Monday 19 April 2010

RIP Democracy

If any evidence was required that Democracy is well and truly dead in Hastings, then tonight has provided that evidence.

Late last week, I learnt of a public political meeting taking place tonight and being organised by a local church group. Firing off a rapid email, I requested, in the name of democracy, an invitation to attend the meeting. Also there would be the usual Lib/Lab/Con party but also Ukip! Consequently I was rather keen on attending and putting forward the ED point of view.

Imagine my extreme disappointment when later today I received a reply to my email which said 'Sorry, No'. Apparently if I were present it would take too long for the replies, so my request was refused. Mmmm we believe that children, don't we? (And it was a Church of England church).

As you can imagine, I was rather miffed by this, therefore half an hour before start time saw me positioned outside of the meeting room entrance ready to meet the audience when they arrived. As they did, each one was offered an English Democrat leaflet along with a rapidly printed flyer which explained that I had been refused the opportunity to address them and also contained a copy of the short address I had planned.

I was reassured by the number of people who were upset by my 'banning' from the meeting and in total I gave out 100 of our English Democrats leaflets and just over 50 of the flyer.

Although some good will possibly come from my actions tonight, I would have much preferred to have met the other candidates face to face and challenged them, as I did at a previous meeting. Perhaps that is what they were afraid of, I do not shy away from challenging these people and it does make them very uncomfortable when I do. I was the only candidate to earn a round of applause at the earlier meeting for example.

They are afraid of the message that the English Democrats are spreading and they will do everything they can to silence us. It is imperative that each and every one of us continues to keep the flag flying.

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