Thursday 26 November 2009

Now, there's a surprise!

I hate to say 'I told you so' - but I told you so! Anybody who saw the news on Tuesday evening will know that despite a very well attended demonstration outside of County Hall at Lewes, the planned destruction of three schools in Hastings, will go ahead. It really dosen't matter one ioter whether the people are behind this plan or not. There is going to be much too much money being made to listen to the parents, teachers, govorners and children who are primarily affected by this.

Why, even our champion of the people's rights, our illustrious MP, Michael Foster has said that only two people have complained about this, therefore it will go ahead. I am sure I saw more than two people on my television, did you? Of course, you need to understand at this point that poor old Michael has to do as he is told - not by his constituants of course (as it should be) but by his masters in Whitehall - after all, Micheal's got his next step up the minsiterial ladder to consider.

Although some may consider it comforting to see the three main parties working together, please don't be fooled. The truth is that they do this not by choice but simply because there is no difference between them. It really is the Lib/Lab/Con con party. Thats the main difference between them and the English Democrats. We do not have a party whip to follow. The English Democrats are pledged to honestly representing the people, in the truest sense of the word. It is time to tell these liars and theives who claim to 'represent' us, the people, to go. In the name of God go. There, now they have me so worked up I am quoting Cromwell & Churchill, two great Englishmen. But they had a point! The only way the people will be represented in parliament is to return good, honest and 'Independant' representatives to the House of Commons.

Come on - you can make a difference. Join the Red & White Revolution and Vote English Democrats!

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