Friday 27 November 2009

Nice To Know We Have an Impartial Press

Last Friday 20th November, the Hastings Observer published an article about the forthcoming by-elections in the St Helens Ward of Hastings. The article was headlined 'Seat could determine the balance of power'. Each of the parties with candidates standing in the election were mentioned. The Lib/Lab/Con party and indeed the BNP each received about 100/150 words and a very nice picture. The English Democrats received just 48 words and no picture.

Whereas the other parties had a reasonable write up of their policies the English Democrats were almost dismissed with a wave of the hand. The only points of policy were, well lets say they were 'untruths'. The author described the English Democrats as 'anti-immigration' and 'far right-wing'. Even a cursory glance at either the national party website or our own 1066 website will show that we are neither. We are anti MASS immigration but not against immigration per-se. We are definitely not right-wing, let alone FAR right wing! A look at our header says 'Not Right - Not Left - Just English', we really can't put it simpler than that! We are a Centrist party. I am still gobsmacked that a Fascist, Racist party which wants to deport many loyal English men and women just because of the colour of their skin, can be described by the Observer as merely 'controversial' when a middle of the road party is damned as evil.

We have to ask the reason why. Some of the more forgiving members of the English Democrats say it is a simple case of lazy journalism. Should that be the case, the journalist concerned does not even deserve to be called a 'hack'. I believe that there is something much more sinister afoot. When you consider that I wrote to the Observer last Tuesday, advising them of the facts and requested that they print the truth as soon as possible, ie Friday 27th November, the fact that nothing was printed sets a few more bells ringing.

A further email winged it's way direct to the editor this Friday morning (27 Nov) once again advising them of the true facts and requesting them to contact me as soon as possible. Here we are at 01.30 hours on Saturday morning (how sad am I)? and there is still no reply.

What conclusion can I come to? The only one I can honestly believe is that the Hastings Observer is Anti-English and is racially discriminating against the English Democrats in favour of the British National Party!

Now I may be wrong about this, it may be that the weekend starts on Thursday at the Observer and everybody had gone home. In the event that I do receive an email or telephone call from them before midday on Monday with a promise to rectify the situation, then I shall be more than happy to make a full and open apology via this medium.

In the event that I don't hear from them, then you will be the first to know that the Hastings & St Leonards Observer is indeed a Fascist supporter. The second people to know will be the Press Complaints Commission. The Red & White revolution will not be stifled.

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