Thursday 8 April 2010

One Lie Too Many Brown

I have tried to steer away from the subject of immigration throughout this campaign and so far have been successful – until today when two things happened.

The first was one of my would be constituents contacting me and asking would I be able to help him get a job should I win the election. This chap is a young father with two very young children and his wife to look after. He is desperately trying to find work but claims that every job he goes after, he is beaten to it by ‘immigrants’. They just take everything he said, “If I do get close to getting a job an immigrant offers to do it for less. I just can’t afford to provide for my family with the money they offer”. To be honest with you I wasn’t sure how to answer him. However, before I had the opportunity to put too much effort in coming up with an answer I was hit by the second thing to happen today. A report in the Express as to how Gordon Brown has been caught lying - yet again.


shouted the headlines. In slightly muted tones it continued

“BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS? Nine out of 10 jobs go to immigrants”.

Gordon’s own figures revealed that nearly 300,000 fewer British-born workers were employed in the private sector than when Labour came to power and that more than 9 out of 10 of the 1.7million jobs added to the economy since 1997 have gone to workers from overseas. The figures provoked fury about Labours ‘Open Door’ policy of mass immigration just weeks before polling day.

The Tories immediately seized on them as "devastating" proof that Browns promise of British jobs for British Workers was a complete failure... The Shadow Immigration Minister Damien Green actually said “he has left British workers in a worse position than when Labour took office 13 years ago”. Why has it taken an election to wake the Tories up? It has been obvious to the rest of us for years. Could it be that the Tories don’t really care about it and are just using it to their advantage becuase of the election?

Brown even tried to claim that he had created 2.5 million jobs at a recent speech in Glasgow. But even his own officials say that those who had benefited were almost entirely Immigrants. The Office for Statistics Labour Force Survey showed that 1.7 million jobs had been added to the economy since 1997 once workers over retirement age were excluded. Of those 1.6 million had been taken by immigrants. This represents a huge proportion of 92% and is even bigger than first thought.

It was only last month that Brown warned critics of Labour’s immigration policy were appealing to the “worst instincts of nationalism and xenophobia”. That old well worn and practised threat to tag anyone who opposes Labour as ‘Racist’ and 'Fascist'.

Well it isn’t going to work any more Mr Brown. You have lied too many times. I am not a Racist or a Fascist neither is the young man who came to me for help – yet. But YOU are driving him to be one. YOU are the one that is causing so much hurt and pain to ordinary English people. YOU are the one that is destroying England.

In the words of Oliver Cromwell “For God’s sake go”.

But before you do go Mr Brown, can you please tell what to say to that young man???

A vote for the English Democrats is not a wasted vote. A vote for the Lib/Lab/Con Party is vote for more of the same - or worse.

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