Saturday 28 November 2009

Its' Enough to Make You Cry

On two pages of my daily paper today, four different stories that could easily reduce you to tears. Story one was the admission by Sir Jeremy Greenstock who was British Ambassador to the United Nations, that Tony Blair's decision to take the country to war with Iraq was 'not legitimate'. The only honour for this country to be gleaned out of this is if Blair stands in the dock at the Old Bailey. Unless a democratic government takes control of the country, it will never happen of course.

Story two was the fact that the French are celebrating the fact that one of their men, a well known French protectionist Europhile, has been given control of the financial centre of the City of London. This man, Michel Barnier, is also a anti 'free market' man and certainly no lover of the English. Not only are they celebrating but the belly laughs emanating from Paris can be heard in Dover at the fact that this coupe was handed to them on a plate by no other person than our own unelected Scottish moron of a PM! Well done Gordon.

Story three informs us that the annual cost to the NHS of providing convicted criminals of their daily drug fixes has now reached £40million. £40m spent on criminals because it is an infringement of their Human Rights! How many honest, deserving citizens are denied sometimes life saving treatment so that these scum can enjoy their 'highs' whilst they have an easy life until they are released to offend again?

Story four is also about the NHS but this time it is about over 5,000 people who went into hospital with minor conditions but never came out alive. 5,000 people killed by an organisation that is supposed to be dedicated to curing people and saving lives. To rub salt into the wound (as well as MRSA of course) is the fact that the Fat Cats who oversee this slaughter get really upset when people begin to say they should resign! "Why" they sat, "we only killed your child/wife/mother etc etc". In a sensible country, these people would be recognised as criminals and imprisoned for a very long time.

Unfortunately, the tears don't stop there. Further on in my paper I read how when Paul and Rachel Chandler were kidnapped by Somali pirates, the whole shameful episode was witnessed by a warship. Not just any old warship but a Royal Navy warship, RFA Wave Knight! What on earth were they thinking to just stand by and watch it happen. Admittedly, she did fire shots into the air, to which the pirates waved two fingers and carried on. "We didn't want to put them at risk" What the hell do they think is happening to them now?

The final story really did bring tears to my eyes and also involved the Royal Navy. Headed by a picture of a young lass in full combat gear, with blood on her face was the story of how one extremely brave 21 year old RN Medic Kate Nesbitt saved the life of another soldier whilst under heavy fire in Afghanistan. Saying, after being awarded the George Medal by Prince Charles "I was only doing my job and nothing more than anyone else would have done for me",
5 foot nothing Kate exemplifies everything that is so wonderful about our armed forces. God Bless you Kate and every one of you boys and girls protecting us. No words can express our thanks.

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