Monday 2 August 2010

Rods Blog. A Thug or a Hero?

Justice? What Justice?

Recently I told you how the new British Government will soon be required by their masters in Brussels to accept a new law which will give foreign police the power to require our police to investigate our own people for crimes that may not even be a crime in this country. The person who is the subject of that investigation can then be extradited, placed on trial and ultimately be imprisoned – and all the while the English justice system will be powerless to intervene. It will even be possible for police officers from another EU country, to travel to England, arrest you and take you back to wherever. Some people didn’t believe me, said I was lying and even called me a racist and said I was 'scaremongering' for reporting this!

Consider then, the case of Gary Mann. He’s a big guy; he has a shaved head and worst of all he’s English. Naturally then it stands to reason that Gary Mann is a thug and a hooligan and deserves to spend 2 years in jail in Portugal. But what are the facts. It is clear that Mr. Mann was in Portugal at the time of the European Championships in 2004 but what is in dispute is whether he was involved in the rioting that took place in the Algarve resort of Albufeira. According to Mr. Mann he was nowhere near where the problems were taking place and did not know that they had even occurred until after he was arrested. English fans were literally running riot whilst he was enjoying a quiet drink some miles away and with witnesses to prove it. At 4am he left the bar and was immediately pounced upon by two Portuguese policemen who reckoned that he must have been involved – ‘Big guy, shaven head AND English’ Bang to Rights!

Held in jail until he appeared before a judge charged with a crime he says he did not commit, he and his co-charged had little idea of what was going on as they had to rely on a hairdresser friend of the judges wife, to translate for them. Gary was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years in jail or deportation. Naturally he chose the deportation, determined never to darken the doors of Portugal again. He returned to his home and the worried sick arms of his family. He hoped that that was the end of it. Unfortunately it was not to be so.

The British police applied to the courts for a banning order in an attempt to prevent him from traveling to any football matches anywhere in the world. In a typical knee jerk reaction, the then Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett, said that he was going to “nail him” (Mann) as he was so angry at the ‘lenient’ sentence. Heavy stuff for an ordinary guy who reckoned he was innocent.

In vindication of the ‘English’ justice system, Uxbridge magistrate’s court refused to grant the police application saying that there were ‘serious flaws’ in the Portuguese court case. A highly experienced and respected police officer who represented the British police in Portugal in 2004, called the trial a “farce”.

Enough you may think to clear name of Mr. Mann and certainly enough to put his and his family’s minds at rest that those dark days were behind them. Gary returned to his job as a Firefighter, where he was highly respected as a man who had saved many lives in the course of his duties and had indeed received an award from Margaret Thatcher herself for one particular incident where he saved to lives of 7 people but was burned himself in the process.

Over a year later, the Portuguese courts had a change of heart. They decided that Gary WOULD have to serve the full prison sentence! Consequently they issued a European Arrest Warrant: a fast track, no question asked extradition order designed (by David Blunkett) in 2002 to tackle terrorism cases. For over a year, Gary and his family fought tooth and nail against being forced back to Portugal. Over 30 court appearances, where the English courts continued to state that a travesty of justice had occurred in the original trial and even David Blunkett eventually admitted that he was wrong in what he said.

The fact has to be faced up to; English law is subservient to European law.

Regardless of what the English courts or English law said, the English Justice System had no choice, it was totally powerless to judge an Englishman on English soil. And despite that the English courts and even the British Home Secretary knew that the conviction was not only unsafe but wrong, just a few weeks ago Gary surrendered to the Portuguese authorities at Heathrow Airport. He is now languishing in a Portuguese prison, where his only hope is the annual pardon that the Portuguese government grant for about 30 prisoners in the lead up to Christmas.

For those of you who said that it will never happen here – think again, it already is happening AND it’s going to get much worse. English law and justice has been built by the blood of countless people and has evolved over hundreds of years only to be thrown away by a treacherous British government in favour of laws that make each and everyone of us slaves to a foreign power - The European Union.

Even Hitler couldn’t manage that!

Will the new British Con / Dem government ever wrench back our own laws from Brussels?

Will CaMORON ever allow the people of this country to decide our own destiny?

Don’t hold your breath.

It will happen again – have a good holiday won’t you!

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