Tuesday 27 April 2010

England? Where's that?

1940. The United Kingdom stands alone against the might of Nazi Germany. The south east coastline of England is under constant and heavy attack from the air as the Luftwaffe softens up the English defenses in preparation for a full scale attack by sea onto the beaches of Sussex & Kent.
England is at the most perilous point in the turbulent history of this great nation. Adolph Hitler throws everything he possibly can against the brave defenders. England burns. She is very badly battered, her infrastructure is almost destroyed but she is not defeated. Once again a proud and defiant land rises up from the ashes and stands proud amongst the ruins. Her people are undefeated.
2010. England is no more. She has gone. Not destroyed by forces from a foreign aggressor but quietly betrayed by her own leaders. Betrayed by the very people that we trusted to take care of our nation. Not a shot fired - but simply given away to people that have no feelings, other than contempt for a once great nation.

Even under the heel of Nazi Germany, England would have retained her identity. Crushed into submission she may have been, but she would still have been called England.

The traitors, Blair and Brown, have achieved what Adolph Hitler failed to do by force of arms. Supported and succoured by the leaders of the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats, England has been wiped from the map of Europe. Reduced to 9 regions and not even allowed to retain our own name, the South East region (as we are now called) will be governed from Lille in France, as we are absorbed in the the Soviet States of the European Union.

Agincourt, Ypres, Waterloo, Trafalgar and indeed the Battle of Britain, names that invoke glorious memories of all who fought to save the nation of England over generations. The same brave English blood beat in every one of those patriots hearts for centuries.
Maastricht and Lisbon, names that invoke memories of treason of those who promised the people a voice. Memories of treachery from all of the major political parties who will continue to ignore the people. And they will all continue to betray their country until we are all 'good little Europeans'.
Our own traitors, our own fifth columnists, have betrayed every hero who has ever fought and died in the name of England.

For those of you who are incredulous and still doubt that it is possible for such sedition to take place in such a free and democratic country as England, I commend you to the worlds most highly respected encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Britannica. Simply Google for yourself "Encyclopedia Britannica" and enter the word "England" into the search field. You will find there, the same text as has been pasted below for those who will take my word.
Either way, what you read will make you very angry indeed. Only one political party can be relied on to fight for England and grasp back from the faceless hoards of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, our once great nation. Pride and Passion and the Vision to beat the traitors. We will win, because that's what England does. When we are really up against it - we fight - hard - and we win. We are up against it now. The time to fight is now. The time to join the English Democrats is now!

Extract from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Outside the British Isles, England is often erroneously considered synonymous with the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and even with the entire United Kingdom. Despite the political, economic, and cultural legacy that has secured the perpetuation of its name, England no longer officially exists as a governmental or political unit—unlike Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which all have varying degrees of self-government in domestic affairs. It is rare for institutions to operate for England alone. Notable exceptions are the Church of England (Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, including Northern Ireland, have separate branches of the Anglican Communion) and sports associations for cricket, rugby, and football (soccer). In many ways England has seemingly been absorbed within the larger mass of Great Britain since the Act of Union of 1707.
God Save England.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Children sent home for celebrating St Georges Day

Children in a Luton school have been sent home for displaying pride in England on St Georges Day.

Children from Icknield School in Luton, celebrated St Georges Day by wearing Cross of St George badges at school. According to Facebook page "Our Youth Should Be Able to Celebrate St Georges Day and Take Flags to School" a number of children were sent home for wearing badges or having a flag painted on their hand. One young lad was sent home and was waiting to hear today as to whether he would be suspended!

One young lady did manage to stand her ground and won the day, being allowed to keep her flag and was actually apologised to. Following the initial reporting of this incident, Peter Thorogood who is a member of the English Democrats in Romford, reported that whilst he was canvassing for the elections, he was approached by a lady who reported that her child had also been sent home for the same reason. Just how far is this spread across the country.

I am sick and tired of being called a racist because I am English but I am so very proud of these youngsters who are standing up for their country. The future of England is a little brighter today because of their actions.

The senior teaching staff at Icknield School and any other establishment who carried out anything similar to this, really should hang their heads in shame. They are no better that the Fascists who form the current British Government. Indeed, they are worse because Gordon Brown does have a sort of excuse, he is Scott's, as is half of his Cabinet of course.

The English Democrats are dedicated to fighting this type of anti English discrimination wherever it raises its ugly head and from what ever source. We wholeheartedly support the people of Luton who are so bravely fighting this battle.

The English Democrats are the only TRUE democrats please join us.

Have Faith In England

Friday 23 April 2010

What a Fantastic Day!

What a fantastic day today has been. I woke up to early sunshine streaming through the window. As I laid quietly trying to regain what passes for normality in my head, the Flag of England that was flying proudly from the front of my house, fluttered into view, reminding me that today is England's Day, the 23 April, St Georges Day.

Before long I was out on the streets, meeting and greeting and spreading the word of the finest political party England has ever seen - The English Democrats. Driving my own 'Battle Bus' festooned with leaflets and flags always tends to draw attention but today it drew smiles and waves everywhere I went.

I decided today that I would target an estate that is in the BNP sights for the local elections. It wasn't long before I came across a house with flags of St George all over the front. A wonderful sight it was as well. I couldn't pass by without speaking to the residents, so I knocked on the door to say how wonderful it looked to see the flags. I was immediately invited into the house to discuss the policies of the English Democrats and we were all pleasantly surprised when we discovered that we shared the same surname!

Leaving Mr & Mrs Bridger with leaflets and with firm promises to cast their votes for us, this set the mood for the rest of the day. Everyone I spoke to was not only supportive but wanted to know more about the party. Even when I popped into Tesco's for a coffee, I had people approaching me and asking for leaflets and details. Everywhere I went I encountered smiling faces and support.
Not one leftie did I meet but only true English folk who all had pride in their hearts for today. Truly England is begining to stir. A truly wonderful day.
Thank you St George.

England WILL prevail.

Vote English Democrat on 6th May.


Tuesday 20 April 2010

Why we don't spend a fortune.

I was asked today why the English Democrats don't make themselves a bit more 'conspicuous'. The chap who asked me said he hadn't heard of us. After I had explained how every English Democrat candidate tried as hard as they possibly could to get the media to allow us even a quarter of the coverage they give to the 'Big 3', he said "Well I get something through my front door practically every day from one of them, but this is the first time from you lot".

This got me to thinking. Today I have had 2 documents from the Labour party, one a full coloured triple fold A4 glossy print for the local council election. I must admit that their local man, Andrew Cartwright, is a pretty good sort of chap. The other was a 4 page 'Red Top' newspaper type for the parliamentary elections.

The main 'story' was how Michael Foster is absolutely committed to a New NHS Cancer guarantee - pity you won't back giving life saving drugs to cancer sufferers for free as they do in Scotland Michael.

According to Michael 'Every Child Matters' - pity you haven't sorted out a school system that still allows overcrowding in classes, children being allowed to fall off the radar and leaving school unable to read or write, in the last 13 years Michael.

Michael also wants to ensure that that money raised for the Conquest hospital stays in our area - pity we have to spend so much on giving our money raised in England, by giving it away to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, don't you think Michael?

Dignity in Retirement is also very important to Michael - he reckons that older residents deserve a decent income and an end to age discrimination. I think that this is rather sick to be honest Michael, after all its your lot that make the older residents sell their homes for their residential care isn't it?

And finally, Mr Foster is determined to fight for continued investment in our railways, the week after his bosses announced that the new trains would not be coming as far down the track as Hastings and that what services we do get are going to be cut! If anyone can work that one out - answers on a postcard please.

Getting back to my original comments - I wonder how much money those two documents have cost the Labour party to print. Admittedly they have been delivered by the party faithful but the logistics of delivering to every house in Hastings, let alone the whole constituency, must be enormous. Then there is of course the Conservative Party with their full colour printed A5 documents,and as it looks as if the Lib/Dems may be our biggest challenge, we must include them. Overall a vast amount of money spent in Hastings alone.

Then lets compare the English Democrats. The vast amount of money we spend on advertising is somewhat restricted by how much of my pension is left over and whether my desktop printer will co-operate with me today and let me print 50 or so A4 leaflets. At least the logistics of delivering them is easy to sort out, its just me and my kids when they can spare the time.

How come then that we do get recognised when we go shopping? How come people email me and ask for window posters? We must be doing something right.

And it is clear that it is not necessary to spend such vast amounts of money to try and hoodwink the people, all in the pursuit of power.

Tell the people the truth - that's what they want and that's what they get from the English Democrats.

Monday 19 April 2010

RIP Democracy

If any evidence was required that Democracy is well and truly dead in Hastings, then tonight has provided that evidence.

Late last week, I learnt of a public political meeting taking place tonight and being organised by a local church group. Firing off a rapid email, I requested, in the name of democracy, an invitation to attend the meeting. Also there would be the usual Lib/Lab/Con party but also Ukip! Consequently I was rather keen on attending and putting forward the ED point of view.

Imagine my extreme disappointment when later today I received a reply to my email which said 'Sorry, No'. Apparently if I were present it would take too long for the replies, so my request was refused. Mmmm we believe that children, don't we? (And it was a Church of England church).

As you can imagine, I was rather miffed by this, therefore half an hour before start time saw me positioned outside of the meeting room entrance ready to meet the audience when they arrived. As they did, each one was offered an English Democrat leaflet along with a rapidly printed flyer which explained that I had been refused the opportunity to address them and also contained a copy of the short address I had planned.

I was reassured by the number of people who were upset by my 'banning' from the meeting and in total I gave out 100 of our English Democrats leaflets and just over 50 of the flyer.

Although some good will possibly come from my actions tonight, I would have much preferred to have met the other candidates face to face and challenged them, as I did at a previous meeting. Perhaps that is what they were afraid of, I do not shy away from challenging these people and it does make them very uncomfortable when I do. I was the only candidate to earn a round of applause at the earlier meeting for example.

They are afraid of the message that the English Democrats are spreading and they will do everything they can to silence us. It is imperative that each and every one of us continues to keep the flag flying.

Friday 16 April 2010

Beware - South East Candidates

Avid readers will remember way back in November, when your intrepid author appeared on the BBC Southeast 'Politics Show'. The show was edited in such a way that I appeared to endorse the Labour Party as the only alternative to the Conservatives, which I most certainly did not.

Yesterday (Thursday) saw me being interviewed for the same programme once again and after my comments regarding the previous recording, I was assured that it would not be repeated. Consequently the interview took place in St George's Rd in Hastings and as that location was chosen by the reporter because of its obvious connections with us, I was quietly confident. The questioning commenced and I managed to keep it on track to discussing an English Parliament, the Economy and and of course a referendum on the EU.

All went well with the production, which meant shots from different angles and walking past the road sign (oh! the trials of stardom) we were coming towards the end when the trap snapped shut!!

"Oh yes Rod, one final question. As yourselves, UKIP and the British National Party all have your nation in the title of your party, does that bring race into it"??? "Aha"! I thought, "so this is the real question". Putting on an innocent face (yes it was, really) I said "I don't understand the question. What exactly do you mean"? The the bombshell - "Are you racist"?

After several attempts of politely trying to explain the difference a) between us and the BNP and b) the difference between National Identity and Racism I must admit that Rodney began to get a little tetchy. In the end I was rather forthright and raising my voice (just slightly) I slapped the back of my hand and said "Listen, it doesn't matter what is on the outside, its what's inside that counts". The interview ended and back to my sick bed went I.

Today (Friday) my local paper (note the lack of the word 'news') published statements from all of the 6 candidates in Hastings. It also included another article headlined 'Media spotlight falls on marginal Hastings'. It reported how the 'Big 3' were filmed during the week and about how this weeks South East 'The Politics Show' will be broadcast live from a local hotel and how once again, the Big 3 are going to be questioned on the economy, regeneration and immigration. I will now quote the last paragraph in full.

" the BBC has sparked outrage among anti-fascists locally after featuring a lengthy interview with British National Party candidate Nick Prince on its Inside Out Show, and the local Unite Against Fascism group has urged producers not to give air time to the BNP this time round but this weekend's programme will include an in-depth look at the policies of the British National Party and the English Democrats".

So there you have it. Even without looking into my crystal ball (yes I do have one), I can see that our beloved admirers inside the BBC are going to attempt to paint us with the same Racist brush that they will obviously paint the BNP. And all without a fraction of the coverage that the BNP get.

The serious point to all of this is that if I am right, all the hard work that has been put in by candidates and supporters in the whole of the South East - Sussex, Surrey, Essex and Kent could be damaged by one piece of irresponsible reporting from an organisation that millions of people still trust to tell the truth.
We must continue the fight - for England's sake.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Wake Up Hastings!

There cannot be many people in 1066 Country who do not have sympathy for our Fishermen. Ever since Ted Heath committed the ultimate treachery of giving away the sovereignty of the UK to the then Common Market, the fishermen of Hastings have seen their livelihoods being eroded. Heath agreed to give away all but 16% of our fishing grounds. This has been made worse by every succeeding British government happily giving away our every birth rite to Europe.

Unfortunately, not even that is good enough for our masters in Brussels. Giving vast amounts of cash to our Spanish cousins to restructure their fishing industry after Gen Franco parted company, ensured that whole fleets of British boats have disappeared to be replaced by the huge factory ships with massive nets that simply ‘hoover’ the sea bed clean of fish. Hastings boasts that our fleet is the largest beech launched fleet in Europe. Sounds grand but how many are in ‘our’ fleet? 10 – 12? with a combined capacity way below just one giant boat flying the Spanish flag. But fear not – our unelected masters in the EUSSR have allowed our fishermen to catch up to 3 whole percent, and that doesn’t count the half of the catch that is thrown back dead because it’s too small.

What I do have difficulty in understanding is why our fishermen place so much trust in our politicians. Nick Perry may be their new best friend but at the end of the day, he will do exactly as his masters in Brussels tell him. Michael Foster may actually travel all of the way to Brussels and have ‘a very interesting’ meeting but don’t hold your breath. The Tories will huff and puff but ultimately they will wring their hands and say ‘it’s European law, we can’t do anything. Maybe if you are lucky, they may condescend to allow you to catch another bucket full of fish!

It really is time for the fishermen of Hastings to Wake up & Smell the Coffee! The Lib/Lab/Con Party is not going to do anything for you. Their loyalty is to their masters in Whitehall and Brussels. The only chance you have of not being reduced to being a tourist attraction providing Trips Around The Harbour (sorry I forgot Health & Safety – scrub the trips) or becoming a living piece of Art, courtesy of the Jerwood Gallery, is to join with the English Democrats and withdraw fully from the political control of Brussels and reclaim your own birth rite.
Join me in the RED & WHITE Revolution. Join the English Democrats.

Thursday 8 April 2010

One Lie Too Many Brown

I have tried to steer away from the subject of immigration throughout this campaign and so far have been successful – until today when two things happened.

The first was one of my would be constituents contacting me and asking would I be able to help him get a job should I win the election. This chap is a young father with two very young children and his wife to look after. He is desperately trying to find work but claims that every job he goes after, he is beaten to it by ‘immigrants’. They just take everything he said, “If I do get close to getting a job an immigrant offers to do it for less. I just can’t afford to provide for my family with the money they offer”. To be honest with you I wasn’t sure how to answer him. However, before I had the opportunity to put too much effort in coming up with an answer I was hit by the second thing to happen today. A report in the Express as to how Gordon Brown has been caught lying - yet again.


shouted the headlines. In slightly muted tones it continued

“BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS? Nine out of 10 jobs go to immigrants”.

Gordon’s own figures revealed that nearly 300,000 fewer British-born workers were employed in the private sector than when Labour came to power and that more than 9 out of 10 of the 1.7million jobs added to the economy since 1997 have gone to workers from overseas. The figures provoked fury about Labours ‘Open Door’ policy of mass immigration just weeks before polling day.

The Tories immediately seized on them as "devastating" proof that Browns promise of British jobs for British Workers was a complete failure... The Shadow Immigration Minister Damien Green actually said “he has left British workers in a worse position than when Labour took office 13 years ago”. Why has it taken an election to wake the Tories up? It has been obvious to the rest of us for years. Could it be that the Tories don’t really care about it and are just using it to their advantage becuase of the election?

Brown even tried to claim that he had created 2.5 million jobs at a recent speech in Glasgow. But even his own officials say that those who had benefited were almost entirely Immigrants. The Office for Statistics Labour Force Survey showed that 1.7 million jobs had been added to the economy since 1997 once workers over retirement age were excluded. Of those 1.6 million had been taken by immigrants. This represents a huge proportion of 92% and is even bigger than first thought.

It was only last month that Brown warned critics of Labour’s immigration policy were appealing to the “worst instincts of nationalism and xenophobia”. That old well worn and practised threat to tag anyone who opposes Labour as ‘Racist’ and 'Fascist'.

Well it isn’t going to work any more Mr Brown. You have lied too many times. I am not a Racist or a Fascist neither is the young man who came to me for help – yet. But YOU are driving him to be one. YOU are the one that is causing so much hurt and pain to ordinary English people. YOU are the one that is destroying England.

In the words of Oliver Cromwell “For God’s sake go”.

But before you do go Mr Brown, can you please tell what to say to that young man???

A vote for the English Democrats is not a wasted vote. A vote for the Lib/Lab/Con Party is vote for more of the same - or worse.

Monday 5 April 2010

Read - and Weep!

How many residents of Hastings realise that the English are discriminated against in our own country?

How many have to pay £7.20 per item for a prescription? How many are juggling finances to try and give their children a better chance in life with a University education? How many are dreading the financial onslaught of taking care of their future as the years march on?

There is a way of avoiding all of these financial nightmares – all you have to do is move to Scotland!

In Scotland prescriptions are FREE; University Top Up fees are FREE, residential care for the elderly is FREE. So, how come we have to pay for all of this in England? The answer is because Scotland has its own Parliament, so does Wales and Northern Ireland.

These parliaments, or assemblies, control their own internal affairs such as; Education, Welfare, Health and the Law. Naturally, those bodies look after their own people. But who do we have looking after English interests? Gordon Brown!

An unelected and unrepresentative Prime Minister of the British Government. Gordon has no say as to what happens in Scotland because he is not a member of the Scottish Parliament, neither do almost 50% of his fellow Scott’s in the cabinet. They can only say what happens in England!

To rub salt into the wounds, how do you think that the Scott’s and Welsh can afford to provide these benefits to their people? Because YOU pay for it! Under the discredited Barnett Formula, the English taxpayer has paid in excess of £200 BILLION to other parts of the UK.

The English Democrats demand same ‘Rights’ as the other Nations of the UK. We demand that taxes raised in England are spent in England. We demand that the English should control our own destiny. We demand an English Parliament.

Vote for Democracy. Vote for the English Democrats.

Visit www.englishdemocrats1066.org