Sunday 8 August 2010

Rods Blog - The Looney Left finally raises its ugly head

For a few months now I have been regaling the world (or at least anyone who has the patience to read my thoughts) with different issues that occur around the country and that in my opinion could have, or are having, an effect on my country – England. On some occasions I will also include my own personal thoughts on that subject. Right or wrong, they are my thoughts. Some people agree with me, some people don’t, but that’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Free Speech? By putting my thoughts into the public domain, I open them up to discussion. I may not always be right indeed I have been known to change tack because somebody points out something of which I had not thought. That is free open debate.

The whole purpose of my Blog is to bring to the attention of the English public, issues which are either not reported in the main media or do not receive very much cover. Anyone can see the varied subjects that I put up for discussion if they visit the English Democrat 1066 web site at and follow the link to my Blog. As a reminder, the subjects have included matters such as the Coalitions plans to restrict council house tenancies to short term, - the difference between government crime figures and those produced by independent bodies, - the fact that over 1,000 12 year old British children are on the ‘Pill’, - how a 14 year old was forced into prostitution, - the ignorance of the British Prime Minister and how an innocent Englishman has been dragged back to Portugal and jailed with the use of an European Arrest Warrant. My last few postings on Facebook have been a couple of video’s and an editorial relating to the serving of Halal meat in schools in West London. A wide variety of subjects I think you will agree. A much too wide a subject base for the Looney Left it would appear.

For it was the last two items that have upset them. The first was a video split into three parts. Part l referred to a homecoming parade for an Army unit returning from active duty in Afghanistan and was an opportunity for the local community to show their respect to our fighting forces. As the troops marched through the town, they were subjected to a barrage of insults and abuse from a very noisy group of Asian males (presumably Moslems) who subjected the troops to taunts of ‘Baby Killers’, ‘Murderers’, ‘Rapists’ among others. Not surprisingly this upset some of the people who had gathered to salute the troops and it was not long before the police were trying to separate them. Members of the public were extremely upset and shocked by the actions of the demonstrators.

Part II of the video showed a very noisy demonstration in Downing Street, by a large group of Muslims who were demanding Sha’ria law be implemented in the UK. Not simply so that Muslims could enjoy living under this 14th century, barbaric law system but for all of us.

Part III of the video showed a civil disturbance in the East End of London that took place on the same day and showed, again presumably Muslims, a very large and noisy crowd of Asian males running through the streets. At one point, Police were seen to run away from the crowd and take shelter behind a police van. It is not difficult to sense the panic that must have been felt by the general public. The film is being taken from the top deck of a bus and as the bus turns the corner, you can clearly see a small group of people running as fast as they can for safety. One of these is a young man with a child in a push chair desperate to get away.

This prompted one Peter Kay to launch into a tirade criticising me severely for posting this video and asking what the point of it was. The point of showing the video was to ensure that as many people as possible saw these incidents because I bet nobody has seen any mention whatsoever of most certainly Part I & Part III of the video. It is possible that some of the central section of the video was shown but if it was, it would have been ‘edited’ by the media to not show the unpleasant parts. Despite the protestations of Mr Kay, I believe that it is important that we are told just what is going on in our country.

It was not long of course before I was being accused of being a racist. This you will probably know is the Lefts stock response to anybody that does not agree with their bizarre beliefs. According to the Left, everybody who is even slightly to the right of ‘Uncle Jo Stalin’ is a fascist, extreme right wing and quite simply their enemy to be destroyed.

Even a Leftie could be expected to read an article fully and understand what they are going to criticise before they actually do criticise it. When I published the article relating to Halal meat, I made it clear that my problem, and it is a very big problem, is the method of slaughter used to kill the animal. In addition to mentioning that this is the method used by Islam, I also mentioned that the Jewish religion use the same method for killing animals only they call it Kosher. I stated quite categorically that it is the method of killing that I find so wrong, as indeed does English law. That states equally categorically that animals must be treated as humanly as possible and that their death must be painless. The cutting of the throat and allowing the animal to bleed to death whilst still conscious in not humane. However, if you are a religion, you can be as cruel as you like. In short it is an animal welfare issue.

Mr Kay was also concerned that this incident was not actually happening in 1066 Country and therefore I had no right to discuss it with you and obviously, you with me. Should we restrict ourselves to covering only our little corner of the world? I think not Mr Kay!

Not good enough for the Looney Left. Oh dear, did I actually criticise Islam? Well, yes I did. I also criticised the Jews. Apparently that makes me a racist. Although how criticising a religion can be classed as racist, I know not. What does it make me if I criticise the Roman Catholic Church? That wouldn’t even register on their radar – but ISLAM!

I don’t give a damn what colour a persons skin is, where they come from or what their religion is. As far as I am concerned they are welcome in this country under certain circumstances and they can be found on the English Democrats 1066 web site (above). This country has a proud and long history of protecting the underdog and welcoming them into our society. They have accepted that English culture is paramount in England. That English law will always be above any of the traditions or practises that they may have brought from the old country. “When in Rome – You do as the Romans”. They did not expect the Romans to change their laws or their ways because of the newcomers’ wishes.

Over the centuries, the contribution made by ‘immigrants’ has enriched our nation and made England what she is today. Or rather, what she was 30 – 40 years ago, because England is not the same now. She is being changed by the likes of Mr Kay who advocate multiculturalism and political correctness – they are the Real Fascists.

Any person, who advocates the destruction of England and what she stands for, is an enemy of freedom and democracy. I give notice that I will fight you as hard as I can to prevent my country from being destroyed. I will fight you to prevent my grandchildren’s lives from being destroyed by your actions to give England and the United Kingdom away to foreigners of any description. And I am not alone. Despite the efforts of the media this information is getting out to the people of England and they are hearing it.

No Mr Kay I am not a coward as you claim me to be. I am happy to debate with anyone, even you! But I will not debate with a bigoted person who resorts to personal insults.

If anybody does want to see the evidence of Halal Slaughter, this is the link. But I warn you, it is graphic and disturbing (it is also in French – but the pictures speak for themselves).


  1. So I see this is the forum in which you choose to fight your battles.. I must say im honored that you have mentioned me so much in this post.

    First and foremost let me just say my challenge to your propaganda was out of 'freedom of speech' as you so eloquently put it ..

    I would also like to state that in no way did i say or suggest you were racist. What i said was that the way in which you put your views across maybe PERCEIVED as racist.

    Yes i had problem with your post purely because you didn't put a clear point across at the time of posting. The only reason you are now trying to make your point is because you've been challenged. This particular blog in itself says a lot about you, your party and dare i say your integrity. To dedicate an entire article to me just because i challenged you and perhaps ruffled your feathers. I called you a coward because i expected you to defend or perhaps debate your position on Facebook where you posted the link. Instead you choose not to, and in bad form put my name on a blog as a prime example of what's wrong with YOUR England.

    Your ultimate statement is this and i quote

    'Over the centuries, the contribution made by ‘immigrants’ has enriched our nation and made England what she is today. Or rather, what she was 30 – 40 years ago, because England is not the same now. She is being changed by the likes of Mr Kay who advocate multiculturalism and political correctness – they are the Real Fascists'

    Yes England is not the same as it was 30 - 40 years ago, it is more prosperous and enriched than in past years, it has the power to help and influence the international economy and is a symbol of hope and inspiration for other nations of the world. If you, your party and supporters saw that, then maybe i wouldn't have to write a response to this idealistic blog.

    England is multicultural and short of genocide there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. The world moves forward it doesn't stand still, i suggest you catch up and get with the program.

  2. i must also point that the original post on facebook which sparked this has been deleted by your's truely .. i wonder why ????
