Sunday 6 December 2009

B-iased B-roadcasting C-orporation

I have now experienced first hand the B-iased B-roadcasting C-orporation at first hand. On Thursday afternoon I gave a recorded interview for the South East BBC Politics Show. The actual interview took only about 10 minutes but in that time I felt that I got across most of what I intended. I was quietly confident that the finished article would show the English Democrats in a pretty good light.

I managed to mention how we are NOT racist NOR are we anti-immigration. I told how we are meeting some enthusiasm for our policies on the door step and even how we were the only TRUE alternative to the fascist BNP.

However, when the show was aired, you would have missed it if you had blinked. Coupled with me allegedly saying, according to the BBC anyway, that we didn't have a hope in hell's chance of winning - it was not a show stopping display. To be fair, under the circumstances, we probably won't win - but that is NOT what I said.

The agenda of the BBC was clearly to say that the only party that did have a chance of toppling the Tories after years in post was - you've guessed it - their dear old friends in the Labour Party. Indeed, when that was actually put to me in the interview, my reply was "This is Tory heartland. Labour will never win in St Helens"

The result? I don't think I will ever again agree to a recorded interview, particularly with the BBC. A live interview is more scary because there is no chance of rectifying any mistakes but at least you stand a better chance of getting your message across.

Well done BBC!

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