Wednesday 20 January 2010

Q. What do you have to do to upset the lefties? A. Say You're English

Once again I have managed to upset the Lefties in Hastings. Following a recent posting on my local rag's blog, I have been at the sharp end of another Leftie attack. Well, I say 'the sharp end' but what I really mean is the soggy wet end!

The unknown author was trying to denounce the English Democrats as Left Wing - or was it Right Wing - or was it Middle of the road - Oh no, it was Far Right Wing, Extremist Fascist! - er - I think!

The author tried to 'break down' the English Democrats Policies. Starting off with our plans to break down the Union. This was classed as anti-authoritarian and Nationalist. At least he got the bit about being anti-authoritarian and Nationalistic right, shame about the FACT that we have no plans to break up the Union.

He then moved on to the EU and again damned us as 'Anti-Authoritarian'. Apparently it is clear to this person that most people of England want to stay in the EU? We'll see.

On now to 'Traditional Counties' where we are described as Tories and once again 'Anti-Authoritarian' (I don't know about you, but I think that's a good thing - not the Tory bit but the other).

Our plans to democratise the House of Lords is apparently 'Liberal'. I would have thought it was Left Wing but Hey Ho what's in a name?.

Now the Biggie - Immigration. For our position on this we earn the accolade of being Highly Nationalistic, which will apparently upset every businessman in the country. Unfortunately this is where it moves from the plain silly to the unpleasant. Our policies will lead to the denial of humanitarian aid to refugees and it makes it clear that we value the life of somebody born overseas less than somebody born here. We are guilty of dehumanisation and are therefore fascist!

To sum up, we are mainly left wing and Liberal. However our dehumanisation programme and our Nationalism makes us Fascist. If it wasn't for that bit, we would be Green!! Confused - I am!

But wait - there is more. The Elected Mayor of Doncaster has banned a Gay Pride march (that makes us Homophobic) and axed translation services for asylum seekers saying that they don't deserve to be able to communicate with the council (Racist).

Once again we are accused of working hand in hand with England First and the BNP (Yawn) even to the point of standing aside to allow them a free run. Here, I must admit that I began to get a little cross and when he then compared us with Hitler, I became very annoyed.

Please believe me dear reader when I say that each and every one of these lies has been refuted by me and an open invitation for a public meeting with these people has been offered to them but then again, I've already offered that previously.

I get the impression that they do not have anything substantial with which to criticise us (because there is 'nowt), so they have to make up these wild and pointless lies. Still, they did get one 'accusation' correct when they called us Nationalist but then, as I said in my response - there is a clue in the title!

We must really be getting under their skin. Believe me, we will dig even deeper into them.


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