Monday 5 April 2010

Read - and Weep!

How many residents of Hastings realise that the English are discriminated against in our own country?

How many have to pay £7.20 per item for a prescription? How many are juggling finances to try and give their children a better chance in life with a University education? How many are dreading the financial onslaught of taking care of their future as the years march on?

There is a way of avoiding all of these financial nightmares – all you have to do is move to Scotland!

In Scotland prescriptions are FREE; University Top Up fees are FREE, residential care for the elderly is FREE. So, how come we have to pay for all of this in England? The answer is because Scotland has its own Parliament, so does Wales and Northern Ireland.

These parliaments, or assemblies, control their own internal affairs such as; Education, Welfare, Health and the Law. Naturally, those bodies look after their own people. But who do we have looking after English interests? Gordon Brown!

An unelected and unrepresentative Prime Minister of the British Government. Gordon has no say as to what happens in Scotland because he is not a member of the Scottish Parliament, neither do almost 50% of his fellow Scott’s in the cabinet. They can only say what happens in England!

To rub salt into the wounds, how do you think that the Scott’s and Welsh can afford to provide these benefits to their people? Because YOU pay for it! Under the discredited Barnett Formula, the English taxpayer has paid in excess of £200 BILLION to other parts of the UK.

The English Democrats demand same ‘Rights’ as the other Nations of the UK. We demand that taxes raised in England are spent in England. We demand that the English should control our own destiny. We demand an English Parliament.

Vote for Democracy. Vote for the English Democrats.


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