Tuesday 27 April 2010

England? Where's that?

1940. The United Kingdom stands alone against the might of Nazi Germany. The south east coastline of England is under constant and heavy attack from the air as the Luftwaffe softens up the English defenses in preparation for a full scale attack by sea onto the beaches of Sussex & Kent.
England is at the most perilous point in the turbulent history of this great nation. Adolph Hitler throws everything he possibly can against the brave defenders. England burns. She is very badly battered, her infrastructure is almost destroyed but she is not defeated. Once again a proud and defiant land rises up from the ashes and stands proud amongst the ruins. Her people are undefeated.
2010. England is no more. She has gone. Not destroyed by forces from a foreign aggressor but quietly betrayed by her own leaders. Betrayed by the very people that we trusted to take care of our nation. Not a shot fired - but simply given away to people that have no feelings, other than contempt for a once great nation.

Even under the heel of Nazi Germany, England would have retained her identity. Crushed into submission she may have been, but she would still have been called England.

The traitors, Blair and Brown, have achieved what Adolph Hitler failed to do by force of arms. Supported and succoured by the leaders of the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats, England has been wiped from the map of Europe. Reduced to 9 regions and not even allowed to retain our own name, the South East region (as we are now called) will be governed from Lille in France, as we are absorbed in the the Soviet States of the European Union.

Agincourt, Ypres, Waterloo, Trafalgar and indeed the Battle of Britain, names that invoke glorious memories of all who fought to save the nation of England over generations. The same brave English blood beat in every one of those patriots hearts for centuries.
Maastricht and Lisbon, names that invoke memories of treason of those who promised the people a voice. Memories of treachery from all of the major political parties who will continue to ignore the people. And they will all continue to betray their country until we are all 'good little Europeans'.
Our own traitors, our own fifth columnists, have betrayed every hero who has ever fought and died in the name of England.

For those of you who are incredulous and still doubt that it is possible for such sedition to take place in such a free and democratic country as England, I commend you to the worlds most highly respected encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Britannica. Simply Google for yourself "Encyclopedia Britannica" and enter the word "England" into the search field. You will find there, the same text as has been pasted below for those who will take my word.
Either way, what you read will make you very angry indeed. Only one political party can be relied on to fight for England and grasp back from the faceless hoards of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, our once great nation. Pride and Passion and the Vision to beat the traitors. We will win, because that's what England does. When we are really up against it - we fight - hard - and we win. We are up against it now. The time to fight is now. The time to join the English Democrats is now!

Extract from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Outside the British Isles, England is often erroneously considered synonymous with the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and even with the entire United Kingdom. Despite the political, economic, and cultural legacy that has secured the perpetuation of its name, England no longer officially exists as a governmental or political unit—unlike Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which all have varying degrees of self-government in domestic affairs. It is rare for institutions to operate for England alone. Notable exceptions are the Church of England (Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, including Northern Ireland, have separate branches of the Anglican Communion) and sports associations for cricket, rugby, and football (soccer). In many ways England has seemingly been absorbed within the larger mass of Great Britain since the Act of Union of 1707.
God Save England.

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