Tuesday 20 April 2010

Why we don't spend a fortune.

I was asked today why the English Democrats don't make themselves a bit more 'conspicuous'. The chap who asked me said he hadn't heard of us. After I had explained how every English Democrat candidate tried as hard as they possibly could to get the media to allow us even a quarter of the coverage they give to the 'Big 3', he said "Well I get something through my front door practically every day from one of them, but this is the first time from you lot".

This got me to thinking. Today I have had 2 documents from the Labour party, one a full coloured triple fold A4 glossy print for the local council election. I must admit that their local man, Andrew Cartwright, is a pretty good sort of chap. The other was a 4 page 'Red Top' newspaper type for the parliamentary elections.

The main 'story' was how Michael Foster is absolutely committed to a New NHS Cancer guarantee - pity you won't back giving life saving drugs to cancer sufferers for free as they do in Scotland Michael.

According to Michael 'Every Child Matters' - pity you haven't sorted out a school system that still allows overcrowding in classes, children being allowed to fall off the radar and leaving school unable to read or write, in the last 13 years Michael.

Michael also wants to ensure that that money raised for the Conquest hospital stays in our area - pity we have to spend so much on giving our money raised in England, by giving it away to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, don't you think Michael?

Dignity in Retirement is also very important to Michael - he reckons that older residents deserve a decent income and an end to age discrimination. I think that this is rather sick to be honest Michael, after all its your lot that make the older residents sell their homes for their residential care isn't it?

And finally, Mr Foster is determined to fight for continued investment in our railways, the week after his bosses announced that the new trains would not be coming as far down the track as Hastings and that what services we do get are going to be cut! If anyone can work that one out - answers on a postcard please.

Getting back to my original comments - I wonder how much money those two documents have cost the Labour party to print. Admittedly they have been delivered by the party faithful but the logistics of delivering to every house in Hastings, let alone the whole constituency, must be enormous. Then there is of course the Conservative Party with their full colour printed A5 documents,and as it looks as if the Lib/Dems may be our biggest challenge, we must include them. Overall a vast amount of money spent in Hastings alone.

Then lets compare the English Democrats. The vast amount of money we spend on advertising is somewhat restricted by how much of my pension is left over and whether my desktop printer will co-operate with me today and let me print 50 or so A4 leaflets. At least the logistics of delivering them is easy to sort out, its just me and my kids when they can spare the time.

How come then that we do get recognised when we go shopping? How come people email me and ask for window posters? We must be doing something right.

And it is clear that it is not necessary to spend such vast amounts of money to try and hoodwink the people, all in the pursuit of power.

Tell the people the truth - that's what they want and that's what they get from the English Democrats.

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