Wednesday 18 November 2009

Soviet Republic of East Sussex

Do you really believe that you live in a Free Country? A Democracy? A visit to a Council meeting will soon dispell that delusion! There is a battle going on in East Sussex relating to the Councils answer to problems with falling education standards. Apparently the answer to every educational problem is the creation of Academies. On the face of it, it sounds wonderful but what of the reality?

Indeed it is a battle. One one side there are the parents and teachers. On the other side are the mighty Storm troopers of the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the County Council Elected Members and the County Council Officers. A rather one sided fight you may think - and you would be right.

The parents groups are relying on the weight of democratic protest and honesty. The other side are relying on bullying, threatening and lies. Rather a one sided fight - wouldn't you agree?

Teachers have been threatened not to get involved with any protest if they value their jobs. Council officials have stated in the Council Chamber that it dosen't matter how many people sign the petition, this will go through! So much for Democracy.

So what is the REAL reason for the insistance in pushing this plan through. Well, in Hastings it is of course money and wealth. Should this come about and it probably will, the Grove Scholl will be closed. The building will be demolished and the grounds sold for developement. Now theres a surprise!! Loads of Wonga to be made!!!

The English Democrats are the ONLY political party that are opposed to this monstrous plan. What can we do about it? In truth very little at this time. The ruling Conservative regime at County Hall will push this through regardless of any opposition. I will leave you to make up your minds about that. They are of course supported by Labour and the Libs.

The English Dems will be contesting every seat that we are able too next May. When we gain control of County, we will return Democracy to the people and believe me, we will have some very difficult questions to ask about this whole sad scenario.

1 comment:

  1. Well as a family man with young children, I am somewhat concerned about this. The Schools we do have are in much need of improvement, as we don't really have any schools in Hastings with good performance. Just another reason to pack up leave the town and possibly the country! Come on English Democrats... Get in there so I can stay in my home town and country!
