Sunday 25 April 2010

Children sent home for celebrating St Georges Day

Children in a Luton school have been sent home for displaying pride in England on St Georges Day.

Children from Icknield School in Luton, celebrated St Georges Day by wearing Cross of St George badges at school. According to Facebook page "Our Youth Should Be Able to Celebrate St Georges Day and Take Flags to School" a number of children were sent home for wearing badges or having a flag painted on their hand. One young lad was sent home and was waiting to hear today as to whether he would be suspended!

One young lady did manage to stand her ground and won the day, being allowed to keep her flag and was actually apologised to. Following the initial reporting of this incident, Peter Thorogood who is a member of the English Democrats in Romford, reported that whilst he was canvassing for the elections, he was approached by a lady who reported that her child had also been sent home for the same reason. Just how far is this spread across the country.

I am sick and tired of being called a racist because I am English but I am so very proud of these youngsters who are standing up for their country. The future of England is a little brighter today because of their actions.

The senior teaching staff at Icknield School and any other establishment who carried out anything similar to this, really should hang their heads in shame. They are no better that the Fascists who form the current British Government. Indeed, they are worse because Gordon Brown does have a sort of excuse, he is Scott's, as is half of his Cabinet of course.

The English Democrats are dedicated to fighting this type of anti English discrimination wherever it raises its ugly head and from what ever source. We wholeheartedly support the people of Luton who are so bravely fighting this battle.

The English Democrats are the only TRUE democrats please join us.

Have Faith In England

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