Wednesday 27 January 2010

It's a Funny 'Ol World, ain't it!

What a funny world we live in. I have just been told, that because the English Democrats Party are not racist, we are not only Left Wing but that more dramatically we are in fact Traitors to England.

This persons problem is based around the fact that the English Democrats are NOT a racist organisation and we will welcome anybody into the Party who consider themselves to be English. Some of these people may of course be of a different ethnic group other than 'White Anglo Saxon'. Further, as our policy on immigration is only one of stopping this governments insane policy of Mass Immigration and not stopping immigration completely, we are not far short of belonging well and truly in the camp of the 'Looney Left'.
However, not only were the English Dems in the firing line but also condemned to the same fate is that other well known Extreme Far Left group of traitors - the English Defense League. The vile crime that they have committed to warrant this attack is carrying out the cardinal sin of allowing two of their members, who are not White Anglo Saxon (one being black, the other a Sikh) to speak at their recent event in Stoke.

It goes without saying that this chap is himself of 'White Anglo Saxon' ethnicity. You know the type -he has pure 100% English blood running through his veins. Indeed he is immensely proud of the fact that his 'Tribe' came to these isles in the 5th century from an area of northern Germany, which allegedly gave it's name to England. The strange thing about this is that he cannot see the irony of the fact that he himself originates from 'Immigrants' who settled on these shores and then went on to dominant the original ethnic people who were living here.

I wonder if his forbears Residency Visa is still valid or whether in fact he is now officially an 'illegal'.
"Bloody foreigner's coming over 'ere and nicking all our bleeding jobs - I used to drive a chariot with them big blade fings on the wheels but all those bloody Gerry's to it now."

At the same time today, I have been severely criticised by the Unite Against Fascists (UAF). Apparently I and the English Democrats are 'Extremist' and 'Far Right Wingers' and can really be considered as 'Nazi's'. As for the EDL, well that are obviously Adolph Hitler incarnate.

It just goes to show that you can't please them all.

Funny 'ol world ain't it.

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