Sunday 6 December 2009

B-iased B-roadcasting C-orporation

I have now experienced first hand the B-iased B-roadcasting C-orporation at first hand. On Thursday afternoon I gave a recorded interview for the South East BBC Politics Show. The actual interview took only about 10 minutes but in that time I felt that I got across most of what I intended. I was quietly confident that the finished article would show the English Democrats in a pretty good light.

I managed to mention how we are NOT racist NOR are we anti-immigration. I told how we are meeting some enthusiasm for our policies on the door step and even how we were the only TRUE alternative to the fascist BNP.

However, when the show was aired, you would have missed it if you had blinked. Coupled with me allegedly saying, according to the BBC anyway, that we didn't have a hope in hell's chance of winning - it was not a show stopping display. To be fair, under the circumstances, we probably won't win - but that is NOT what I said.

The agenda of the BBC was clearly to say that the only party that did have a chance of toppling the Tories after years in post was - you've guessed it - their dear old friends in the Labour Party. Indeed, when that was actually put to me in the interview, my reply was "This is Tory heartland. Labour will never win in St Helens"

The result? I don't think I will ever again agree to a recorded interview, particularly with the BBC. A live interview is more scary because there is no chance of rectifying any mistakes but at least you stand a better chance of getting your message across.

Well done BBC!

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Do We Seriously Expect to Win on the 10th

Lets look at some facts. St Helens is a Tory stronghold. It is one of the wealthier area's of the Borough and has been Tory for longer than anyone can remember. The other main parties usually only put up a token 'paper' candidate and are happy with the few votes that they do get.

The English Democrats are the new boys on the block, in fact we've been active in the town for about 6 weeks! When I say 'active' lets just make sure that we all understand what I mean. When I joined the English Democrats just a short while ago, I was effectively the only member in the town and I was tasked with building the membership. I was OK with that as we had a good 6 months to go before the General Election next May.

Then of course the Tories did what they are particularly good at - messing things up. The sitting Councillor resigned, which threw all of my plans into a cocked hat. Suddenly I had an election to fight. No mean task for one guy. Of course, we could have just stood back and let this one slip by but I have never gone through the process of an election before and reckoned that this was an ideal opportunity to cut our teeth on.

Indeed the exercise has proved useful and come the main election we will know exactly what the procedure is. It is also proving useful in introducing the party to an unenlightened population. The initial reaction from people as soon as they see the word 'English' is to presume that we are a fascist right-wing organisation, which I find very sad, however as soon as people realise exactly what we stand for, the mood changes - sometimes to enthusiasm. I find this particularly from young families who really do have an understanding about the dire situation our country is in.

So, can we win on the 10th? Well we are certainly going all out for a win and there is a possibility. To overturn a generation or two of Tory rule in this ward will be fantastic if optimistic, particularly when you consider that the party infrastructure consists of - me! The upside is that committee meetings are very pleasant and everybody is always in agreement.

Wish 'us' luck please and visit

English Democrats 1066 on telly

After a bad day yesterday trying to deal with the media in the form of the Hastings Observer and trying to retain the reputation of our party, things took a turn for the better in the afternoon. A telephone call from the BBC no less. The Southeast Politics Show is covering the election in Hastings this Sunday morning and along with the other four candidates they want to interview me this Thursdays afternoon.

Greasepaint and a pen for the autographs at the high port, I will be prepared for 'Lights, camera, action'. Seriously, this is a rare opportunity for the English Democrats to get a wide coverage so lets hope that it goes well. I believe that the coverage for this programme is the whole of the South East, certainly Sussex & Kent, so here's hoping.

All requests for autographs to the official Fan Club web site please!

Saturday 28 November 2009

Its' Enough to Make You Cry

On two pages of my daily paper today, four different stories that could easily reduce you to tears. Story one was the admission by Sir Jeremy Greenstock who was British Ambassador to the United Nations, that Tony Blair's decision to take the country to war with Iraq was 'not legitimate'. The only honour for this country to be gleaned out of this is if Blair stands in the dock at the Old Bailey. Unless a democratic government takes control of the country, it will never happen of course.

Story two was the fact that the French are celebrating the fact that one of their men, a well known French protectionist Europhile, has been given control of the financial centre of the City of London. This man, Michel Barnier, is also a anti 'free market' man and certainly no lover of the English. Not only are they celebrating but the belly laughs emanating from Paris can be heard in Dover at the fact that this coupe was handed to them on a plate by no other person than our own unelected Scottish moron of a PM! Well done Gordon.

Story three informs us that the annual cost to the NHS of providing convicted criminals of their daily drug fixes has now reached £40million. £40m spent on criminals because it is an infringement of their Human Rights! How many honest, deserving citizens are denied sometimes life saving treatment so that these scum can enjoy their 'highs' whilst they have an easy life until they are released to offend again?

Story four is also about the NHS but this time it is about over 5,000 people who went into hospital with minor conditions but never came out alive. 5,000 people killed by an organisation that is supposed to be dedicated to curing people and saving lives. To rub salt into the wound (as well as MRSA of course) is the fact that the Fat Cats who oversee this slaughter get really upset when people begin to say they should resign! "Why" they sat, "we only killed your child/wife/mother etc etc". In a sensible country, these people would be recognised as criminals and imprisoned for a very long time.

Unfortunately, the tears don't stop there. Further on in my paper I read how when Paul and Rachel Chandler were kidnapped by Somali pirates, the whole shameful episode was witnessed by a warship. Not just any old warship but a Royal Navy warship, RFA Wave Knight! What on earth were they thinking to just stand by and watch it happen. Admittedly, she did fire shots into the air, to which the pirates waved two fingers and carried on. "We didn't want to put them at risk" What the hell do they think is happening to them now?

The final story really did bring tears to my eyes and also involved the Royal Navy. Headed by a picture of a young lass in full combat gear, with blood on her face was the story of how one extremely brave 21 year old RN Medic Kate Nesbitt saved the life of another soldier whilst under heavy fire in Afghanistan. Saying, after being awarded the George Medal by Prince Charles "I was only doing my job and nothing more than anyone else would have done for me",
5 foot nothing Kate exemplifies everything that is so wonderful about our armed forces. God Bless you Kate and every one of you boys and girls protecting us. No words can express our thanks.

Friday 27 November 2009

Nice To Know We Have an Impartial Press

Last Friday 20th November, the Hastings Observer published an article about the forthcoming by-elections in the St Helens Ward of Hastings. The article was headlined 'Seat could determine the balance of power'. Each of the parties with candidates standing in the election were mentioned. The Lib/Lab/Con party and indeed the BNP each received about 100/150 words and a very nice picture. The English Democrats received just 48 words and no picture.

Whereas the other parties had a reasonable write up of their policies the English Democrats were almost dismissed with a wave of the hand. The only points of policy were, well lets say they were 'untruths'. The author described the English Democrats as 'anti-immigration' and 'far right-wing'. Even a cursory glance at either the national party website or our own 1066 website will show that we are neither. We are anti MASS immigration but not against immigration per-se. We are definitely not right-wing, let alone FAR right wing! A look at our header says 'Not Right - Not Left - Just English', we really can't put it simpler than that! We are a Centrist party. I am still gobsmacked that a Fascist, Racist party which wants to deport many loyal English men and women just because of the colour of their skin, can be described by the Observer as merely 'controversial' when a middle of the road party is damned as evil.

We have to ask the reason why. Some of the more forgiving members of the English Democrats say it is a simple case of lazy journalism. Should that be the case, the journalist concerned does not even deserve to be called a 'hack'. I believe that there is something much more sinister afoot. When you consider that I wrote to the Observer last Tuesday, advising them of the facts and requested that they print the truth as soon as possible, ie Friday 27th November, the fact that nothing was printed sets a few more bells ringing.

A further email winged it's way direct to the editor this Friday morning (27 Nov) once again advising them of the true facts and requesting them to contact me as soon as possible. Here we are at 01.30 hours on Saturday morning (how sad am I)? and there is still no reply.

What conclusion can I come to? The only one I can honestly believe is that the Hastings Observer is Anti-English and is racially discriminating against the English Democrats in favour of the British National Party!

Now I may be wrong about this, it may be that the weekend starts on Thursday at the Observer and everybody had gone home. In the event that I do receive an email or telephone call from them before midday on Monday with a promise to rectify the situation, then I shall be more than happy to make a full and open apology via this medium.

In the event that I don't hear from them, then you will be the first to know that the Hastings & St Leonards Observer is indeed a Fascist supporter. The second people to know will be the Press Complaints Commission. The Red & White revolution will not be stifled.

Thursday 26 November 2009

England - A Fascist State?

Do you think that England could ever become a Fascist state like Nazi Germany or even like Communist Soviet Russia? Surely not - not in a 'Free' country like ours? Could it?

The government would need to have in place a separate police force for one thing, a secret police force answerable only to the government. It would have to have in place draconian laws that the majority of the public were unaware of. It would have to give that secret police force the power to put people into prison at a whim or to enter their homes at any time and steal their private property and to remove their ability to obtain lawful employment thereby reducing their family to abject poverty.

Thank God that that terrible scenario could never happen in a just and free country like England! Well, think again - it already is here.

This Labour government - this government of the people - has already given these (and more) powers to the Child Support Agency. This agency was put into place to bring errant fathers to book who were refusing to financially support their own children. The bill for that would of course fall on the tax payer. So far it looks very reasonable doesn't it? The problem was that it proved too difficult for the poor dears to trace fathers who didn't want to be found. Life was becoming too difficult for them. Of course they had their targets that were set by the government and they had to reach them. So what could those poor souls do? Well of course there was always the responsible fathers who were already supporting their children! They would be nice soft targets, not difficult like those nasty dads who run away. OK, so lets make them pay even more - lets screw them to the floor!

Throw into the equation the mothers of the children who have the final say with the CSA and you have a financial blood bath. Remember a woman scorned?

I know of one young man (we'll call him John) with a beautiful child that he loves very much. When he split with the child's mother he supported his son fully, financially as well as practically and spiritually. However mum insisted on payment in cash. Foolishly with hindsight, John didn't see anything wrong with this and just carried on paying mum, buying clothes and treats, all the things that a loving dad does. In the meantime, he meets another young lady, falls in love, marries her and has a sibling for his son. It was then that the nastiness really began and mum went to the CSA. 'He hasn't paid me a penny' she cries. 'Well we can't have that' cried the CSA in reply. 'We'll get every penny off the bastard he can afford. And then we'll have some more'. 'But I have paid and I'm willing to carry on paying. I love my son very much although I am only allowed to see him once a fortnight'. 'Tough' screamed the CSA 'You've got no proof, so we believe her. Give us your money - or else'.

'But what about my own family? If I give you all you demand, I won't be able to afford my home or feed and clothe my other child'. 'Tough' screamed the CSA even louder. 'Give us all you've got'. So he did. And he lost his home - twice. And still the CSA demanded more. 'If you don't pay us what we want' they said 'we'll come into your home and take all of your goods including your child's toys. We will take your driving licence away from you as well'. 'But if you do that I won't be able to work and I will have no money'. 'Tough' they said 'in that case we may send you to prison'!

Dear friends, this story is true and it's being repeated today across this once free land of our's. There are countless tales of other fathers driven to their complete wits end. Countless other children driven into poverty by the actions of this vile group of people. Numerous men who could take no more from them and sadly took their own lives to get away from it.

A vile organisation working for a vile government. A free country? No way!

How much further would we need to go before we begin to hear car doors slamming and somebodies front door being kicked in the middle of the night? Get down below the bedcovers - they may come for you next!

How much of a stretch of the imagination would it take to visualise mysterious buildings where people were seen to go in to but nobody came out?

How long would it be before they turn their attention to you?

Fascism is alive in England today. It is already here and being used by our government against us.

Look around you - you have been warned.

Now, there's a surprise!

I hate to say 'I told you so' - but I told you so! Anybody who saw the news on Tuesday evening will know that despite a very well attended demonstration outside of County Hall at Lewes, the planned destruction of three schools in Hastings, will go ahead. It really dosen't matter one ioter whether the people are behind this plan or not. There is going to be much too much money being made to listen to the parents, teachers, govorners and children who are primarily affected by this.

Why, even our champion of the people's rights, our illustrious MP, Michael Foster has said that only two people have complained about this, therefore it will go ahead. I am sure I saw more than two people on my television, did you? Of course, you need to understand at this point that poor old Michael has to do as he is told - not by his constituants of course (as it should be) but by his masters in Whitehall - after all, Micheal's got his next step up the minsiterial ladder to consider.

Although some may consider it comforting to see the three main parties working together, please don't be fooled. The truth is that they do this not by choice but simply because there is no difference between them. It really is the Lib/Lab/Con con party. Thats the main difference between them and the English Democrats. We do not have a party whip to follow. The English Democrats are pledged to honestly representing the people, in the truest sense of the word. It is time to tell these liars and theives who claim to 'represent' us, the people, to go. In the name of God go. There, now they have me so worked up I am quoting Cromwell & Churchill, two great Englishmen. But they had a point! The only way the people will be represented in parliament is to return good, honest and 'Independant' representatives to the House of Commons.

Come on - you can make a difference. Join the Red & White Revolution and Vote English Democrats!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Soviet Republic of East Sussex

Do you really believe that you live in a Free Country? A Democracy? A visit to a Council meeting will soon dispell that delusion! There is a battle going on in East Sussex relating to the Councils answer to problems with falling education standards. Apparently the answer to every educational problem is the creation of Academies. On the face of it, it sounds wonderful but what of the reality?

Indeed it is a battle. One one side there are the parents and teachers. On the other side are the mighty Storm troopers of the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the County Council Elected Members and the County Council Officers. A rather one sided fight you may think - and you would be right.

The parents groups are relying on the weight of democratic protest and honesty. The other side are relying on bullying, threatening and lies. Rather a one sided fight - wouldn't you agree?

Teachers have been threatened not to get involved with any protest if they value their jobs. Council officials have stated in the Council Chamber that it dosen't matter how many people sign the petition, this will go through! So much for Democracy.

So what is the REAL reason for the insistance in pushing this plan through. Well, in Hastings it is of course money and wealth. Should this come about and it probably will, the Grove Scholl will be closed. The building will be demolished and the grounds sold for developement. Now theres a surprise!! Loads of Wonga to be made!!!

The English Democrats are the ONLY political party that are opposed to this monstrous plan. What can we do about it? In truth very little at this time. The ruling Conservative regime at County Hall will push this through regardless of any opposition. I will leave you to make up your minds about that. They are of course supported by Labour and the Libs.

The English Dems will be contesting every seat that we are able too next May. When we gain control of County, we will return Democracy to the people and believe me, we will have some very difficult questions to ask about this whole sad scenario.