Friday 23 April 2010

What a Fantastic Day!

What a fantastic day today has been. I woke up to early sunshine streaming through the window. As I laid quietly trying to regain what passes for normality in my head, the Flag of England that was flying proudly from the front of my house, fluttered into view, reminding me that today is England's Day, the 23 April, St Georges Day.

Before long I was out on the streets, meeting and greeting and spreading the word of the finest political party England has ever seen - The English Democrats. Driving my own 'Battle Bus' festooned with leaflets and flags always tends to draw attention but today it drew smiles and waves everywhere I went.

I decided today that I would target an estate that is in the BNP sights for the local elections. It wasn't long before I came across a house with flags of St George all over the front. A wonderful sight it was as well. I couldn't pass by without speaking to the residents, so I knocked on the door to say how wonderful it looked to see the flags. I was immediately invited into the house to discuss the policies of the English Democrats and we were all pleasantly surprised when we discovered that we shared the same surname!

Leaving Mr & Mrs Bridger with leaflets and with firm promises to cast their votes for us, this set the mood for the rest of the day. Everyone I spoke to was not only supportive but wanted to know more about the party. Even when I popped into Tesco's for a coffee, I had people approaching me and asking for leaflets and details. Everywhere I went I encountered smiling faces and support.
Not one leftie did I meet but only true English folk who all had pride in their hearts for today. Truly England is begining to stir. A truly wonderful day.
Thank you St George.

England WILL prevail.

Vote English Democrat on 6th May.

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