Friday 16 April 2010

Beware - South East Candidates

Avid readers will remember way back in November, when your intrepid author appeared on the BBC Southeast 'Politics Show'. The show was edited in such a way that I appeared to endorse the Labour Party as the only alternative to the Conservatives, which I most certainly did not.

Yesterday (Thursday) saw me being interviewed for the same programme once again and after my comments regarding the previous recording, I was assured that it would not be repeated. Consequently the interview took place in St George's Rd in Hastings and as that location was chosen by the reporter because of its obvious connections with us, I was quietly confident. The questioning commenced and I managed to keep it on track to discussing an English Parliament, the Economy and and of course a referendum on the EU.

All went well with the production, which meant shots from different angles and walking past the road sign (oh! the trials of stardom) we were coming towards the end when the trap snapped shut!!

"Oh yes Rod, one final question. As yourselves, UKIP and the British National Party all have your nation in the title of your party, does that bring race into it"??? "Aha"! I thought, "so this is the real question". Putting on an innocent face (yes it was, really) I said "I don't understand the question. What exactly do you mean"? The the bombshell - "Are you racist"?

After several attempts of politely trying to explain the difference a) between us and the BNP and b) the difference between National Identity and Racism I must admit that Rodney began to get a little tetchy. In the end I was rather forthright and raising my voice (just slightly) I slapped the back of my hand and said "Listen, it doesn't matter what is on the outside, its what's inside that counts". The interview ended and back to my sick bed went I.

Today (Friday) my local paper (note the lack of the word 'news') published statements from all of the 6 candidates in Hastings. It also included another article headlined 'Media spotlight falls on marginal Hastings'. It reported how the 'Big 3' were filmed during the week and about how this weeks South East 'The Politics Show' will be broadcast live from a local hotel and how once again, the Big 3 are going to be questioned on the economy, regeneration and immigration. I will now quote the last paragraph in full.

" the BBC has sparked outrage among anti-fascists locally after featuring a lengthy interview with British National Party candidate Nick Prince on its Inside Out Show, and the local Unite Against Fascism group has urged producers not to give air time to the BNP this time round but this weekend's programme will include an in-depth look at the policies of the British National Party and the English Democrats".

So there you have it. Even without looking into my crystal ball (yes I do have one), I can see that our beloved admirers inside the BBC are going to attempt to paint us with the same Racist brush that they will obviously paint the BNP. And all without a fraction of the coverage that the BNP get.

The serious point to all of this is that if I am right, all the hard work that has been put in by candidates and supporters in the whole of the South East - Sussex, Surrey, Essex and Kent could be damaged by one piece of irresponsible reporting from an organisation that millions of people still trust to tell the truth.
We must continue the fight - for England's sake.

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