Tuesday 13 April 2010

Wake Up Hastings!

There cannot be many people in 1066 Country who do not have sympathy for our Fishermen. Ever since Ted Heath committed the ultimate treachery of giving away the sovereignty of the UK to the then Common Market, the fishermen of Hastings have seen their livelihoods being eroded. Heath agreed to give away all but 16% of our fishing grounds. This has been made worse by every succeeding British government happily giving away our every birth rite to Europe.

Unfortunately, not even that is good enough for our masters in Brussels. Giving vast amounts of cash to our Spanish cousins to restructure their fishing industry after Gen Franco parted company, ensured that whole fleets of British boats have disappeared to be replaced by the huge factory ships with massive nets that simply ‘hoover’ the sea bed clean of fish. Hastings boasts that our fleet is the largest beech launched fleet in Europe. Sounds grand but how many are in ‘our’ fleet? 10 – 12? with a combined capacity way below just one giant boat flying the Spanish flag. But fear not – our unelected masters in the EUSSR have allowed our fishermen to catch up to 3 whole percent, and that doesn’t count the half of the catch that is thrown back dead because it’s too small.

What I do have difficulty in understanding is why our fishermen place so much trust in our politicians. Nick Perry may be their new best friend but at the end of the day, he will do exactly as his masters in Brussels tell him. Michael Foster may actually travel all of the way to Brussels and have ‘a very interesting’ meeting but don’t hold your breath. The Tories will huff and puff but ultimately they will wring their hands and say ‘it’s European law, we can’t do anything. Maybe if you are lucky, they may condescend to allow you to catch another bucket full of fish!

It really is time for the fishermen of Hastings to Wake up & Smell the Coffee! The Lib/Lab/Con Party is not going to do anything for you. Their loyalty is to their masters in Whitehall and Brussels. The only chance you have of not being reduced to being a tourist attraction providing Trips Around The Harbour (sorry I forgot Health & Safety – scrub the trips) or becoming a living piece of Art, courtesy of the Jerwood Gallery, is to join with the English Democrats and withdraw fully from the political control of Brussels and reclaim your own birth rite.
Join me in the RED & WHITE Revolution. Join the English Democrats.

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