Sunday 22 August 2010

Rod’s Blog: Do you think that motoring is too expensive already?

Do you think that motoring is too expensive already? Petrol at £1.15 plus per litre (£3.50 ish per gallon), Road Tax at over £200 for a family car, Insurance up by 40% even before you take it off the drive of your Stately Pile.

Well folks, I have to tell you that ‘You ain’t seen nuthin yet!’.

Our Lords and Masters in Brussels will shortly be telling the British government to make us all pay-per-mile on our roads. Before anyone says it won’t happen here, it already does, the M25 Dartford Crossing, the M4 Severn Crossing and the M6 Toll Road spring to mind.

David Cameron of course promised us a referendum if the EU wanted to implement their laws into English law, but then he promised us a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty didn’t he. He lied then as well.

The following article was taken from the Sunday Express 22 Aug 2010.

EU chiefs could seize control of Britain’s roads and motorways

Sunday August 22, 2010

By James Fielding
MOTORISTS could be squeezed for millions in crippling toll charges if EU chiefs seize control of Britain’s roads and motorways.

European Commission bureaucrats are plotting to merge the UK’s main traffic routes with those on the Continent to form a transport network under their control. The EC has already agreed to launch the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) on all current the stretch of M4 over the Severn Bridge. It will enable drivers to use a single payment account and one piece of electronic equipment by 2015.

By creating a motorway, perhaps even renaming them E-roads, as well as busy highways and city centres. Another directive has been presented to the European Parliament calling for road pricing, or taxes, for lorries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Next month MEPs will debate whether to consider taxing cars for similar environmental reasons. The Department for Transport has already announced the Government’s commitment to introducing a lorry road user charge.

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond ruled out a similar scheme for other vehicles but many believe he will be overruled by the EU. All transport matters in the European Parliament are decided by majority voting. If member states market, the UK will be pressured to join. The DFT announced a public consultation on the plans, part of the Trans-European Transport Network, on August 2 while Parliament was in recess. There have been questions over why the consultation period is so short, with a September 10 deadline just four days after the Commons returns.

Furious MPs and transport watchdogs last night demanded the Government keep control of its road network at all costs. Mike Nattrass, UKIP transport spokesman and a member of the EU’s Transport and Tourism Committee, said: “Motorists avoid the M6 toll and use other roads to avoid the expensive toll charges, so where is the common sense in the EU’s plans? The EU has no right to interfere with our history and traditions by changing the name of our roads.”

Rod’s comments:

Sorry Mike, but the EU does have the right to interfere with out history and traditions, not only of our roads but every aspect of our culture and they’ve been doing it for years and I’m frankly surprised that a high ranking member of UKIP doesn’t know that . AND there is a little bit more of concern here Mike than the M1 being called the E1.

What right do they have? The British government has given them away to Brussels, that’s what!

Unfortunately the die was cast even deeper when the British people did not vote for an anti EU party, such as the English Democrats at the last elections. The English Democrats will immediately hold a referendum to determine the people’s views on our continued membership of the EU. If the majority says ‘leave’, we will do it. If the majority says ‘stay’ then we shall live with it. That is called ‘Democracy’, a word that no other political party understands.

The only hope this country has of common sense government is an English Democrat government.

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