Thursday 26 November 2009

England - A Fascist State?

Do you think that England could ever become a Fascist state like Nazi Germany or even like Communist Soviet Russia? Surely not - not in a 'Free' country like ours? Could it?

The government would need to have in place a separate police force for one thing, a secret police force answerable only to the government. It would have to have in place draconian laws that the majority of the public were unaware of. It would have to give that secret police force the power to put people into prison at a whim or to enter their homes at any time and steal their private property and to remove their ability to obtain lawful employment thereby reducing their family to abject poverty.

Thank God that that terrible scenario could never happen in a just and free country like England! Well, think again - it already is here.

This Labour government - this government of the people - has already given these (and more) powers to the Child Support Agency. This agency was put into place to bring errant fathers to book who were refusing to financially support their own children. The bill for that would of course fall on the tax payer. So far it looks very reasonable doesn't it? The problem was that it proved too difficult for the poor dears to trace fathers who didn't want to be found. Life was becoming too difficult for them. Of course they had their targets that were set by the government and they had to reach them. So what could those poor souls do? Well of course there was always the responsible fathers who were already supporting their children! They would be nice soft targets, not difficult like those nasty dads who run away. OK, so lets make them pay even more - lets screw them to the floor!

Throw into the equation the mothers of the children who have the final say with the CSA and you have a financial blood bath. Remember a woman scorned?

I know of one young man (we'll call him John) with a beautiful child that he loves very much. When he split with the child's mother he supported his son fully, financially as well as practically and spiritually. However mum insisted on payment in cash. Foolishly with hindsight, John didn't see anything wrong with this and just carried on paying mum, buying clothes and treats, all the things that a loving dad does. In the meantime, he meets another young lady, falls in love, marries her and has a sibling for his son. It was then that the nastiness really began and mum went to the CSA. 'He hasn't paid me a penny' she cries. 'Well we can't have that' cried the CSA in reply. 'We'll get every penny off the bastard he can afford. And then we'll have some more'. 'But I have paid and I'm willing to carry on paying. I love my son very much although I am only allowed to see him once a fortnight'. 'Tough' screamed the CSA 'You've got no proof, so we believe her. Give us your money - or else'.

'But what about my own family? If I give you all you demand, I won't be able to afford my home or feed and clothe my other child'. 'Tough' screamed the CSA even louder. 'Give us all you've got'. So he did. And he lost his home - twice. And still the CSA demanded more. 'If you don't pay us what we want' they said 'we'll come into your home and take all of your goods including your child's toys. We will take your driving licence away from you as well'. 'But if you do that I won't be able to work and I will have no money'. 'Tough' they said 'in that case we may send you to prison'!

Dear friends, this story is true and it's being repeated today across this once free land of our's. There are countless tales of other fathers driven to their complete wits end. Countless other children driven into poverty by the actions of this vile group of people. Numerous men who could take no more from them and sadly took their own lives to get away from it.

A vile organisation working for a vile government. A free country? No way!

How much further would we need to go before we begin to hear car doors slamming and somebodies front door being kicked in the middle of the night? Get down below the bedcovers - they may come for you next!

How much of a stretch of the imagination would it take to visualise mysterious buildings where people were seen to go in to but nobody came out?

How long would it be before they turn their attention to you?

Fascism is alive in England today. It is already here and being used by our government against us.

Look around you - you have been warned.

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