Friday 29 January 2010

The Time is Now! Are YOU Ready?

They had their fight, their war. It was bloody, thousands died under the hail of murderous machine gun fire, in trenches that were filled with water and the rotting bodies of their fallen comrades. Thousands more succumbed to the evils of more and more ‘improved’ weapons such as poison gas. The gas didn’t always kill immediately but kept its victim alive suffering for years before finally reaching out and taking them. Despite the horrors of that ‘War to End All Wars’, horrors that we can only imagine, those brave young men held the line until eventually they stood in victory over the defeated enemy.

Just 20 years later, those same battle fields that had witnessed such slaughter, were shuddering once again to the might of the same enemy, as he thundered across the lands of Europe with the same aim as before - Total Domination. Once again our young men answered the call and England stood alone in the face of the Fascist onslaught. Once again the metal of the English people was tested to the absolute limit of breaking. But they resisted, and they fought and they won. Once again they stood in victory over a defeated enemy.

Without that sacrifice made by those brave people, my parents – your grandparents, we would not be here to ready the nation for the next fight. For once again England is facing extinction just as it was all of those years ago. We may not be fighting in the mud of Flanders or on the beaches of Normandy but the struggle is just as hard – just as real. We may not have hoards of Fascist bombers flying overhead raining death and destruction from the skies onto London, Coventry, Birmingham, Plymouth but the country is in as much danger now as it was during those dark, dark days.

Once again we have the might of Europe against us. Once again the aim of the Fascist is Total Domination but this time our soldiers are fighting somebody else’s war. This time we do not have a ‘Churchill’ to lead the nation. This time the enemy is the traitors within our midst, within our own government and the establishment. The spectre of Europe stands salivating, waiting for the fresh carcass of England to be presented, gutted and lifeless to them, by our own ‘fifth columnists’.

We will win because we are English and when England has her back to the wall she is never more viscous in her own defence. Make no mistake about it; we are fighting for our very existence, just as your grandparents were in 1940. We will win because that’s what England does – wins. Bullets may not be flying - yet but I will be honest and say that I have a very real fear that unless we win the political fight soon - it may come to that.
Let us all put our petty differences aside and unite against the common enemy. 'Any enemy of my enemy - is my friend.

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