Saturday 6 February 2010

Hastings Council Try To Stop A Great Day Of Fun


The May Day Bank Holiday in Hastings has always been a wonderful day full of entertainment and fun for thousands of visitors and towns people alike. It is a day when two cultures from opposing ends of the the social spectrum meet head on at Hastings Sea Front. On the one hand there are the Pagan celebrations of Beltaine where we can witness the parade through the Old Town into the Town Centre and on to the Castle, of Jack-in-the-Green and his escort. A wonderful display of ancient culture supported by Morris Dancers and many other attractions.

At the same time we have the Bikers Rally, where upwards of 30,000 bikers descend on the town for no other reason than the thrill of the ride amongst like minded people and then to admire each others machines. And some magnificent machines there are. Many of the 'Bikers' are professional people, solicitors and dentists etc and it is obvious that their machines only see the light of day on holidays and high days and May Bank Holiday. They arrive, they admire their machines, they spend a few quid, have some fish and chips at the seaside and go home.

No fights, no trouble and no drunks. Just a great day enjoyed by thousands of people.

Why then do Hastings Borough Council want to scrap it all? (See the news page for full details). They say it's because of safety fears but that is absolute rubbish - and they know that. It is true that Sussex Police don't like it, they would prefer to close the A21 and stop the bikers from entering the town. HBC don't want it because they have historically shut Breeds Place car park for the day to accommodate the bikers and as such they fear that they will be held responsible if something should go wrong. Good old Health & Safety rearing it's ugly head again. Of course, the fact that they lose all of the car parking fee's for the day doesn't have any bearing on it does it?

May Bank Holiday is a wonderful day. Probably the only day of the year where there is no trouble, just fun. The number of times I have come home wearing my green nose with pride is many. I hope you have enjoyed it in the past, because I fear that you won't enjoy it any longer.

Good work Hastings Borough Council.

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