UAF is not a political party so will therefore not engage in political debate, preferring to rely on its bully boy tactics to control the Labour party and get its own way, and in this case has indeed won the day.
Friday was indeed a very sad day for Hastings for we can be certain that the so called ‘Three Main Parties’ really do have no interest in Free Speech and only disrespect for the people that they are supposed to serve. The only option for the revival of Democracy is for the people to vote for the English Democrats on 5th May, and return to parliament an Independent MP who will represent the people, and NOT the political party that he/she serves. And we are not afraid to debate with anyone, no matter how unpleasant they may appear to be.
Friday, 12 March 2010
BNP - Should we DEBATE with them?

Let's make one thing absolutely clear. I do not like the BNP! In particular I do not like their views on race. Yes, they now admit coloured and black people to their ranks but that is purely because if they failed to do so, they would have been shut down as a political entity. If you are told it is because they have 'seen the light', then you are being lied to. Their policy remains the same; Stop Immigration Dead - Send All 'Immigrants' home - Retain a 'White' population.
How on earth this would be obtained I have absolutely no idea. For instance, one of my own children has dark skin. His grandmother was Indian whilst his Grandfather was English, his Mother was of course, mixed blood. His Father was from Sri Lanka. However, he was born in the Mayday Hospital in Croydon and he has been with us since birth. Where the hell would they send him? England is his home and he is as English as I am.
The English Democrats view on Immigration is somewhat different to the BNP. We are not against Immigration per se. We ARE against the Open Door, Uncontrolled Mass Immigration that has been not only practised but encouraged by this Labour British Government. This is a policy that was deliberately adopted by the Government for at least two reasons. The first was to 'Rub the Tories noses in Diversity' and the second was to build their own voter base to ensure their continuance in power. Historically the majority of immigrants will vote Labour. This policy is a major factor in the growth of Far Right parties such as the BNP. People see huge unemployment, crowded schools, lower standards, poor housing and the creation of 'ghetto's' all as the fault of the Immigrants. It is not their fault of course, they just want a better life. It is squarely the responsibility of Gordon Brown.
The English Democrats WILL allow immigration, not only will we allow immigration but we recognise that there are times when it can be essential for the continued development of the country. However, that ever open door will be shut. We will control the type and number of persons that are allowed to come into the country and settle here. We will operate a points system similar to that operated by New Zealand. If a person can bring with them a skill that we need, if they can support themselves and therefore not be a burden on the nation, if they can speak English sufficiently well - then they will be welcome.
But, unless we talk to the BNP in open debate, how can anybody get this message across to the people. On the 25th of this month there is such a 'hustings' to be held in St Leonards at which 'yours truly' will be appearing. I welcome the opportunity to debate the 'Race' question with the BNP in a reasoned manner. That way the people will have a full understanding of what the various parties stand for. However, our own parliamentary representative, or at least that's what he should be - Michael Foster, has announced that he 'does not have to talk to them' and has withdrawn from the debate. Well Michael, you should talk to them, as should all of the candidates. Unless you are so ashamed of your own policies, you should be able to put your own case and at least TRY to destroy the BNPs argument. To skulk away and refuse to 'come out to play' is not the way to deal with any argument, certainly not such a serious one. You are neglecting tour duty.
However, I suspect that the truth is that Michael is simply following orders. Orders in this case issued by the Unite Against Fascists (UAF) movement, which is a left wing gathering of rabble rousers, supported and funded by the 'Establishment', who are against any form of Free Speech, unless they are saying it of course. These people have already committed themselves to disrupting the meeting on the 25th by preventing others from entering the venue. Of course, they have already achieved that by blocking Mr Foster's attendance.
No, I do not like the BNP - nor do I like that other Fascist group - the UAF.
Vote English Democrats on the 25th May.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
"We've Got Too Many Police Officers" says British Government

On the day that 64 year old David Askew is hounded to death in his own home, the Home Office let is slip that they are considering reducing our nations police forces by up to 28,000 uniformed officers.
Disabled Mr Askew has been tormented for 20 years by generations of thugs in Manchester. It appears that this is one case where the police had done everything that they could. Neighbours report that police officers and PCSOs frequently visited the home where David lived with his mother and brother. They had even fitted CCTV cameras and flood lights to the house to deter the thugs but they simply flipped up their hoods and carried on with their campaign of terror.
Arrests were made and at least one ASBO was issued but clearly this was not enough of a deterrent. The fault for this tragedy lies not with Manchester Police but fairly and squarely with Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson who have created the laws that allow such vile behaviour to go unpunished. The police may be the most effective and efficient in the world but if the courts then let the criminals go with little to no punishment, is it really a surprise that this sort of thing continues to be reported at least once a week?
Naturally the people cry out for more police on the streets. Already we have Police Forces such as Sussex Police putting PCSO's into a uniform that so resembles that of a Police Officer that the public are fooled into thinking that there ARE the police officers on the streets. This is of course, exactly the delusion that the police management teams want you to think. A PCSO is not a Police Officer and does not have the powers of a Police Officer but he is cheap! We are already being cheated and getting Policing on the cheap. Now Mr Johnson is seeking to 'Save millions' by replacing even more uniformed police officers with civilians.
A report by Deloitte for the Home Office concluded that "Reducing officer numbers is still politically controversial and is something that all forces have to consider carefully". It has been disclosed that nine police forces have been trialing schemes under the so-called Workforce Modernisation programme by changing the mix of police and civilians in various policing units. Last month, the Chief Constable of Surrey Mark Rowley, suggested that policing can be "at least as good" in forces where civilians make up half of the staff". His report concluded that if carried out nationally, that would mean 28,000 fewer officers and with savings in the region of £400 million.
This is of course good news. Good news for the criminals and thugs to carry on exactly as they wish. Not so good news for the rest of us law abiding citizens who will have to suffer the consequences of this continued traitorous governments actions. It will not be long before the only time you will see a uniformed Police Officer, he will be behind a shield and carrying a sub machine gun. For they will only be dealing with serious criminal acts. The rest of society will have to get by as best it can with 'plastic' policemen and their own wits.
The whole of the Criminal Justice System is rotten, as are so many other aspects of our society, and needs to be thrown out and completely rebuilt, with sufficient police officers, laws that are a deterrent to criminals and judges who put the victims before the criminals. There is only one political party who has the courage to do this and that is the English Democrats.
Vote English Democrats on 6th May
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
The Hastings Observer

Two stories in particular caught my eye in this weeks Observer and neither of them were about politicians. The first, under the headline ' Shoplifter with heroin avoids jail' tells of how a 29 year old male was stopped by security staff in Havelock Road after nicking 3 cans of lager from a local supermarket. He was also carrying 248 mgs of heroin, which is of course a Class 'A' drug. His solicitor explained to the court that the thief (for that's what he is) had been in custody since Friday (the case being heard the following Monday) and that he had been very 'compliant'. He continued that "Save for this aberration in December he seems to have sorted himself out"
Well, that's OK then is it Mr Magistrate? Because he had allegedly behaved himself since Christmas and that he had done as he was told by the Prison Officers over the weekend, this justifies 'not enforcing' a £200 fine does it?
What a crazy Justice system we have to misfortune to live under in this country today. Oh, I forgot to mention that the Magistrate in question must have been a little cross with this miscreant, because he ordered the heroin to be destroyed. I bet he spent a few minutes debating whether they could give it back to him!
The second story is unfortunately much more serious and involves the death of a young man with very serious mental health issues. The 22 year old was first taken ill over eight years ago, before which he was a normal healthy, popular and happy school boy. Since October of last year, his mother has been screaming for help from the Sussex Partnership NHS Trust but that help was not forthcoming. Missed appointments were not followed up. Calls for help from his mother and from the young man himself, who was due to marry in September went unheeded.
His mother said that there was not "an inch of my baby's body that was not covered in cuts", on one occasion he took a shard of glass to his own throat and was saved by the emergency team at the hospital. In such situations it is normal for a patient to be interviewed by a psychiatrist before leaving the hospital but because he told the doctors that he was "OK", they believed him and allowed him to go home. At the beginning of February the inevitable happened and this poor sad lad succeeded in strangling himself with the cord of his dressing gown. His mother says that his "death was not a suicide, it was a sacrifice" which he made to protect his family from any more pain.
As appalling as this story is, it is not the first time it has happened. The Coroner gave a suicide verdict on the death of a 19 year old male just one year ago and condemned the Trust for having "missed an opportunity" to help this lad as well. There is still the ongoing investigation into the three deatths at Woodlands Ward.
I have first hand experience in trying to deal with these people and I remember it was a constant battle, on one occasion ending with the psychiatrist ordering me out of a meeting because I did not agree with the way my own sons case was being handled. Albeit that that person was ordered to apologise to me and agree that I was right, it should never have happened. I know what these families have gone through, in a lot of cases the patients are not people, they are 'cases' that can be dealt with just as the book says. But they are not 'cases' - they are real living people who are probably at the most vulnerable point of their lives as anyone can ever get. They need help, they need support and dare I say it, just a bit of love and so do their families. Mental Health has always been the Cinderella of the Health Service and this must change.
People don't kill themselves because they have a broken leg but they do if they have a broken mind. Both Labour and Tory parties have played football with the NHS and poured millions and millions into it and as a result - people go into hospital for a minor op and come out having been killed by filth. Elderly patients are left to starve to death. Patients are left to lay on trolley's along side dead bodies for hours on end. People feel lucky to be treated in store rooms and cupboards - and young men die when all they need is some help.
It must end - and it must end on the 6th of May. Vote English Democrats
NoFeeding at the Trough for the Eng Dems!

I'm currently reading through a new glossy magazine that has just come clumping onto my front door mat, courtesy of Amber Rudd, the Conservative candidate for Hastings & Rye. A nice newsy production that has lots of pictures of - well, Amber really! The mag is called 'People talk!' complete with a little logo that states 'Delivered FREE by your local Conservatives - at no cost to the taxpayer', well that's OK then, at least that's something we haven't got to pay for - directly at least.
I trust dear reader, that you are not waiting eagerly behind your front door for a copy of a similar Magazine from the English Democrats, for you will be sorely disappointed. For we do not have wealthy benefactors, 'Non-Dom' or otherwise such as the Lib/Lab/Con party have, who are willing to pour £m's into our party, (hasn't it been fun to watch the Tories and Labour playing 'Kettle - Black - Kettle... over this?) we only have me and my pension and that doesn't quite stretch that far I'm afraid. You will have to satisfy yourself with the Internet, which is the cheapest method of reaching out to the Community that I can find. It does of course cost money to run an election campaign and it is money that I really could use on such non-essentials such as food and heating bills etc. Neither do I have the infrastructure set up that the Lib/Lab/Con party has - yet, remember that the party only arrived in Hastings last autumn, and there are far too many roads for my poor, tired old feet to cover. Of course, some would say that you don't have loads of pictures of me to upset the children before bedtime but I ignore them!
I hope I am earning some sympathy here because then I might be able to persuade some of you to help with getting our word out in time to make a change. The vast majority of people that I get to speak to, very quickly let me know how much they agree with the English Democrats and how refreshing they find it when a political party talks about things in a way that they understand. The truth is that if I had a bit longer to spread the word, we really could make a difference , not only to Hastings but to England.
In the absence of time I really do need practical help, in the form of money and of your time. If you are not in a position to help in either of these two ways there are other ways you can help, especially if you intend to support us in May. I do seriously believe that this election will be very important in the history or our country, we NEED to get things changed!
Please visit our website at where you will find our contact details as well as a wealth of other information about us including links to some other interesting sites. I look forward to hearing from you.
I trust dear reader, that you are not waiting eagerly behind your front door for a copy of a similar Magazine from the English Democrats, for you will be sorely disappointed. For we do not have wealthy benefactors, 'Non-Dom' or otherwise such as the Lib/Lab/Con party have, who are willing to pour £m's into our party, (hasn't it been fun to watch the Tories and Labour playing 'Kettle - Black - Kettle... over this?) we only have me and my pension and that doesn't quite stretch that far I'm afraid. You will have to satisfy yourself with the Internet, which is the cheapest method of reaching out to the Community that I can find. It does of course cost money to run an election campaign and it is money that I really could use on such non-essentials such as food and heating bills etc. Neither do I have the infrastructure set up that the Lib/Lab/Con party has - yet, remember that the party only arrived in Hastings last autumn, and there are far too many roads for my poor, tired old feet to cover. Of course, some would say that you don't have loads of pictures of me to upset the children before bedtime but I ignore them!
I hope I am earning some sympathy here because then I might be able to persuade some of you to help with getting our word out in time to make a change. The vast majority of people that I get to speak to, very quickly let me know how much they agree with the English Democrats and how refreshing they find it when a political party talks about things in a way that they understand. The truth is that if I had a bit longer to spread the word, we really could make a difference , not only to Hastings but to England.
In the absence of time I really do need practical help, in the form of money and of your time. If you are not in a position to help in either of these two ways there are other ways you can help, especially if you intend to support us in May. I do seriously believe that this election will be very important in the history or our country, we NEED to get things changed!
Please visit our website at where you will find our contact details as well as a wealth of other information about us including links to some other interesting sites. I look forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
EU 'costs Britain £118bn a year'

The European Union is most commonly discussed in terms of constitutional debates, treaty negotiations, vetoes and votes. Of course, it is absolutely right that the crucial issue of the democratic deficit is addressed, but there are other reasons to be concerned about our relationship with the EU.
The vast cost of the EU is foremost among them. As important as questions of sovereignty and freedom are, it would be wrong to discuss the EU without fully investigating the costs it imposes: costs to the taxpayer, the consumer and business. And by any estimate, those costs are massive.
In our book The Great European Rip-Off, my colleague David Craig and I estimated the total cost to Britain of the EU, once the harmful impacts of its numerous policies and regulations have been taken into account, to be £118 billion a year. That is equal to £1,968 for every man, woman and child – a life-changing amount of money for millions who are currently struggling to make ends meet.
In our book The Great European Rip-Off, my colleague David Craig and I estimated the total cost to Britain of the EU, once the harmful impacts of its numerous policies and regulations have been taken into account, to be £118 billion a year. That is equal to £1,968 for every man, woman and child – a life-changing amount of money for millions who are currently struggling to make ends meet.
So what is that cost made up of? Up front, we paid the EU £16,398 million of taxpayers’ money directly in 2008: £650 for every person, or £45 million a day. This goes into the central EU budget. Of course, that £16,398 million contribution is a gross figure and the EU are always quick to point out that we receive money back from Brussels in the form of grants. In fact, in 2008 they were generous enough to hand £9,830 million of our own money back to us.
Before accepting that this money should be deducted from any estimated cost of the EU, though, it is worth looking at exactly what those grants are for. You will occasionally see “Funded by the EU” badges stuck on works of public art, stiles, free school diaries or in other places, and the range of things the money is used for is remarkably broad.
On close investigation, the actual list of what those EU grants goes on throws up numerous dubious examples. Meals for industry representatives at swanky restaurants, thousands of promotional items like fridge magnets and key rings, £460,000-worth of media training for EU officials based in London, video podcasts about EU events, and even a project run by an actors’ union to combat discrimination against elderly female actors – all are counted as grants to Britain from the EU, which we are expected to be grateful for.
The direct contribution to the central EU budget is just the beginning, though. On top of the cost of funding an army of well-paid bureaucrats in Brussels, the British taxpayer also foots the bill for a cohort of public servants employed by our own Government to implement and oversee the EU’s rules and regulations. With the EU in control of business, trade, environment, agriculture, fisheries, migration and more, a sizeable portion of each Government department effectively works for Brussels.
Those regulations themselves generate a large bill for all of us indirectly, too. Having paid Brussels to come up with so many rules, and having funded people in Whitehall to administrate them, we as consumers, employees and shareholders then have to bear the cost of abiding by it.
EU regulation touches just about every level of every industry. If you want to build something, grow something, mince something, scrap something, recycle something, burn something, paint something, bake something, package something or do a myriad of other things, there is a sheaf of densely typed regulations just for you. In total, red tape from Brussels adds another £100 billion of lost income, extra expenditure and forfeited economic growth to the bill.
The EU’s policies on food production have been particularly disastrous. The Common Fisheries Policy has had a horrendous impact economically, socially and environmentally. Almost 100,000 jobs have been lost in fishing and dependent industries, leading to increased social security bills in devastated fishing communities. Because fishing boats are banned from bringing home fish that exceed their quotes, even if they are caught accidentally, 880,000 tonnes of dead fish are dumped into the North Sea every year. With the fish supply reduced by these quotas and by the radical reduction of fish stocks, prices at the till are increased to the tune of £4.7 billion a year - £186 a year per family.
The same goes for the Common Agricultural Policy. A huge proportion of the EU’s annual budget is spent on dishing out subsidies to European farmers, whose sales are protected by tariff barriers which effectively tax much non-European produce out of the market. On top of our direct taxpayer-funded subsidy, the CAP costs the British consumer an extra £5.3 billion on their food bills.
There are numerous other examples of waste. The VAT system is so dysfunctional that it loses £80 billion of taxpayers’ money a year through carousel fraud. The EU’s libraries are so overfunded and underused that each book loan costs £570. A leaked copy of the secret report by auditor Robert Galvin that we published earlier this year revealed financial irregularities in the accounts of the majority of MEPs in the European Parliament . The list goes on.
Of course, there is heated debate about the actual cost of the EU when everything is taken into account. Various estimates have been produced, ranging from that of the Conseil d’Analyse Economique, which is chaired by the French Prime Minister and which failed to identify any trade benefits from the Single Market or the Euro, to that of the Swiss Federal Government which concluded that joining the EU would cost between six and eight times more than their current relationship with Brussels. The striking thing is that no Government has yet demonstrated in a fully detailed assessment that the EU is of overall benefit to its members.
Remarkably, even the EU itself has failed to produce any convincing figures to demonstrate the benefits of the organisation. Commissioner Gunter Verheugen estimated in 2006 that the cost of regulation to the European economy as a whole is £405 billion a year, while the Commission itself believes that between 1986 and 2002 the Single Market only brought benefits of £110 billion. Even after taking inflation into account, that means that the EU Commission itself believes the costs are three times larger than the benefits.
When weighing up any activity, it is sensible to work out how much it costs and what benefits it brings. If you join a club, you would expect the perks received in return to be worth at least the cost of your membership. If they were not, then you wouldn’t join – there are better things you could do with your money without such a costly middle man.
The more one looks into the costs and benefits of the EU, the more it seems like just such a rip-off. All the data suggests that it is a hugely expensive club which provides very little in return for your membership fee. As hotly as the EU’s cheerleaders try to discredit any and every figure produced that casts it in a negative light, it is impossible to ignore that the weight of evidence suggests overwhelmingly that the EU is a net cost for Britain.
It would be perfectly easy, of course, to settle the debate once and for all: the British Government could carry out its own cost/benefit analysis. Strangely, whenever that proposal has been put to government ministers they have blathered, obfuscated and then refused to carry one out. The unwillingness of a Government which believes, as Gordon Brown put it, that “we benefit from our membership of the European Union” to do the sums that would prove or disprove that assertion once and for all is suspicious and telling.
One of the first acts of an incoming Conservative Government should be to carry out just such a comprehensive cost/benefit analysis. If David Cameron wishes to balance the books and help the economy, he must address the vast costs of the EU.
Matthew Elliott
Obviously, neither has Gordon figured out how many more countries he could invade & flatten with all of that money.
Rod Bridger
Free Speech? In Hastings? Are You Joking?

It has been the right of every English person to express the freedom of Free Speech for centuries. Every English person has the right to say what they like, where they like and when they like. The freedom of Free Speech is ingrained in our souls.
Well not anymore! Not in the brave New World Order of the New Labour Party. And certainly not in Hastings.
Not only do we no longer have the freedom of what we are saying, but we no longer have the freedom to even THINK what we want. The Thought Police already have the people of this country so tied up that we are afraid to even think thoughts that may upset the Labour party or any of their 'friends'. Should any 'miscreant' still harbour any quaint old thoughts of justice and right, then the Labour party will call in their 'Brownshirts' to break up and disperse those poor ill advised fools.
The evening of the 25th March will see a good old fashioned political husting organised by the Hastings Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses. The panel will consist of me, representing the English Democrats of course, the Lib/Lab/Con party, the UKIP and the BNP. Obviously the inclusion of the BNP will be controversial because of their views, but at least it will give us all the chance to hold a sober, reasoned debate on not only the issues that a lot of people find objectionable relating to the BNP but it will certainly give me a good platform to explain our issues to the public. This is particularly important to the English Democrats as I am not very often able to get anything printed in the local Hastings Observer.
However, it will be very unlikely that a reasoned and sober debate will be allowed to take place. Casting my eyes over the website of the Hastings Unite Against Fascists, I see that they are rapidly calling their members to arms to demonstrate and to disrupt the meeting. They believe that nobody should be permitted to debate with the BNP therefore they will do everything within their power to stop the meeting. Not all of the vitriol put forward by the UAF is directed at the BNP either! The English Democrats and indeed even the dear old UKIP are both described as 'Odious'. Prior to this the insults emanating from the UAF towards the English Democrats have been much, much worse than this. Which is a pity because I have offered to meet with them and 'Debate' relevant issues. But of course these 'stormtroopers' of Browns SS are not interested in debate.
What worries me greatly is that if the UAF are being their usual vocal selves outside of the meeting hall, it is likely that their counterparts, the English Defense League will also be in attendance. These people will not be standing quietly the other side of the road and saying 'shush, let the people ask their questions' to the baying mob across the other side of the road, they will both be trying to figure out how they can break the police lines (if they are there) and rip each others throats out!
And all the while, we poor people inside the hall, still hanging on to our fast disappearing images of democracy and freedom, still try to have that reasoned and sober debate.
I sincerely hope that no members of the public and that includes me, get hurt by these thugs. I fear it will be too much to hope that nobody is prevented from attending the meeting and I am particularly concerned about our police officers who will have to form the 'Peace Line' to allow people in and out and try to stop blood from being spilled in the streets of our town because of political intolerance.
According to the Hastings Observer at a meeting held last week to discuss the coming election, there is to be another five of these hustings! I welcome the opportunity to put the case of the English Democrats to the people but I do not welcome the intervention of political bully boys who are supported by the Labour party hierarchy and perversely some pretty high up members of the Tory party, aren't they Mr Cameron?
If the Labour party were really interested in free speech, they could stop the UAF thugs with one phone call but they're not and they won't. Please don't be put off by these people, come along and ask your questions. I welcome the opportunity to tell you my views. As somebody said to me only today "It's the price of democracy to have somebody like the BNP". But then of course the Labour party are not big on democracy, are they?
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Have the English Democrats done a deal with UKIP?

The short answer is NO. I will repeat that 'NO'
There has been much said recently that the English Democrats have done an electoral deal with UKIP. This was to mean that the either party would not put candidates up against the other party. I can state most definitely that this is not the case. There is no electoral agreement between the the 2 parties.
I can also state that the Hastings candidate for UKIP has approached yours truly and asked for such an agreement, privately between the 2 of us. After I had politely declined the invitation he then went direct to the English Democrats Party Chairman and asked the same question of him. I consider that this was the height of rudeness after I made it clear to him that no such agreement would be made. The response from Robin Tilbrook, the English Democrats Party Chairman, was to say "If UKIP want to stand down in favour of the English Democrats that is fine, but we will never stand down in preference to UKIP".
That was pretty clear I thought. I hope that the message has been received loud and clear.
In theory it may sound reasonable but it has to be remembered that UKIP is effectively a 'One Issue' party and that is the removal of the UK from the EU. We at least agree on that point. The local UKIP man tells me that he will argue for an English Parliament. Well this is where the problems start because it is all very well the United Kingdom Independence Party local rep arguing for an English Parliament but search as I might I cannot see anywhere in their manifesto that this is official party policy.
Likewise, I simply cannot find their policies on Education, Health, Defense, Immigration.......... as I said, a 'One Issue' party. Compound this with the fact that UKIP is in the process of self imploding, then I am happy that we stand alone and fly the flag of St George and not the Union flag.
I also thought that it might be rather impolite to ask which of the two parties actually has an MEP currently serving a prison sentence for fiddling his expenses don't you?
Have Faith in England
Friday, 5 March 2010
Is itTime the Fishermen Smelt the Coffee?

Practically every person in the town and indeed from the far flung corners of these isles has an innate sympathy for the fishermen of Hastings. After all they have had a very rough time of things for the last 20 – 30 years. Ever since the days when Ted Heath committed the ultimate treachery of giving away the sovereignty of the UK to the faceless hordes of the then ‘Common Market’, the fishermen of Hastings and of every other fishing fleet in the UK, have seen their livelihoods slowly being taken away from them.
As part of the negotiations for the UK to be admitted into the Common Market, the Europeans, with their tongues firmly stuck in their cheeks, demanded that 100% of the rich fishing grounds around the UK, be put into ‘melting pot’ of Europe to be divided ‘fairly’ amongst the other nations in the club. Nobody was more surprised than the Europeans when Heath said ‘OK’ and laughing behind their hands they graciously gave the UK back just 16% of our own fishing grounds. Over the years this decision has only been compounded by successive British governments and their dogged determination to give every birth right away to Europe.
As a result, the British fishing industry was decimated with whole fleets having disappeared from the seas around our coastline. However, although the British boats have disappeared, there are still vast numbers of boats fishing our waters, well there were until all of the fish were taken. Unfortunately those boats fly the flags of France and Spain primarily. Not the little boats that we see looking pretty on Hastings beach but huge factory ships with massive nets that ‘hoover’ the sea clean of all fish. We are proudly informed that the Hastings fleet is the largest beach launched fleet in Europe. Doesn’t the word ‘Fleet’ sound wonderful but how many are in ‘our’ fleet? 10 – 12?, with a combined catching capacity way below that of just one of those huge factory boats that have now practically destroyed any chance of the seas recovering in the foreseeable future. But fear not because our benign masters in Brussels now permit the Hastings boats to fish 3% of the total catch with half of the catch being thrown back dead because its too big or too small or the wrong make. Well I suppose that is better than nothing – just.
What I can’t understand however is the fishermen’s slavish loyalty to the three main parties, each of which is committed to retaining the status quo. The Liberal Democrats will of course do anything that Brussels demands without question; in fact they will probably suggest it in the first place! The Tories may huff & puff a bit but ultimately they will wring their hands and say ‘It’s European law, there’s nothing we can do”. Michael Foster, our New Labour MP (for now) may go dashing off to Brussels and have ‘very interesting’ talks but please don’t hold your breath if you are expecting a breakthrough.
I think that it really is about time that the fishermen of Hastings, Rye, Hull and any other fishing community in England WAKE UP and smell the coffee. The Lib/Lab/Con party is going to do little to nothing for you. Their allegiance is to their masters in Westminster and ultimately Brussels. The only chance you have of not being reduced to becoming a ‘Living Piece of Art‘ a’ la the Jerwood Gallery at best, or a mere tourist attraction providing ‘Trips around the harbour’ (Sorry I forgot about European Health & Safety Laws, scrub the trips) at worst, is to join with the English Democrats and withdraw totally from political control from Brussels and reclaim your own livelihood.
As part of the negotiations for the UK to be admitted into the Common Market, the Europeans, with their tongues firmly stuck in their cheeks, demanded that 100% of the rich fishing grounds around the UK, be put into ‘melting pot’ of Europe to be divided ‘fairly’ amongst the other nations in the club. Nobody was more surprised than the Europeans when Heath said ‘OK’ and laughing behind their hands they graciously gave the UK back just 16% of our own fishing grounds. Over the years this decision has only been compounded by successive British governments and their dogged determination to give every birth right away to Europe.
As a result, the British fishing industry was decimated with whole fleets having disappeared from the seas around our coastline. However, although the British boats have disappeared, there are still vast numbers of boats fishing our waters, well there were until all of the fish were taken. Unfortunately those boats fly the flags of France and Spain primarily. Not the little boats that we see looking pretty on Hastings beach but huge factory ships with massive nets that ‘hoover’ the sea clean of all fish. We are proudly informed that the Hastings fleet is the largest beach launched fleet in Europe. Doesn’t the word ‘Fleet’ sound wonderful but how many are in ‘our’ fleet? 10 – 12?, with a combined catching capacity way below that of just one of those huge factory boats that have now practically destroyed any chance of the seas recovering in the foreseeable future. But fear not because our benign masters in Brussels now permit the Hastings boats to fish 3% of the total catch with half of the catch being thrown back dead because its too big or too small or the wrong make. Well I suppose that is better than nothing – just.
What I can’t understand however is the fishermen’s slavish loyalty to the three main parties, each of which is committed to retaining the status quo. The Liberal Democrats will of course do anything that Brussels demands without question; in fact they will probably suggest it in the first place! The Tories may huff & puff a bit but ultimately they will wring their hands and say ‘It’s European law, there’s nothing we can do”. Michael Foster, our New Labour MP (for now) may go dashing off to Brussels and have ‘very interesting’ talks but please don’t hold your breath if you are expecting a breakthrough.
I think that it really is about time that the fishermen of Hastings, Rye, Hull and any other fishing community in England WAKE UP and smell the coffee. The Lib/Lab/Con party is going to do little to nothing for you. Their allegiance is to their masters in Westminster and ultimately Brussels. The only chance you have of not being reduced to becoming a ‘Living Piece of Art‘ a’ la the Jerwood Gallery at best, or a mere tourist attraction providing ‘Trips around the harbour’ (Sorry I forgot about European Health & Safety Laws, scrub the trips) at worst, is to join with the English Democrats and withdraw totally from political control from Brussels and reclaim your own livelihood.
Do you remember the Fuss over the Dad taking Pictures of His Own Son?

Just to remind you in case you've been on the moon for a few days, a young father took his son on a shopping expedition to a Sunderland Shopping Centre. The lad wanted a ride in one of those machines that rock back and forth and look like Thomas the Tank Engine or a Fire Engine, you know the sort of thing.
Whilst his boy was off in that magical world of 'Make believe' Dad thought it would be a pretty good idea to capture the moment on his camera and started snapping his son. Very quickly he was accosted by a security man who ordered Dad to stop taking pictures immediately. Rather put out by this unwarranted instruction, Dad made his displeasure known and asked why. "Because you may be a paedophile" said the guard, "But he's my son" said Dad and tried to explain, probably very politely, that he was not particularly happy in a) being prevented from taking pictures of his own son and b) being called a paedophile.
However things were about to take a turn for the worse with the arrival of PC Plod, who had been summoned by the shopping centre. PC Plod told Dad that he could delete the 'offending' pictures from Dads camera and that he wanted his name and address. By this time Dad is really beginning to get a bit miffed with the Police Officer, who promptly advised Dad that he would be arrested unless he was very careful! A stupid situation that should have been resolved within about 10 seconds of the security guard coming on scene, let alone the involvement of the police and the threats issued by them.
So what brought all this about? Well there were 2 points here really, one was National Security of course - Dad might have been a terrorist. Well he was armed with a camera, so it's a logical conclusion, isn't it? and the other was that Dad was a paedophile! Well he was armed with a camera, so it's a logical conclusion isn't it?
Which is the reason that the CRB check was introduced. Again for those of you who have been on the moon, a Criminal Record Bureau check is made on an individual who wishes to work with children or vulnerable people. They cost the applicant about £100 for an enhanced check - but must not be confused with any Revenue Generating exercises by the Government. An excellent idea I hear you say, as this must surely stop any child abuse from being carried out by the very people that the children should be able to trust, teachers, priests, youth leaders etc.
Well unfortunately this is not the case. The map above shows the location and number of attacks on children that have been carried out by persons who have a clear CRB record. So what is the value of the CRB. In reality - not a lot. All it does show is that AT THE TIME OF THE CHECK an individual did not have a criminal record. It does not mean to say that a person has never attacked or abused a child or vulnerable person but simply that they have not been caught, yet.
I must repeat of course that this must not be regarded as a Revenue Raising exercise for the Government.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Do You Feel the Same as Mr ANGRY?

Are you ANGRY at the state of our NHS and of our schools? Surely, as we enter the second decade of the 21st Century we have the right to expect to get better when we go into hospital, not get a killer disease? Surely, as we enter the second decade of the 21st Century, we have the right to expect our children to be able to read and write when they leave school?
Are you ANGRY because you have to pay £7.30 for each prescription item when other parts of the UK get them FREE? It’s true. Read on.
Are you ANGRY because when your children go to University, you are going to have to pay thousands of pounds, when other parts of the UK go to Uni for FREE? It’s true. Read on.
Are you ANGRY because our legal system is too lenient on crime & criminals? Over the last 20 years or so, certain sections of our community have lost all respect for themselves as well as the law and we all pay the price for that.
Are you ANGRY at the way your hard earned money was given away to bale out the Bankers who almost bankrupted this country? Left to the Lib/Lab/Con party, our grandchildren will still be paying this debt off many years from now.
Are you ANGRY because politicians never seem to listen to what real people think? Every 5 years you become IMPORTANT to them!! What about the rest of the time?
Are you ANGRY because politicians say one thing, mean another and then do something completely different? Do you trust politicians? Never before has Parliament been held in such contempt by the people.
Are you ANGRY because you are afraid to say what you think anymore? Beware the Thought Police!! When was the last time you told a joke or made a comment, and then got into trouble because it was considered so un-PC?
Are you ANGRY with the Governments ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration and what it means to the NHS, Schools, and Jobs etc?
Did You Know That:
It costs the UK £41 MILLION PER DAY to belong to the EU. Just think how our hospitals and schools could be improved if even part of that money was properly invested in them.
YOU have NEVER been asked if you want to belong to the EU. The Government, fully supported by both the Tory Party and the Liberals have lied to you and continue to do so.
According to the EU and Labour, ENGLAND no longer exists. England has been divided up into 9 separate regions by the EU and with the full support of the British Labour Government. We are the South East Region and our ‘Capital’ is Lille in France. Jack Straw said that the English are ‘Mongrels’ and are ‘violent’ and ‘untrustworthy’.
ENGLAND is the most populated country in Europe. England 1,023 people per sq mile – twice that of Germany and FOUR times that of France.
In the last 20 years, England has sent more than £200 BILLION to other parts of the UK. Prescriptions are FREE in Scotland. University is FREE in Scotland. Residential Care for the Elderly is FREE in Scotland – BECAUSE ENGLAND PAYS FOR IT but without enjoying any of the benefits.
Scottish, Welsh & Northern Irish MP’s can and still do, vote on matters that affect only England (such as Education & Health) but English MP’s have NO say in the affairs of those countries.
The British Labour Government has deliberately encouraged AN ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration. This has been done in the hope that the majority of Immigrants will vote Labour; statistically most immigrants do vote Labour.
The Citizens of England are treated as Second Class citizens in our own country by the British Government. We are a tolerant nation. We tend to joke and make the best of a bad job. We form queues, we open doors for other people, we apologise when it’s not our fault – but even the stiffest upper lip must begin to quiver eventually.
What Can Be Done About It?
Our Party will hold an IMMEDIATE referendum to determine our future association with the EU. Our intention is to withdraw from the EU as quickly as possible and rejoin the European Free Trade Area. We will still trade with the EU but we will not be controlled by it.
We will regain our full Sovereignty. We will be responsible for making our own laws and we will not be answerable to laws that are imposed upon us by an unelected and undemocratic EU.
We demand equal rights to those enjoyed by the other parts of the UK. Despite having their own Parliaments, Scottish & Welsh MP’s continue to vote on English affairs at Westminster. Taxes raised in England will be spent in England and not sent to other parts of the UK to subsidise them. England is the only country within the United Kingdom that does not have its own Parliament AND THAT IS NOT FAIR.
We will put a stop to Mass Immigration. The English Democrats are NOT against Immigration – we ARE against the ‘Open Door’ policy of Mass Immigration that the British Labour Party has encouraged for 13 years. We will instigate a ‘Points’ Entry system similar to that operated by Australia, New Zealand & Canada.
We will reclaim our Fishing Grounds. Consecutive Tory & Labour Governments have given away all but 16% of England’s fishing grounds. Is it any wonder that the Hastings & Rye fishing fleets are struggling to survive? The English Democrats will regain 100% of what are our own fishing grounds.
By far the majority of UK political parties and this most certainly includes the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the United Kingdom Independence Party and the British National Party, all have the ‘Party Whip’ system imposed upon them. This means that ultimately, any MPs from these parties will vote as their political masters’ order them to do so.
This is irrespective of how the individual MPs, feel they SHOULD vote for the benefit of their constituents. Their Master MUST be obeyed.
Every MP from any of these parties is a representative of their party only and certainly NOT a representative of their constituents. There is NO DEMOCRACY in British politics either at a national level or at the Town Hall level.
English Democrats 1066 Against Racism Against Fascism For Hastings & Rye
The English Democrats are a Party of Independents, which means that they will vote according to their conscience and after listening to what the people say – not how their bosses in Westminster tell them to vote.
Rod Bridger is your Parliamentary candidate representing the English Democrats for Hastings & Rye.
Being born in Hastings in 1947 (he reckons that makes him a tad over 25) Rod is as passionate about the area now as he was when a young child and growing up in 1066 Country. Rod has been happily married for more than 36 years and his five children and five grandchildren all live, work or study within 1066 Country.
Rod is not a Career Politician and as such is not tainted with the arrogance that is prevalent amongst today’s politicians. He is a REAL person who has lived, worked for his living and brought up his family in the REAL world, just like you. Rod is proud of the 1066 Country and considers himself privileged to live here.
We are committed to sweeping away the tired old system, which has done and will do so much more, damage to our country.
The English Democrats pledge to bring Honesty, Common Sense and Openness to politics and to truly represent the people, by the people, for the people.
The English Democrats do not have access to vast sums of money donated by wealthy contributors such as the Labour Party and the Tories, who plan to spend £millions of pounds on this election.
In fact, every English Democrat candidate is self funding and has to raise their own election expenses. This is of course very expensive. We rely totally on donations from our members and supporters.
We Want To Know how YOU think things could be improved.
Find out more about us and read our full Manifesto at:
Telephone us on:
0844 3574 799
Email us at:
We want to hear what YOU have to say.
We want to LISTEN.
Join the RED & WHITE Revolution
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
How wonderful to see our Council insisting on wasting another £10,000

and then saying we would all think it hypocritical if they didn't!!!
Hastings Council's consultant spending slammed
Hastings Council's consultant spending slammed
Published Date: 25 February 2010
By Richard Morris
By Richard Morris
A planned £10,000 spend on consultants by Hastings Borough Council has been criticised as a waste of public money.
During Wednesday's council meeting opposition Labour councillors urged their opposite numbers to remove the allocation earmarked to pay for consultants to help engage members of the public. Cllr Paul Barlow argued the local authority should make better use of its existing skilled staff and called for all officers to become more involved in gathering residents thoughts. He said: "I attended a day with a consultant who was being paid more than £1,000 a day plus expenses. One of the first bits of advice he gave was to reign in our use of consultants. "We have good staff already and should be using them."
However, the critics failed in their bid. Cllr Matthew Beaver said: "This was in the overall corporate plan we agreed less than an hour ago."I am sure that the man on the street would view this opposition as hypocrisy of the highest order."!!!!!
It's good to see that the influence of the English Democrats has reached deep into the heart of even Hastings Borough Council.
The English Democrats have long been advocating for the openess of government, both local and national. Politicians need to remember that they are there to serve the community and not for their personal gratification.
Published Date: 25 February 2010
By Richard Morris
A new culture of openness is being promised at Hastings Borough Council.
Mindful that politicians' reputations nationwide nosedived after the expenses scandal in Westminster, members of the local authority have vowed to try and restore public confidence in elected officials.
From now on the council will begin publishing on its website details of all payments over £500 made to suppliers and start uploading all background papers to committee reports prior to meetings. And more importantly according to councillors, the salaries of all chief officers at the local authority will be made public.Other plans include presenting residents with a host of alternative options during consultation, rather than just asking people whether or not they are in favour of one. And council meetings could soon be coming to a venue near you, after councillors mooted the idea of taking key meetings out on tour in an attempt to engage more residents in the political process.
Speaking at Wednesday's meeting, local Labour councillors moved plans to introduce a raft of new measures to make the authority more open and accountable. Cllr Jeremy Birch said: "When you speak to people they often say there are too many decisions made behind closed doors and that we never listen to them."There needs to be a culture change in how this council operates. "People need to feel they can have an input. Introducing these measures will help raise the standing of the council in this town. "The Conservatives on the council criticised Cllr Birch's decision to introduce the measure at such a late stage, with more than one Tory pointing out the irony of suggesting an amendment of this type without consulting the public first. However, Cllr Trevor Webbe countered: "I cannot see why this is so controversial. Surely transparency and openness are things all councils should be striving toward?"Lib Dems voted with the Labour group to force through the measures.
Published Date: 25 February 2010
By Richard Morris
A new culture of openness is being promised at Hastings Borough Council.
Mindful that politicians' reputations nationwide nosedived after the expenses scandal in Westminster, members of the local authority have vowed to try and restore public confidence in elected officials.
From now on the council will begin publishing on its website details of all payments over £500 made to suppliers and start uploading all background papers to committee reports prior to meetings. And more importantly according to councillors, the salaries of all chief officers at the local authority will be made public.Other plans include presenting residents with a host of alternative options during consultation, rather than just asking people whether or not they are in favour of one. And council meetings could soon be coming to a venue near you, after councillors mooted the idea of taking key meetings out on tour in an attempt to engage more residents in the political process.
Speaking at Wednesday's meeting, local Labour councillors moved plans to introduce a raft of new measures to make the authority more open and accountable. Cllr Jeremy Birch said: "When you speak to people they often say there are too many decisions made behind closed doors and that we never listen to them."There needs to be a culture change in how this council operates. "People need to feel they can have an input. Introducing these measures will help raise the standing of the council in this town. "The Conservatives on the council criticised Cllr Birch's decision to introduce the measure at such a late stage, with more than one Tory pointing out the irony of suggesting an amendment of this type without consulting the public first. However, Cllr Trevor Webbe countered: "I cannot see why this is so controversial. Surely transparency and openness are things all councils should be striving toward?"Lib Dems voted with the Labour group to force through the measures.
Medway Conservative “suggest’s supporting English Democrats

Medway Tory serial blogger admitted yesterday that the only other political party worth voting for is the English Democrats.
Writing on his blog yesterday John Ward said;
“With all the talk of voting for one or another of the minor political parties that I read in various places (generally in comments threads), I have been wondering just how much change will be made to the “others” vote numbers this time around.”
In his “helpful” blog John goes onto say (and i agree) that he is only meaning to be helpful and positive.
“Personally, I am too concerned about rescuing the country to bother with any of these others at this critical time; but for those who are dead set against voting Conservative, at least there is a possible alternative if the English Democrats are standing a candidate in your constituency. There would at least be merit in having one or more of them as MPs in the next parliamentary term, whereas I couldn’t in all honesty say that about any of the other “others”.
“The only minor party I could possibly suggest supporting would be the English Democrats. At least they have a decent outlook, a genuine point to make, and might actually be bothered to serve their constituents (unlike UKIP or Greens who are too tied up with their own agenda to bother with mere constituents’ own concerns and issues, as some have privately admitted).”
John also spoke about the “other” parties standing here in Kent and about the policies and level of support that they could offer;
“Would I suggest UKIP?” No!
Their outlook is hopelessly impractical (literally) as they are not interested in actually doing anything until and unless the UK pulls out of the EU, at which point they cease to have even a smidgeon of relevance anyway. Indeed, their leader was seriously contemplating closing down the party altogether, so they clearly have no commitment to even being there in the future. It would be a wasted vote on a party of boorish posturing (as Nigel Farage exemplifies) and no positive future for governance of the country.
“How about the Greens?” No!
Their Leftie agenda is all about taxation and Big State dictatorship, and not of enabling and progress, as always with the Left. We know that the “global warming” scam was devised by Marxists for that very purpose (taxation and dictatorship) and is based on completely false data, yet the Greens lap it up and use it as an excuse to be those dictators, given the chance.
“Well, surely not the BNP?” No!
For obvious reasons, there is no way that anyone with any knowledge of the BNP’s real nature could recommend a vote for them.
john spoke from the heart yesterday in his blog, identifying that the English Democrats are the countries fastest growing political party and pose a real threat to the 3 main parties.
Writing on his blog yesterday John Ward said;
“With all the talk of voting for one or another of the minor political parties that I read in various places (generally in comments threads), I have been wondering just how much change will be made to the “others” vote numbers this time around.”
In his “helpful” blog John goes onto say (and i agree) that he is only meaning to be helpful and positive.
“Personally, I am too concerned about rescuing the country to bother with any of these others at this critical time; but for those who are dead set against voting Conservative, at least there is a possible alternative if the English Democrats are standing a candidate in your constituency. There would at least be merit in having one or more of them as MPs in the next parliamentary term, whereas I couldn’t in all honesty say that about any of the other “others”.
“The only minor party I could possibly suggest supporting would be the English Democrats. At least they have a decent outlook, a genuine point to make, and might actually be bothered to serve their constituents (unlike UKIP or Greens who are too tied up with their own agenda to bother with mere constituents’ own concerns and issues, as some have privately admitted).”
John also spoke about the “other” parties standing here in Kent and about the policies and level of support that they could offer;
“Would I suggest UKIP?” No!
Their outlook is hopelessly impractical (literally) as they are not interested in actually doing anything until and unless the UK pulls out of the EU, at which point they cease to have even a smidgeon of relevance anyway. Indeed, their leader was seriously contemplating closing down the party altogether, so they clearly have no commitment to even being there in the future. It would be a wasted vote on a party of boorish posturing (as Nigel Farage exemplifies) and no positive future for governance of the country.
“How about the Greens?” No!
Their Leftie agenda is all about taxation and Big State dictatorship, and not of enabling and progress, as always with the Left. We know that the “global warming” scam was devised by Marxists for that very purpose (taxation and dictatorship) and is based on completely false data, yet the Greens lap it up and use it as an excuse to be those dictators, given the chance.
“Well, surely not the BNP?” No!
For obvious reasons, there is no way that anyone with any knowledge of the BNP’s real nature could recommend a vote for them.
john spoke from the heart yesterday in his blog, identifying that the English Democrats are the countries fastest growing political party and pose a real threat to the 3 main parties.
Monday, 1 March 2010
What Has the British Labour Government Ever Done For England?

Just in case anyone's forgotten a list of some of the things Labour has done to us, courtesy of "old Holburn"-
Ballot Boxes are interfered with-
Voting registers go missing-
You can be put in prison for 42 days on pure suspicion-
You can be put in prison indefinitely on the word of a politician-
The State can torture people-
Your children are monitored at School by Political Officers-
Their behaviour is logged on a State database for their entire lives-
Your innocent fingerprints, iris scans and biometrics are held by the State-
You do not have the right to remain silent-
You are watched on 4 million CCTV cameras-
You may not photograph the Police-
The media is controlled by the State-
You do not have the right to protest peacefully-
Curfews exist for entire communities-
Your travel movements are logged and monitored-
Who you vote for is logged and monitored-
Your shopping habits are studied and logged by the State-
Your emails and telephone conversations are recorded by the State-
Your passport can be withdrawn at the whim of the State-
Government agencies can use lie detector tests on you.-
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain-
111 tax rises from a government that promised no tax rises at all-
The longest national tax code in the world-
100,000 million pounds drained from British pension funds-
Gun crime up 57%-
Violent crime up 70%-
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe-
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100,000-
The lowest level of social mobility in the developed world-
The only G7 country with no growth this year-
One in six young people neither earning nor learning-
5 million people on out-of-work benefits-
Missing the target of halving child poverty... -
Child poverty rising in each of the last three years instead-
Cancer survival rates among the worst in Europe-
Hospital acquired infections killing nearly three times as many people as are killed on the roads- Falling from 4th to 13th in the world competitiveness league-
Falling from 8th to 24th in the world education rankings in maths-
Falling from 7th to 17th in the rankings in literacy-
The police spending more time on paperwork than on the beat-
Fatal stabbings at an all-time high-
Prisoners released without serving their sentences-
Foreign prisoners released and never deported-
7 million people without an NHS dentist-
Small business taxes going up-
Business taxes raised from among the lowest to among the highest in Europe-
Tax rises for working people set for after the election-
The 10p tax rate abolished-
The ludicrous promise to have ended boom and bust-
Our gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth-
Our armed forces overstretched and under-supplied-
Profitable post offices closed against their will-
One of the highest rates of family breakdown in Europe-
The ‘Golden Rule’ on borrowing abandoned because it didn’t fit-
Police inspectors in 10 Downing Street-
Dossiers that were dodgy- Mandelson resigning the first time-
Mandelson resigning the second time-
Mandelson coming back for a third time-
Bad news buried-
Personal details lost-
An election bottled-
A referendum denied.
New Labour.
Stamping on the faces of the many, not just the few.
PS “A future fair for all” is an anagram of “Our fearful fat liar”
Yea but other than that - What have they ever done for England?
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