Tuesday 24 August 2010

Rods Blog: English Police learning Polish language

Police from numerous forces across England have been taking lessons in how to peak Polish. Officers from Suffolk, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, among others have been learning language skills that the authorities are confident will allow the police to do their job more effectively.

Joanna Michalak-Gray who is a member of Suffolk Police support staff and a Polish language tutor said that "Gaining a knowledge and understanding of cultural differences will help to establish stronger links with the Polish community,” She added "There can be a perceived level of mistrust between the Polish community and the police. "Similarly, there can be a certain stigma and generalisation attributed to the Polish community. "In Poland, the police were associated very closely with the old communist regime, for example."

The classes at New Suffolk College teach basic language skills that can be used on a daily basis and aspects of the culture and traditions of Poland. The training follows on from the success of a Portuguese language course held last year, Suffolk Police said.

Insp Matt Dee of Suffolk Police added: "We have been made aware of community tensions or incidents that once would have been unreported. "By having reduced the initial language barriers, we have established a better understanding of the issues facing different communities."

Over in Bedfordshire a similar exercise is underway and police officers and PCSO’s are being given lessons in Polish in a bid to break down barriers in the community. Insp Gavin Hughes-Rowland from Bedfordshire Police said: "Whilst this basic course will only give our teams a basic understanding of Polish it will help to break down some of the barriers with a community that is not always easy for us to engage with.

"It is important for the Polish community to see us working towards improving communication with them and that we wish to further build up relationships with them. "The sort of phrases we are learning are along the lines of 'What is your name? Do you have any injuries? Do you have any friends or family that can speak English?’ "But we also want to be able to ask questions like 'How would you prefer to be contacted?' and 'What are your neighbourhood priorities?'."

Other Police Forces across the country appear to be following a similar path.

Rods Comments:

Fresh from the mouths of innocents (well certain senior Police Officers anyway) comes the admission that because the Poles do not like their own police very much, probably with some considerable justification, there a ‘certain stigma ’and ‘tensions or incidents between the Polish community’ and presumably the native English population, certainly between the Polish community and the English Police.

Is this another example of the lunatics taking control of the asylum? The lunatics in question here must surely be the senior police officers who deemed it necessary to take police officers off of the streets again, when the community (the native English one that is) say that they do not see enough police on the streets as it is. I suppose that the Polish community will be happy to see less police as they don’t appear to like them anyway.

It must also be asked that if you went to live in Poland or Portugal or anywhere else, would you expect that nation’s police officers to learn English just to make you feel more comfortable when you are nicked, or would you learn to speak their lingo.My answer to this is very simple “If you come to England to live and work, then have the common decency to learn English before you come”.

Monday 23 August 2010

Rod's Blog: Rise in female genital mutilation in Londonistan

Rods Blog:

I am aware that this subject is very controversial and emotional. I am aware also that this practice is generally carried out by the followers of Islam although it is not a requirement of that religion. I will undoubtedly be accused of being a racist and a fascist because in some peoples minds, to criticise Islam is racist. But I bring this to you because I believe that the people of England should know what is happening within the borders of our own country. Once again our so called ‘Free Press’ refuses to publish these facts and it is left to people who are deeply concerned for the direction in which our country is being pushed by the ‘Establishment’, to bring such information to you.

In the interests of decency I have not included any images with this article because I find them particularly unpleasant and upsetting. The following link however, will take you to a BBC video if you can stomach it, I can’t watch this happening to children.


In the interest of presenting a balanced report, I have included a comment from an alleged ‘Muslim’. I cannot verify of course the truth of that statement, although I am finding it incredibly difficult that any man can seriously have the beliefs that are stated.

Please make up your own minds.


Rise in female genital mutilation in Londonistan

The number of cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) reported in London has risen and some procedures are taking place in the city, a doctor has said.

BBC/thanks to the RoP

Dr Comfort Momah, who runs a clinic in Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, said she sees 350 women and children a year. The Met said it was aware that FGM was taking place in London and had intervened in 122 cases since 2008, including 25 times this year. But it said that as it was a “taboo” subject there had been no prosecutions.

FGM is illegal in the UK and anybody convicted for it can be jailed for up to 14 years. The law protects British citizens even if they undergo the procedure abroad. Dr Momah, who runs one of the 11 African Well Women Clinics in London, said a majority of the cases she saw were from African countries, including Somalia, Eritrea, Gambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

‘Need to prosecute’

She said: “In London FGM is widely spread and in my clinic we see about 350 women and children with FGM related problems every year and do reversal in about 100 cases every year. “We do have people calling me or calling other clinics saying I know a circumciser in Leytonstone, I know a doctor who is performing it within the community, but they won’t give you the information.” She added that more cases are being reported since 2005. “I see a lot of teenagers now, self-referring to the clinic and getting information from the internet,” the doctor said. “We need to prosecute somebody if obviously a child is at risk.” The procedure can cause urinary infections, kidney failure, infertility and death.

Salimata Knight, who underwent the procedure in Senegal, said: “I was forced on the floor and I felt something being cut in me and even at that time I did not know what (it) was because at four-and-half years you are not really aware of what it is. “It makes people suffer, and suffering has no identity, no race and no culture.”

The Met said the number of interventions had risen from 38 in 2008 to 59 in 2009. Its Project Azure, which engages with the community, said London clinics see about 600 women a year. Det Con Jason Morgan, from Project Azure, said: “It affects girls, often as young as seven-days-old, so the girl might be too young to remember exactly what happened, where it happened and who did it to them.”
Look, I don’t know if the following posting is from a prankster or not. In my years of blogging I have received all kinds of bizarre stuff from Muslims and non Muslims alike, but this one deserves a full blog post.

Morris Wise said…

Freedom loving women should disobey sharia law and prevent themselves from being fully circumcised. Granted that circumcision will stem the heat of passion and make a woman more loyal to her husband, but it also makes life less enjoyable. A fair compromise would be if only the tip of the clitoris was removed allowing some sensitivity to remain.

It is wrong for Western nations to condemn Islamic law that allows female circumcision. It has reduced promiscuity, unwanted pregnancies and has benefited the social structure of society. Modification of the clitoris will lower a woman’s desire for sex, and in doing so will reduce STD. A woman with a modified Clitoris is desired by older men who are not be able to match a younger woman’s sex drive. Clitoral surgery will reduce nervousness in in those who lack clitoral release and help lonely housewives. Western sexologists are now exploring Islamic cultures who have been using clitoral surgery for hundreds of years, it would not be surprising if a full clitoris become a rarity in the West.

Thousands of enlightened men in the west are demanding that their future brides undergo Clitoral surgery, It is a way of guaranteeing their fidelity. There is no advantage for a man to have a horny wife, only an obedient one. Upon command she should be willing to satisfy her husbands sexual needs even if she receives no clitoral pleasure. Another plus of having a wife with a modified clitoris is the guarantee that she will be a life long partner, her desire to meet a new husband will be gone.

The opportunity for a woman to cover her face has proven to be a big advantage for Muslims. It protects the woman against those that would exploit her for sexual reasons and gives her the freedom to go out past midnight without any fear of being molested. Rarely has a woman in a burka been raped or physically abused. Men also have an advantage of having the women in their family wearing a burka. It gives a man the feeling that his family is safe behind a cloth wall of protection.The punishment for a disobedient woman would be to take away her burka and let her roam the streets. She will shortly return with tears in her eyes after being sexually abused.
Those in the West that fear the expansion of sharia law should relax. It will return family values to a decadent society and make every man a king in his castle and every women a protected and cherished servant.



I have today received the Electoral Registration form for my family from Hastings Borough Council, my local council. I was given the option to register for voting by telephone, email or even by text, if all of the details were correct.

Unfortunately, they were not correct. Sure, the names were right BUT my nationality was far from correct. It has me, and every other person on the list, registered as British.


I know that a large number of people do not bother to either register to vote or indeed actually vote and although I can sort of understand why so many people are totally turned off by politics, I urge you to consider this again. Politics DOES affect each and every one of us, whether you are interested in it or not.

Do you pay too much for your shopping each week? Are your fuel bills too high each quarter? Are you totally happy with the way your child's school is working? Is your street clean enough? What about the Police? Should we be fighting wars in foreign countries? Are you paying too much tax?

These and every aspect of your life is controlled or affected by politics and politicians. If you do not bother to vote, you are just letting them get away with and saying "It's OK, walk all over me".

Please register to vote AND use that vote - preferably for the ENGLISH DEMOCRATS - but please use it.

If you do not, you have no right to comment or complain when something that you do not like is imposed upon you.


Sunday 22 August 2010

Rods Blog: Safety tests on EU nurses working in Britain scrapped for being 'discriminatory'

Safety tests on EU nurses working in Britain scrapped for being 'discriminatory'

By Richard AlleynePublished: 6:00PM BST 22 Aug 2010

Thousands of foreign nurses are now allowed to start work in Britain without safety checks because the tests could be deemed discriminatory under European Union law. Up until now the Nursing and Midwifery Council - which controls who can be employed here – has insisted that new recruits must have worked at least 450 hours in the last three years or go on a refresher course.

But now all they will need is a diploma from their country showing they are qualified. The Nursing and Midwifery Council has stopped administering the tests after being told it could be sued by the European Commission for breaking EU law on "freedom of movement" for workers from the Continent.

It has raised alarm bells and parliament has launched an investigation. "While freedom of movement within the EU in broad general terms is very positive, in this particular instance it is not so positive," said the Council chief executive Professor Dickon Weir-Hughes.

Under the system which still applies to British nurses and those from outside the EU, nurses from EU states wanting to work in hospitals, surgeries or care homes in Britain have to prove their clinical skills are up to standard and date. Either they have to show they have carried out a minimum of 450 hours' nursing in their own country in the past three years or they must attend an intensive three-month course with regular tests on their knowledge and skills.

In the past five years more than 40,000 nurses from the European Union – including former Soviet Bloc countries such as Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia – applied to work in Britain. But just 270 completed the course, deterred by its cost and difficulty.

Now the Nursing and Midwifery Council, which regulates nurses, has been forced to scrap both requirements because they are deemed to be "discriminatory" towards workers from EU member states. At a meeting in July, they reluctantly agreed to drop the requirements.
Although other EU countries are in theory bound by the same rules, major Western countries including France and Germany opted out of regulations which opened their borders to most Eastern European immigrants.

The changes will make the system almost identical to that in place for GPs coming from European countries, which allows them to cover out- of-hours shifts without tests on their skills or language abilities.

The lack of regulation was exposed two years ago when retired engineer David Gray died at the hands of exhausted German locum Daniel Ubani, who gave him ten times the normal dose of diamorphine. (Rods Note: Despite being personally responsible for the death of his patient, Dr Ubani is still practising medicine in Germany and has refused to come back to England for a full investigation).

Thousands of nurses are likely to take advantage of the rule change to work in the NHS or for agencies. Already around 2,000 nurses and midwives from EU try to come to Britain to work every year. The House of Commons' Health Committee plans to investigate.

Stephen Dorrell, the chairman, said: "A lot of MPs and the public will not be happy with the situation where people who are not adequately trained and who can't speak English to a certain standard can work in our NHS."

Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the RCN, said: "Patients need to know that the people looking after them have up to date skills and are suitably trained and experienced. "Therefore the balance between freedom of movement and patient safety must be maintained. Both regulators and employers need the right powers to ensure that nurses are clinically up to date and competent."

Rods Comments: The most important figure here are that 40,000 nurses mainly from former Eastern Bloc countries applied to come here but only 270 actually made it here. The other important fact to remember is that the British government has removed the requirement for foreign medical staff to pass an English language exam. Soon we may be inundated with 40,000 nurses who can’t speak English, and there will be nothing that we can do about it!

The English Democrats advocate removing our country from the EU, which will remove the ‘right’ of any EU citizen to an automatic right work in England.

Did you vote for the Lib/Lab/Con Party, or did you vote for common sense?


Rod’s Blog: Do you think that motoring is too expensive already?

Do you think that motoring is too expensive already? Petrol at £1.15 plus per litre (£3.50 ish per gallon), Road Tax at over £200 for a family car, Insurance up by 40% even before you take it off the drive of your Stately Pile.

Well folks, I have to tell you that ‘You ain’t seen nuthin yet!’.

Our Lords and Masters in Brussels will shortly be telling the British government to make us all pay-per-mile on our roads. Before anyone says it won’t happen here, it already does, the M25 Dartford Crossing, the M4 Severn Crossing and the M6 Toll Road spring to mind.

David Cameron of course promised us a referendum if the EU wanted to implement their laws into English law, but then he promised us a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty didn’t he. He lied then as well.

The following article was taken from the Sunday Express 22 Aug 2010.

EU chiefs could seize control of Britain’s roads and motorways

Sunday August 22, 2010

By James Fielding
MOTORISTS could be squeezed for millions in crippling toll charges if EU chiefs seize control of Britain’s roads and motorways.

European Commission bureaucrats are plotting to merge the UK’s main traffic routes with those on the Continent to form a transport network under their control. The EC has already agreed to launch the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) on all current the stretch of M4 over the Severn Bridge. It will enable drivers to use a single payment account and one piece of electronic equipment by 2015.

By creating a motorway, perhaps even renaming them E-roads, as well as busy highways and city centres. Another directive has been presented to the European Parliament calling for road pricing, or taxes, for lorries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Next month MEPs will debate whether to consider taxing cars for similar environmental reasons. The Department for Transport has already announced the Government’s commitment to introducing a lorry road user charge.

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond ruled out a similar scheme for other vehicles but many believe he will be overruled by the EU. All transport matters in the European Parliament are decided by majority voting. If member states market, the UK will be pressured to join. The DFT announced a public consultation on the plans, part of the Trans-European Transport Network, on August 2 while Parliament was in recess. There have been questions over why the consultation period is so short, with a September 10 deadline just four days after the Commons returns.

Furious MPs and transport watchdogs last night demanded the Government keep control of its road network at all costs. Mike Nattrass, UKIP transport spokesman and a member of the EU’s Transport and Tourism Committee, said: “Motorists avoid the M6 toll and use other roads to avoid the expensive toll charges, so where is the common sense in the EU’s plans? The EU has no right to interfere with our history and traditions by changing the name of our roads.”

Rod’s comments:

Sorry Mike, but the EU does have the right to interfere with out history and traditions, not only of our roads but every aspect of our culture and they’ve been doing it for years and I’m frankly surprised that a high ranking member of UKIP doesn’t know that . AND there is a little bit more of concern here Mike than the M1 being called the E1.

What right do they have? The British government has given them away to Brussels, that’s what!

Unfortunately the die was cast even deeper when the British people did not vote for an anti EU party, such as the English Democrats at the last elections. The English Democrats will immediately hold a referendum to determine the people’s views on our continued membership of the EU. If the majority says ‘leave’, we will do it. If the majority says ‘stay’ then we shall live with it. That is called ‘Democracy’, a word that no other political party understands.

The only hope this country has of common sense government is an English Democrat government.


Monday 16 August 2010

RODS BLOG; Speed cameras to be privatised.

Private companies could be given the responsibility for handing out speeding fines after an influential police body suggested the work should be "outsourced".
Mick Giannasi, the head of roads policing at the Association of Chief Police Officers, recommended that the issuing of tickets and the collection of fines should be privatised to remove the burden from the police forces and magistrates' courts who currently administer the penalty system.
However, with local authorities removing their financial backing from safety camera partnerships, there is a fear that such a move could lead to the privatisation of Britain's entire speed camera network in an effort to keep it operational.
Giannasi, the chief constable of Gwent, has already written to the road safety minister to voice his concern over the results of the Department for Transport's cuts in funding, but some rank and file police officers are uneasy at the idea of private firms managing speeding fines.
Alan Jones, lead roads policing officer at the Police Federation, is quoted in the Metro as saying: 'I understand the fear and costly consequences of a shift towards the privatisation of speed camera enforcement.''This would be totally unacceptable, particularly in relation to effectiveness, public perception, consistency and standards,' he added. 'I also have concerns over data management and information sharing.'We cannot afford the consequences of the private sector managing speed camera enforcement.'
Nevertheless, a spokeswoman for the Department for Transport refused to rule out the possibility of outsourcing in the future. 'If private companies are brought in, it would need to be within the rules of camera law enforcement,' she said.
You voted for change - You got it!
You have been warned!

FREE BIKES FOR THIEVES (who say's crime doesn't pay?)

When I posted my last article about you the taxpayer, paying for people to enjoy holidays in Amsterdam and even receiving sex ‘education’ in the form of a visit to a prostitute, I didn’t think that things could get any sillier. Well I was wrong.

Over in Suffolk the Police are planning to give bikes to certain people absolutely free of charge. Unfortunately they are not being given to everybody only to criminals - and not even any old ‘crim’, you have to be a prolific thief or other criminal.
The idea apparently, is that it will help them get a job! Presumably it will avoid the little darlings from having to catch a bus.
It can be argued that drug selling is a job or even burglary and heaven knows, any self respecting lowlife needs a reliable get away vehicle.

Detective Inspector Richard Crabtree says that the plan is a ‘holistic’ approach towards dealing with crime. Well you can say that again Richard!
The bikes in question are ones that have been stolen but the rightful owner cannot be found and according to the Tax Payers Association, the thief may even be given the bike he has just stolen. In the past they have been sold to normal members of the public via auctions, but DI ‘Dick’ reckons that the scheme will be a success and will then be going nationwide.

Could I humbly suggest to the Chief Constable of Suffolk that when he starts cutting the service his force is allegedly providing to the good people of Suffolk, that Insp. Crabtree is the first to go?

Sunday 8 August 2010

Rods Blog - The Looney Left finally raises its ugly head

For a few months now I have been regaling the world (or at least anyone who has the patience to read my thoughts) with different issues that occur around the country and that in my opinion could have, or are having, an effect on my country – England. On some occasions I will also include my own personal thoughts on that subject. Right or wrong, they are my thoughts. Some people agree with me, some people don’t, but that’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Free Speech? By putting my thoughts into the public domain, I open them up to discussion. I may not always be right indeed I have been known to change tack because somebody points out something of which I had not thought. That is free open debate.

The whole purpose of my Blog is to bring to the attention of the English public, issues which are either not reported in the main media or do not receive very much cover. Anyone can see the varied subjects that I put up for discussion if they visit the English Democrat 1066 web site at www.englishdemcorats1066.org and follow the link to my Blog. As a reminder, the subjects have included matters such as the Coalitions plans to restrict council house tenancies to short term, - the difference between government crime figures and those produced by independent bodies, - the fact that over 1,000 12 year old British children are on the ‘Pill’, - how a 14 year old was forced into prostitution, - the ignorance of the British Prime Minister and how an innocent Englishman has been dragged back to Portugal and jailed with the use of an European Arrest Warrant. My last few postings on Facebook have been a couple of video’s and an editorial relating to the serving of Halal meat in schools in West London. A wide variety of subjects I think you will agree. A much too wide a subject base for the Looney Left it would appear.

For it was the last two items that have upset them. The first was a video split into three parts. Part l referred to a homecoming parade for an Army unit returning from active duty in Afghanistan and was an opportunity for the local community to show their respect to our fighting forces. As the troops marched through the town, they were subjected to a barrage of insults and abuse from a very noisy group of Asian males (presumably Moslems) who subjected the troops to taunts of ‘Baby Killers’, ‘Murderers’, ‘Rapists’ among others. Not surprisingly this upset some of the people who had gathered to salute the troops and it was not long before the police were trying to separate them. Members of the public were extremely upset and shocked by the actions of the demonstrators.

Part II of the video showed a very noisy demonstration in Downing Street, by a large group of Muslims who were demanding Sha’ria law be implemented in the UK. Not simply so that Muslims could enjoy living under this 14th century, barbaric law system but for all of us.

Part III of the video showed a civil disturbance in the East End of London that took place on the same day and showed, again presumably Muslims, a very large and noisy crowd of Asian males running through the streets. At one point, Police were seen to run away from the crowd and take shelter behind a police van. It is not difficult to sense the panic that must have been felt by the general public. The film is being taken from the top deck of a bus and as the bus turns the corner, you can clearly see a small group of people running as fast as they can for safety. One of these is a young man with a child in a push chair desperate to get away.

This prompted one Peter Kay to launch into a tirade criticising me severely for posting this video and asking what the point of it was. The point of showing the video was to ensure that as many people as possible saw these incidents because I bet nobody has seen any mention whatsoever of most certainly Part I & Part III of the video. It is possible that some of the central section of the video was shown but if it was, it would have been ‘edited’ by the media to not show the unpleasant parts. Despite the protestations of Mr Kay, I believe that it is important that we are told just what is going on in our country.

It was not long of course before I was being accused of being a racist. This you will probably know is the Lefts stock response to anybody that does not agree with their bizarre beliefs. According to the Left, everybody who is even slightly to the right of ‘Uncle Jo Stalin’ is a fascist, extreme right wing and quite simply their enemy to be destroyed.

Even a Leftie could be expected to read an article fully and understand what they are going to criticise before they actually do criticise it. When I published the article relating to Halal meat, I made it clear that my problem, and it is a very big problem, is the method of slaughter used to kill the animal. In addition to mentioning that this is the method used by Islam, I also mentioned that the Jewish religion use the same method for killing animals only they call it Kosher. I stated quite categorically that it is the method of killing that I find so wrong, as indeed does English law. That states equally categorically that animals must be treated as humanly as possible and that their death must be painless. The cutting of the throat and allowing the animal to bleed to death whilst still conscious in not humane. However, if you are a religion, you can be as cruel as you like. In short it is an animal welfare issue.

Mr Kay was also concerned that this incident was not actually happening in 1066 Country and therefore I had no right to discuss it with you and obviously, you with me. Should we restrict ourselves to covering only our little corner of the world? I think not Mr Kay!

Not good enough for the Looney Left. Oh dear, did I actually criticise Islam? Well, yes I did. I also criticised the Jews. Apparently that makes me a racist. Although how criticising a religion can be classed as racist, I know not. What does it make me if I criticise the Roman Catholic Church? That wouldn’t even register on their radar – but ISLAM!

I don’t give a damn what colour a persons skin is, where they come from or what their religion is. As far as I am concerned they are welcome in this country under certain circumstances and they can be found on the English Democrats 1066 web site (above). This country has a proud and long history of protecting the underdog and welcoming them into our society. They have accepted that English culture is paramount in England. That English law will always be above any of the traditions or practises that they may have brought from the old country. “When in Rome – You do as the Romans”. They did not expect the Romans to change their laws or their ways because of the newcomers’ wishes.

Over the centuries, the contribution made by ‘immigrants’ has enriched our nation and made England what she is today. Or rather, what she was 30 – 40 years ago, because England is not the same now. She is being changed by the likes of Mr Kay who advocate multiculturalism and political correctness – they are the Real Fascists.

Any person, who advocates the destruction of England and what she stands for, is an enemy of freedom and democracy. I give notice that I will fight you as hard as I can to prevent my country from being destroyed. I will fight you to prevent my grandchildren’s lives from being destroyed by your actions to give England and the United Kingdom away to foreigners of any description. And I am not alone. Despite the efforts of the media this information is getting out to the people of England and they are hearing it.

No Mr Kay I am not a coward as you claim me to be. I am happy to debate with anyone, even you! But I will not debate with a bigoted person who resorts to personal insults.

If anybody does want to see the evidence of Halal Slaughter, this is the link. But I warn you, it is graphic and disturbing (it is also in French – but the pictures speak for themselves).

Thursday 5 August 2010

Rods Blog - Parents' fury at council plans for halal-only menus in primary schools. By Daily Mail Reporter

Parents have expressed fury at plans to serve pupils halal-only menus for school dinners.
In a move which has also enraged animal welfare groups, only meat from animals killed and prepared using Islamic teaching may be allowed at 52 primaries in Harrow. Critics say the plan puts the needs of Muslim children before those of other faiths, while parents say they have not been consulted over the scheme.

Schools are free to opt in to the programme or look elsewhere for their meals from the start of next month, according to Harrow Council. The local authority is thought to be the first in England to consider insisting on a halal-only menu apparently after recommendations of dietitians. Harrow council in Middlesex says the composition of the area's primary schools is now significantly different from 2001 when the last census was taken, and the Muslim population is larger.

Using the halal method, animals are slaughtered by being slashed across the neck and being left so that the blood drains from the carcass. The religious ritual, which does not allow the animals to be stunned beforehand, is considered cruel by campaigners and is exempt from animal welfare laws.

'The Farm Animal Welfare Council has lobbied the government in the past to get the Kosher and Halal method of slaughter banned. 'The Halal method, in which animals are slaughtered by a single slit to the throat, is the only way of killing livestock allowed under Islam but this method is deemed cruel by some animal-lovers, who object to the slow death it involves.

Rods Comments:

Halal and Kosher are particularly cruel ways of killing an animal. Already Kentucky Chicken have tried to bring in Halal meat in their restaurants but they were defeated by public opinion following campaigns organised by organisations such as the English Democrats.

Many, many people are opposed to the killing of animals for food and I can understand that position. I personally am a carnivore and do eat meat (when I can afford it) but I will never, ever knowingly eat either halal or kosher meat. It is simply wrong to put any animal through so much suffering for the sake of dogma.

Please boycott shops selling either (I doubt if you will find a shop selling both as Halal is Muslim and Kosher is Jewish).

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Rods Blog - You Voted for Change – and that’s what you have got!

Council homes for life could go, says Cameron

In some cases council houses were handed down through generations, David Cameron said. Council houses should be allocated on fixed-term deals rather than being granted automatically "for life", David Cameron has said. The prime minister added that it was important tenants had the opportunity to move to find work, requiring more flexibility in the system. Those who succeed in getting better-paid jobs should be encouraged into the private housing sector, he said.
Labour said what was needed was "more secure homes, not less".

Mr Cameron said he expected a "big argument" over the proposals. The prime minister said fixed-term deals for tenants would allow people to move on if their circumstances changed. On a visit to the West Midlands, he was questioned by a mother of two teenagers, who said she had slept on a blow-up bed for two years because her council could not find her more space.
Mr Cameron said the government was investing in social housing, but added there was "a bigger question here", which was how to make sure people were able to move through the housing chain.

"At the moment we have a system very much where, if you get a council house or an affordable house, it is yours forever and in some cases people actually hand them down to their children.
"And actually it ought to be about need. Your need has got greater ... and yet there isn't really the opportunity to move."

Many councils ran "swap" schemes to match tenants, he said, adding: "But there is a question mark about whether, in future, should we be asking, actually, when you are given a council home, is it for a fixed period, because maybe in five or 10 years you will be doing a different job and be better paid and you won't need that home, you will be able to go into the private sector.... "So I think a more flexible system - that not everyone will support and will lead to quite a big argument... looking at a more flexible system, I think makes sense."

Any changes would apply to future, rather than current, tenants, Mr Cameron said.
'Long-term stability' Housing Minister Grant Shapps stressed that the government remained "committed to protecting the security of tenure and rights of those currently in social housing". But he added: "We should also look at ways of how best to help the most vulnerable in our society, and how to tackle the record 1.8 million households that now on social housing lists"
Shadow housing minister John Healey said Mr Cameron's words confirmed his party's worst fears about Conservative plans.

"What is needed is more secure homes not less. Before the election Labour warned the Tories had a secret plan to get rid of secure tenancies and they accused us of scaremongering. "Less than three months later we have the truth. "This is so important because people highly value the affordable cost and long-term stability of secure tenancy."

Rods Comments:

The people of England and Britain voted for change at the last election. Unfortunately, nobody told us what the change would be. Now we are beginning to find out, and be sure that this is only the beginning. There will be more ‘change’ on the way. Let us all hope that if this government lasts for the full 5 years, that there is enough of the country left to bother about voting for!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Rods Blog - England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study

By Christopher Hope, Whitehall EditorPublished: 7:00AM BST 03 Aug 2010

What is the Truth behind the Crime Figures?

England and Wales has one of the worst crime rates among developed nations for rapes, burglaries and robberies, a major report has found.

Offenders are locked up for shorter periods than in comparable countries, Civitas found, raising questions about suggestions from Justice secretary Ken Clarke that too many criminals were being jailed. However, offenders are locked up for shorter periods than in comparable countries – raising questions about claims made by Ken Clarke, the Justice Secretary, that too many criminals were being jailed.

The study found that England and Wales ranked highly in a survey of crime rates among more than 30 developed counries, based on the frequency of crimes recorded by police for every 100,000 people.

For burglaries and robberies England and Wales had more crimes per 100,000 people than the USA.

England and Wales was ranked sixth for burglaries – worse than Sweden, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy and Chile - and for robberies, England and Wales was seventh.

For rapes, England and Wales was ranked ninth, worse than the likes of Norway, Poland, Sweden, Australia and Germany, while for car thefts, England and Wales was eighth – worse than Slovenia, Chile, Mexico, Greece and the Czech Republic.

The figures, from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, draw together crimes recorded by police in the countries studied and is published every six years.
They date from 2006 because of difficulties in obtaining accurate comparable figures.
Civitas said, where possible, it had cross-checked with more recent pan-European figures, and the rates were broadly the same.
Among two other measures, England and Wales fared better, being ranked 16th out of 35 countries for “intentional homicides” and 19th for major assaults.

David Green, Civitas’s director, said: “England and Wales are high-crime societies compared with other developed nations. We have a lot of crime compared with other similar countries.
“Random checks of later figures for individual nations show that the ranking has not changed significantly. "

Mr Green said further analysis had shown that England and Wales had a low “punitivity ratio” compared with other countries because shorter sentences were being handed down by judges.
The ratio is calculated by contrasting the number of people convicted in a year per 100,000 population with the number of prisoners in jail as a result of a court sentence per 100,000 population.

In a speech in June, Mr Clarke had said that the debate on criminal justice had to move on from the “numbers game” of measuring the effectiveness of policies solely according to the prison population. But Mr Green said: “Mr Clarke said he thought our system was too punitive, but the report also allows us to test the theory that our system is especially severe. "The score for England and Wales, contrary to the claims of Kenneth Clarke, is low. The claim that our criminal-justice policies are punitive is not, therefore, supported by the best available evidence.”
A Home Office spokesman said last night: "This data is now more than four years old, but highlights that we have a high level of crime compared to other countries.
"This backs up the perceptions of many communities who have real concerns about stubbornly high level of serious crimes.
"This Government will reform the police to make them more accountable to their communities and cut bureaucracy to get officers onto the beat and fighting crime." A Ministry of Justice spokesman said:‪ ‪"Between 1995 and 2009, the prison population in England and Wales grew by 32,500 or 66 per cent. But this rise has not had a comparative effect either on public confidence in the criminal justice system, or on re-offending.
"Nearly half of all offenders sent to prison are re-convicted within a year of release, creating a revolving door of crime. "The Government will tackle this by conducting a full assessment of sentencing and rehabilitation policy to ensure that it is effective in deterring crime, protecting the public, punishing offenders and cutting re-offending.

“The Government is committed to intelligent sentencing which ensures appropriate punishment, rehabilitation and the protection of the public."

Rods Comments:

Something has gone very, very wrong. Someone is lying to us. If you believe recent reports, the crime rate is falling on all fronts but we have a very trustworthy organisation telling us that the crime rate is actually going up.
You may call me an Old Cynic if you wish but I wonder if it is a coincidence that just at the time when the police are facing huge cuts and an expected upsurge in crime as a result, the crime rate drops.
What do you think, am I seeing something that is not here or are we being lied to again?

Monday 2 August 2010

Rods Blog - New figures show 1,000 girls on the Pill by the age of 12

Doctors are prescribing the oral contraceptive to increasing numbers of girls aged just 11 and 12, new figures reveal.More than 1,000 girls aged 11 and 12 were prescribed the pill in the past year, usually without their parents' knowledge.
This means that the number of pre-teenage girls on the Pill has increased five-fold in the past decade.On top of this, another 200 girls aged between 11 and 13 were given long-term implanted or injectable contraceptive devices.
Although the age of consent in Britain is 16, GPs are allowed to prescribe the Pill to children if they believe an underage girl is mature enough to have sex. Parents have no right to be told if their children are being given the Pill.
The figures, which come from the General Practice Research Database, show that three in every 10,000 children aged 11 – and three out of every 1,000 12-year-olds – were prescribed the Pill last year.
Across the whole of Britain, that works out at more than 1,000 children under the age of 13. The database also reveals that at least 58,000 children aged 15 were on the Pill last year compared with 23,000 in 1999. Hundreds of children under 16 were using other forms of long-term contraception, the figures show.
The latest figures have provoked outrage among family campaigners, who believe that children are becoming increasingly sexualized. But professor Steve Field, chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners, told the Daily Mail that he believed that the rise in contraception among young girls was a reflection of improved sex education rather than a rise in sexual activity.

Rods Blog - Girl, 14, forced into prostitution

- Search: Manchester court Khan

Girl, 14, forced into prostitution.

Nine men have been jailed after a 14-year-old girl was preyed upon and forced into prostitution.
The vulnerable teenager was targeted with vodka and cigarettes after she was spotted wandering the streets before she was made to have sex with a string of Asian men, Greater Manchester Police said.

The child went missing from home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, on two occasions in February 2008 before she told officers she had been sexually exploited.
Over the following weeks the girl was spoken to by a specialist team of officers, police said. She was able to identify the places she was taken and the men who had abused her.

The convictions for various offences, including sexual activity with a child, controlling a child prostitute, facilitating child prostitution and paying for sexual services with a child, can be reported following the acquittal of another man at Manchester Crown Court who faced charges in connection with the case.

The girl, who is white, had to testify in separate trials involving the men and was eventually excused further evidence after a third hearing when psychologists ruled there were fears for her mental and physical well-being.

In a statement, the girl said: "These people exploit young girls, introduce them to prostitution, feed them drugs and alcohol and tell them they love them. I know this because it has happened to me and it has changed my life enormously. I just hope that people will be more aware of this now and will be able to prevent this from happening to other vulnerable young girls."

Superintendent Paul Savill, from Greater Manchester Police, said: "This child has been through an absolutely horrifying ordeal at the hands of these men. The level of abuse she has suffered is almost beyond belief. She has been treated like a commodity; beaten, threatened and sexually exploited. These men took advantage of her vulnerability with no regard for her well-being. I commend this young girl for her bravery in supporting this case. Even after her ordeal she was able to revisit the sites where she was abused and testify against her abusers in court."

Aftab Khan, 31, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield, pleaded guilty to one count of controlling a child prostitute and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. This was later reduced to seven years on appeal. Abid Khaliq, 30, of Shrewsbury Street, Stretford, was sentenced to eight months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice. Ahmed Noorzai, 29, of Royce Court in Hulme, was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of paying for the sexual services of a child. Mohammed Anwar Safi, 31, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 31 months in prison after admitting paying for the sexual services of a child.

Mohammed Khan, 26, of Royce Court, Hulme, was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of facilitating child prostitution. Najibullah Safi, 32, of Reabrook Avenue, West Gorton, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child. Asad Yousaf Hassan, 28, of Rivington Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child. Mohammed Basharat, 28, of Prospect Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under 16. Mohammed Atif, 29, of Rivington Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child.

Rods Blog - Mr CaMORON strikes again - and again - and...

The frightening ignorance and idiocy of Britain’s new Prime Minister, David Cameron

by sheikyermami on August 2, 2010

Cameron’s recent foray into dhimmitude — from extolling the nebulous, politically correct construct known as “real Islam,” to calling Gaza a “prison camp,” to his understated comments on Pakistan as an exporter of jihadist terrorism — has failed to win hearts and minds here.
And Pakistan’s posture is but a variation on the idea of “Say Islam is a religion of peace, or we’ll kill you”: Say Pakistan is a great ally and an honest partner with intentions as pure as the driven snow, or lose what little cooperation you’re actually getting, and any terrorism that follows will be all your fault. ISI? Never heard of ‘em.

Melanie Phillips:

When David Cameron became Britain’s Prime Minister, I warned that he would turn out to be even worse than Labour on the related issues of Israel and the global threat from Islamism to Britain and the west. This was because Cameron had no knowledge of or interest in foreign affairs, and so was always likely merely to reflect the most politically expedient views he encountered – which, given the current poisonous attitude within the British establishment and intelligentsia, were likely to push him into appeasing Britain’s mortal enemies in the Islamic world and dumping on Israel, Britain’s strategic ally in that great struggle.

But even I did not foresee just how cynical Cameron would turn out to be — and how dangerous therefore to the British national interest. Today’s truly shocking and quite astoundingly stupid speech in Turkey has now laid bare the fathomless shallowness and frightening ignorance and idiocy of Britain’s new Prime Minister.

Declaring himself a fervent supporter of Turkey’s bid to join the EU, Cameron declared that those who opposed this bid fell into one of three categories: protectionists; those who believed wrongly in a ‘clash of civilisations’ between east and west, whereas in fact
Turkey can be a great unifier, because instead of choosing between East and West, Turkey has chosen both; or those who wilfully misunderstand Islam because they… see no difference between real Islam and the distorted version peddled by the extremists.

Astonishingly, Cameron thus totally ignored the fact that Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Erdogan, is no secular Ataturk but an Islamic extremist; and as a result Turkey is changing from a secular state and strategic ally of the west into an Islamist tyranny and a new strategic enemy of the west. Here is what Turkish political economy professor Dani Rodrik wrote recently in the Wall Street Journal:

"I no longer recognize Turkey, the country where I was raised and spend most of my time when I am not teaching in the U.S. It wasn’t so long ago that the country seemed to be taking significant strides in the direction of human rights and democracy… But more recently, the same government has been responsible for a politics of deception, dirty tricks, fear, and intimidation… It’s clear now that Turkey is no longer the liberalizing, emerging democracy under the AKP that it was only a few years ago. It’s time the U.S. and Europe stopped treating it as such—both for their own sakes, and for the sake of the Turkish people".

Into which category of prejudice would Cameron place the horrified Professor Rodrik – Turkish protectionist, Turkish culture warrior or Turkish Islamophobe?

Or what about the alliances Erdogan has been forging with Islamic terror regimes such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran – and not forgetting his warm overtures to Russia? Is this what Cameron regards as evidence that Turkey is playing the role of ‘great unifier’ between east and west?

Indeed, Cameron does not see Turkey’s recent meeting with Iran and Brazil as a sinister development. Instead he thinks it furnishes evidence that it is Turkey that can help us to stop Iran from getting the bomb and that we hope that the meeting held in Istanbul between the Turkish, Brazilian and Iranian Foreign Ministers will see Iran move in the right direction.
Please will someone tell me that this is merely the Foreign and Commonwealth Office indulging its sardonic sense of humour?

Alas, clearly not. For on Cameron ploughed into the familiar terrain of Planet Appeasement. Out it came again, the British government line that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that those who are, er, trying to destroy the west are guilty of a distorted version of Islam.

So maybe Cameron can enlighten us whether his hero Erdogan — ally of Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, and who has himself vowed that Kurdish rebels who seek autonomy from Turkey will ‘drown in their own blood’ (echoes from history of an earlier genocide perpetrated by Turkey)– represents the ‘distorted’ version of Islam, or the ’religion of peace’?

Or perhaps he can tell us whether the Muslim Brotherhood, committed to taking over the non-Islamic and not-Islamic-enough domains through both mass murder and cultural conquest, and whose jurists and scholars are the pre-eminent religious authorities throughout the Islamic world, are propounding a ‘distorted’ version of Islam or the Religion of Peace?

It is of course Cameron himself who is distorting the reality of Islam. For he said:

"Third, let me turn to the prejudiced – those who don’t differentiate between real Islam and the extremist version. They don’t understand the values that Islam shares with other religions like Christianity and Judaism that all of these are inherently peaceful religions".

This is just grotesque. Despite the fact that many ordinary Muslims want only to live in peace and prosperity, Islam is a religion of conquest. Its history – with some exceptions — is overwhelmingly one of violent expansionism, a characteristic suppressed only by colonialism. For Cameron to ignore and even sanitise the persecution by Islam today of Christians, with the burning of churches, ethnic cleansing and killing or forced conversion of Christians across the developing world, is really quite obscene. Does Cameron really think that all these Muslims are peddling a ‘distorted’ version of their religion?

(A propos, Christianity too has a history of violence since like Islam it is inherently committed to the conversion of unbelievers. Of the three religions, it is only Judaism which has never sought to convert anyone else and thus never posed a threat to other religious — or anti-religious — believers.)

But then, Cameron doesn’t even appear to understand the basis of the civilisation he is supposedly in office to help defend. For he said:

"I will always argue that the values of real Islam are not incompatible with the values of Europe, that Europe is defined not by religion, but by values."

Does he really think that Europe’s ‘values’ emerged in an act of spontaneous cultural generation?

Does he really not grasp that core European ‘values’ – individual freedom, commitment to truth, duty to others, equality of all human beings and so forth – derived from the Bible, the cultural foundation-stone of western society?

Having run up the white flag to the jihad, Cameron then proceeded to deliver a viciously unjust kicking to Israel. It was against Israel — the front line of the defence of the west against the Islamic onslaught – that Cameron suddenly ratcheted up the aggression:

"Let me be clear: the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable. And I have told Prime Minister Netanyahu we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous. Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp".

Cameron did not condemn the flotilla, whose lead ship the Mavi Marmara was run by Turkish-backed terrorists who set out — according to the evidence from their own mouths — to commit an act of jihadi terrorist aggression against Israel. He did not condemn those Turkish-backed terrorists on the Mavi Marmara who attempted to lynch and kidnap the Israeli commandos who boarded the boat and who employed no violence at all until they themselves were set upon.
He did not condemn the Turkish-backed terrorists on the Mavi Marmara who, I am reliably informed, slit open the stomach of one of those Israeli commandos and pulled out his guts before throwing him into the sea.

Instead he condemned the Israelis for defending themselves against this barbaric savagery. He backed this up by misrepresenting this self-defence as an attack — even though the Israelis boarded the Mavi Marmara, as they did the rest of the flotilla with no untoward incident occurring, merely in order to escort it to an Israeli port to search its cargo for weapons.

Cameron then high-handedly declared that

"… we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous".

Just who does he think he is? Mighty Mouse, or what?

And then Cameron attacked Israel over Gaza, which he called a ‘prison camp’. This is vile rhetoric, of the kind associated with those attempting to bring Israel down through a process of delegitimisation.

Why did Cameron ignore the evidence of the markets full of produce in Gaza, the restaurants, the Olympic-size swimming pool? Was this ignorance or malice? Why did he ignore the fact that Israel allows hundreds of tons of supplies across its border with Gaza every week?
Has Cameron even looked at a map? Does he not know that Egypt has a border with Gaza which it keeps far more tightly sealed than does Israel? If Gaza is a prison camp, why did he not condemn Egypt for making it so but singled out only Israel?

Why didn’t he condemn the severe travel restrictions on Palestinians imposed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon? Why didn’t he condemn Lebanon for denying Palestinians living there the right to own property, qualify for health care, or work in a large number of jobs? And while we’re asking, what about Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, who reportedly begged Obama not to lift the Gaza blockade? Why didn’t Cameron condemn him too for seeking to maintain Gaza as a ‘prison camp’?

Why did Cameron utter no word of condemnation of Hamas for its exterminatory rocket and human bomb attacks on Israelis? Or does he think that to condemn Hamas is also to show prejudice towards the Religion of Peace? Why, if he really thinks Gaza is a prison camp, did he make no condemnation of the Hamas for throwing Gazans off the tops of buildings, using Gazan civilians as human shields and burning their children’s holiday camps down to the ground?

I have said it before: Israel is the litmus test of decency in political discourse. Those who attack Israel are invariably on the wrong side of the global fight to defend civilisation against its destroyers. Not just because of Israel’s place on the geopolitical map. It is because the animus against Israel is based on a wholesale repudiation of reason and the embrace instead of irrationality, bigotry, lies and moral inversion. Defence becomes attack, victim becomes victimiser, right becomes wrong; and vice versa. It is the deranged discourse of Islamic fanaticism and of the Israel-bashing left that marches beneath its black banners. And now it is Cameron’s discourse too.

It is astounding to hear a Conservative Prime Minister mouth such infantile leftism. If it weren’t for Obama’s example, it would be unbelievable that any serious politician could spout such drivel. But here surely is the key to all this. Recently, Cameron declared that Britain was
the junior partner [to America] in 1940 when we were fighting the Nazis!

In 1940, of course, America had not yet even entered the war and Britain alone held fascism at bay. So how could Cameron have said something so unbelievably ignorant? Can he really be that stupid?

Hardly, with his Etonian schooling and Oxford First. This was surely not stupidity but cynical callowness of the most extreme and disturbing kind. He wanted to suck up to Obama – and he was prepared even to traduce his own country to do so, by misrepresenting its most iconic and heroic moment of modern times.

I would guess that something similar was at work in his Turkish speech. He doesn’t care about upholding truth over lies, justice over injustice, right over wrong; he will play to any populist gallery. And the appeasement of Islamic aggression and the corresponding demonisation and delegitimisation of Israel play to the ugly mood of bigotry and ignorance now rampant in Britain. As the UK Titanic steadily goes down, Cameron is now on the bridge choosing to conduct the orchestra of hate.

For let’s get this clear: Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister has lauded a Turkish Islamist regime which sponsored an act of terrorism which came close to a declaration of war, while he condemned its victims for defending themselves against the attack. And this from the leader of a country which itself is the Islamists’ principal target and recruiting ground in the west. Far from defending Britain and the west, Cameron is on his knees to their enemies while unleashing the furies upon their strategic ally.

And those furies are raging at home too. As I have previously observed, there is now in Britain a pre-pogrom atmosphere against Israel. Never mind the Guardian — just look at the comments on Conservative Home to see the hideous face of British bigotry, a hysteria that Cameron’s inflammatory remarks will have done much to stoke even further.

1940 this most definitely is not. Weep for Britain. It has just become even more unsafe – and British politics a lot more disgusting.

Rods Blog. A Thug or a Hero?

Justice? What Justice?

Recently I told you how the new British Government will soon be required by their masters in Brussels to accept a new law which will give foreign police the power to require our police to investigate our own people for crimes that may not even be a crime in this country. The person who is the subject of that investigation can then be extradited, placed on trial and ultimately be imprisoned – and all the while the English justice system will be powerless to intervene. It will even be possible for police officers from another EU country, to travel to England, arrest you and take you back to wherever. Some people didn’t believe me, said I was lying and even called me a racist and said I was 'scaremongering' for reporting this!

Consider then, the case of Gary Mann. He’s a big guy; he has a shaved head and worst of all he’s English. Naturally then it stands to reason that Gary Mann is a thug and a hooligan and deserves to spend 2 years in jail in Portugal. But what are the facts. It is clear that Mr. Mann was in Portugal at the time of the European Championships in 2004 but what is in dispute is whether he was involved in the rioting that took place in the Algarve resort of Albufeira. According to Mr. Mann he was nowhere near where the problems were taking place and did not know that they had even occurred until after he was arrested. English fans were literally running riot whilst he was enjoying a quiet drink some miles away and with witnesses to prove it. At 4am he left the bar and was immediately pounced upon by two Portuguese policemen who reckoned that he must have been involved – ‘Big guy, shaven head AND English’ Bang to Rights!

Held in jail until he appeared before a judge charged with a crime he says he did not commit, he and his co-charged had little idea of what was going on as they had to rely on a hairdresser friend of the judges wife, to translate for them. Gary was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years in jail or deportation. Naturally he chose the deportation, determined never to darken the doors of Portugal again. He returned to his home and the worried sick arms of his family. He hoped that that was the end of it. Unfortunately it was not to be so.

The British police applied to the courts for a banning order in an attempt to prevent him from traveling to any football matches anywhere in the world. In a typical knee jerk reaction, the then Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett, said that he was going to “nail him” (Mann) as he was so angry at the ‘lenient’ sentence. Heavy stuff for an ordinary guy who reckoned he was innocent.

In vindication of the ‘English’ justice system, Uxbridge magistrate’s court refused to grant the police application saying that there were ‘serious flaws’ in the Portuguese court case. A highly experienced and respected police officer who represented the British police in Portugal in 2004, called the trial a “farce”.

Enough you may think to clear name of Mr. Mann and certainly enough to put his and his family’s minds at rest that those dark days were behind them. Gary returned to his job as a Firefighter, where he was highly respected as a man who had saved many lives in the course of his duties and had indeed received an award from Margaret Thatcher herself for one particular incident where he saved to lives of 7 people but was burned himself in the process.

Over a year later, the Portuguese courts had a change of heart. They decided that Gary WOULD have to serve the full prison sentence! Consequently they issued a European Arrest Warrant: a fast track, no question asked extradition order designed (by David Blunkett) in 2002 to tackle terrorism cases. For over a year, Gary and his family fought tooth and nail against being forced back to Portugal. Over 30 court appearances, where the English courts continued to state that a travesty of justice had occurred in the original trial and even David Blunkett eventually admitted that he was wrong in what he said.

The fact has to be faced up to; English law is subservient to European law.

Regardless of what the English courts or English law said, the English Justice System had no choice, it was totally powerless to judge an Englishman on English soil. And despite that the English courts and even the British Home Secretary knew that the conviction was not only unsafe but wrong, just a few weeks ago Gary surrendered to the Portuguese authorities at Heathrow Airport. He is now languishing in a Portuguese prison, where his only hope is the annual pardon that the Portuguese government grant for about 30 prisoners in the lead up to Christmas.

For those of you who said that it will never happen here – think again, it already is happening AND it’s going to get much worse. English law and justice has been built by the blood of countless people and has evolved over hundreds of years only to be thrown away by a treacherous British government in favour of laws that make each and everyone of us slaves to a foreign power - The European Union.

Even Hitler couldn’t manage that!

Will the new British Con / Dem government ever wrench back our own laws from Brussels?

Will CaMORON ever allow the people of this country to decide our own destiny?

Don’t hold your breath.

It will happen again – have a good holiday won’t you!
