Tuesday 9 February 2010


There was a copy of the Victim Support Logo here, but it has been removed by Order of the Victim Support Service.
They are upset by my using it. Ahhh Bless.
Today was to be the last day of my training to become a Volunteer Case Worker with the Victim Support Service. A very worth while charity for which I have had the greatest respect as the purpose of which is to offer support for the victims of crime. Sometimes these people are left almost forgotten as other Agencies naturally concentrate of catching and dealing with the perpetrator of whatever offence has been committed against the victim. The crime of course could be a relatively low level offence such as a broken window, right up to rape or murder.

Imagine my surprise then when I was effectively sacked by this erstwhile organisation for my Right-Wing political views and for belonging to a Right-Wing political party. I must be honest with you and admit that I did rile back against some of the 'fluffy-fluffy' teachings that had been foisted upon me during the six day course, such as when we discussed was it reasonable to accept arranged marriages or was it acceptable to eat your dinner from your lap while watching East Enders!! I'm afraid that I was not able to keep totally silent at these, and a few other, times.

During the course of the training I naturally spoke to the other students and the conversation rapidly turned to politics. "Now there's a surprise" I hear you say and before long other people were approaching me during breaks to ask about the English Democrats. Equally not surprisingly I was happy to oblige and some new supporters of the Party were found.

Imagine my surprise then, when at the end of the day, I was taken to one side to discuss a 'small problem'. Apparently my tutors and area managers had concerns about my ability to perform my duties as a Volunteer Case Worker because of my inability to accept that arranged marriages are a good thing. Further more my Englishness was contrary to the Services core values relating to 'Diversity & Equalness' (don't you just love those words)?

I'm afraid that here my usual cool, suave and debonair air, slipped slightly and gave way to, maybe not a 'Red Mist', but it was moving toward that stage. Lets just settle for the fact that I was pretty angry by now. As a result, I informed them that I regarded their accusations as Racial Discrimination and after a few more words (there were no expletives I am proud to say) I informed them that I was withdrawing my offer to work with them.

And that, my friends is where I went wrong. Should you ever discover yourselves in a similar situation, do not stomp off in a temper but do keep your cool. Wait until they have gone the whole hog and they actually kick you out. For then, you surely have them - hook line & sinker. This is advise from the Parties Legal Eagles so it is good. By effectively removing myself from the situation I stopped any chance of dragging them kicking and screaming into court to expose them as the Loony Left Dearies that they really are.

Remember to get the evidence that they are discriminating against you - and then you can enjoy.

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