Wednesday 3 February 2010

Could This Really Happen To England?

Once Upon A Time There Was A Country Called 'Angloaria'

Angloaria was a proud Country that had existed for over 1,000 years

One day, the Justice Minister of Angloaria, who was a Muslim, appeared on a video clip addressing a large group of his fellow Muslim's at a big meeting. Although Angloaria was a Christian country and had been for over 1,000 years, there was almost 2,000,000 of the Ministers fellow Muslims living in the country. This has been achieved by the Ministers comrades in government allowing a totally free immigration policy of which his Muslim friends had taken full advantage. The intention behind all of these people massing into the country was simple. They wanted to take it over! This did not only happen in Angloaria but also in most of the countries of the international club of Europia to which Angloaria belongs.

On this day the Minister boasted to his fellow Muslims that they already had four members of Parliament and that after the Elections that were due soon, he hoped that there would be ten MPs. Indeed, the Minister was so enthusiastic that he said that by the year 2030, the whole Government of Angloaria would be Islamic! Now of course if this were to happen, all of the native people living in Angloaria, who had up until now lived under their own sovereign laws that had suited them well for 1,000 years, wouldl suddenly have to obey the new laws of Islam. Of course, there were also some Europian laws but they were silly laws when compared to the law of Islam, this law is called Sharia.

Islamic laws are different from Angloarian laws in many ways. Islam has some interesting laws that says that women are second class citizens, as such they have to wear special clothes and do as they are told by their husbands. Should they not obey these laws, special Islamic police will tell them off and may also punish them. Some of these punishments are very different from Angloarian punishments. For instance, if the wife of an Angloarian should fall in love with another man, her husband may divorce her and she would no longer be his wife. In the new Islamic Republic of Angloaria, the wife would be stoned to death. Some men love other men more than women and of course some women love other women more than men. These people are called 'Gay'. In the Old Angloaria, this was not a problem and many people were gay and lived quite happily. In the New Angloaria, Gays are not be a problem either because the Muslims will have killed them all. They prefer to do this by throwing them over a cliff but if they cannot find a cliff they will cut their heads off or stone them to death.

Now of course, this may upset some of the Angloarians and they may want to protest on the streets and sometimes these protests can be very angy. The government may want to stop these people who are very cross, so they will call the police to stop them. In the old days the police would try to persuade the people not to be so angry and to go home but it is not the same policemen now. You see, the Anglorian Police do not exist any more as they were all joined together with the Europian Police. If the people are very, very cross with the government they may not listen when they are told to go home and the Police might have to shoot some of them. This of course would make the people even more cross with the government and some might start fighting with the police and might even shoot some of them! This is called a 'Riot'.

So what do you think the Islamic Government of Angloaria would do then? Well its really quite simple, they would call for the soldiers to stop the naughty people. But don't worry, the soldiers will not be Angloarian soldiers they will be soldiers from one of the other countries that belong to Europia. All of the Angloarian soldiers will be as far away as possible in one of the other European countries in case they are told to shoot the people who live there. You must remember of course the Angloarian Army and Air Force (called the RAF) were all formed into one European Defence force. The Government didn't like the Navy so they closed it down and gave all of their warships to other big Muslim countries like Irania because they didn't have big warships like nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. They needed all of these big boats for when they went to war with the 'Evil Satan' who lived across the other side of the big sea.

So there you are, in the year 2030 Angloaria became a true Islamic nation and there was no more nonsense such as democracy or freedom of choice or elections, which only makes things complicated and difficult for the Government. And we all know that the Government knows what's best for us, don't we?

Everybody then lived happily ever after - well the Muslims did but the Angloarians, and that means ALL of them including those that came here from other countries, were still a bit cross, but don't worry - the Government will kill all of them that dare say anything.

Now off to sleep like good little Britons and no nightmares. But in the morning - for God's sake WAKE UP!

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