Tuesday 3 August 2010

Rods Blog - England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study

By Christopher Hope, Whitehall EditorPublished: 7:00AM BST 03 Aug 2010

What is the Truth behind the Crime Figures?

England and Wales has one of the worst crime rates among developed nations for rapes, burglaries and robberies, a major report has found.

Offenders are locked up for shorter periods than in comparable countries, Civitas found, raising questions about suggestions from Justice secretary Ken Clarke that too many criminals were being jailed. However, offenders are locked up for shorter periods than in comparable countries – raising questions about claims made by Ken Clarke, the Justice Secretary, that too many criminals were being jailed.

The study found that England and Wales ranked highly in a survey of crime rates among more than 30 developed counries, based on the frequency of crimes recorded by police for every 100,000 people.

For burglaries and robberies England and Wales had more crimes per 100,000 people than the USA.

England and Wales was ranked sixth for burglaries – worse than Sweden, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy and Chile - and for robberies, England and Wales was seventh.

For rapes, England and Wales was ranked ninth, worse than the likes of Norway, Poland, Sweden, Australia and Germany, while for car thefts, England and Wales was eighth – worse than Slovenia, Chile, Mexico, Greece and the Czech Republic.

The figures, from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, draw together crimes recorded by police in the countries studied and is published every six years.
They date from 2006 because of difficulties in obtaining accurate comparable figures.
Civitas said, where possible, it had cross-checked with more recent pan-European figures, and the rates were broadly the same.
Among two other measures, England and Wales fared better, being ranked 16th out of 35 countries for “intentional homicides” and 19th for major assaults.

David Green, Civitas’s director, said: “England and Wales are high-crime societies compared with other developed nations. We have a lot of crime compared with other similar countries.
“Random checks of later figures for individual nations show that the ranking has not changed significantly. "

Mr Green said further analysis had shown that England and Wales had a low “punitivity ratio” compared with other countries because shorter sentences were being handed down by judges.
The ratio is calculated by contrasting the number of people convicted in a year per 100,000 population with the number of prisoners in jail as a result of a court sentence per 100,000 population.

In a speech in June, Mr Clarke had said that the debate on criminal justice had to move on from the “numbers game” of measuring the effectiveness of policies solely according to the prison population. But Mr Green said: “Mr Clarke said he thought our system was too punitive, but the report also allows us to test the theory that our system is especially severe. "The score for England and Wales, contrary to the claims of Kenneth Clarke, is low. The claim that our criminal-justice policies are punitive is not, therefore, supported by the best available evidence.”
A Home Office spokesman said last night: "This data is now more than four years old, but highlights that we have a high level of crime compared to other countries.
"This backs up the perceptions of many communities who have real concerns about stubbornly high level of serious crimes.
"This Government will reform the police to make them more accountable to their communities and cut bureaucracy to get officers onto the beat and fighting crime." A Ministry of Justice spokesman said:‪ ‪"Between 1995 and 2009, the prison population in England and Wales grew by 32,500 or 66 per cent. But this rise has not had a comparative effect either on public confidence in the criminal justice system, or on re-offending.
"Nearly half of all offenders sent to prison are re-convicted within a year of release, creating a revolving door of crime. "The Government will tackle this by conducting a full assessment of sentencing and rehabilitation policy to ensure that it is effective in deterring crime, protecting the public, punishing offenders and cutting re-offending.

“The Government is committed to intelligent sentencing which ensures appropriate punishment, rehabilitation and the protection of the public."

Rods Comments:

Something has gone very, very wrong. Someone is lying to us. If you believe recent reports, the crime rate is falling on all fronts but we have a very trustworthy organisation telling us that the crime rate is actually going up.
You may call me an Old Cynic if you wish but I wonder if it is a coincidence that just at the time when the police are facing huge cuts and an expected upsurge in crime as a result, the crime rate drops.
What do you think, am I seeing something that is not here or are we being lied to again?

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