Wednesday, 10 February 2010

1066 English Democrats Invited to Attend Public Political Debate

1066 English Democrats have been invited to attend an open public political debate in Hastings.

The Chairman of the Hastings Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses, Lord Brett McLean, made a point of inviting Rod Bridger, who is standing for the English Democrats in the Hastings & Rye Constituency, after the local paper, the Hastings Observer, raised doubts about the event taking place after the BNP were invited to attend.

The Observer, it is fair to say, is not a fan of the English Democrats and does an excellent job of trying to ignore the existence of the party, referring to us as 'Extreme Right-Wing' and 'Anti-Immigrant'. The paper steadfastly refuses to put into print any retraction or any communication from the local party. Ironically, at the same time as referring to us as Extreme Right Wing etc, the Observer did manage to refer to the BNP as 'Controversial'!

The 25th March is the date and the location is the Crown House, 57 Marina St Leonards. The debate begins at 7.00 pm. All Parliamentary Candidates from the parties contesting the election will be on the platform - Rod Bridger for the English Democrats, Michael Foster, the current MP for Labour, Ann Rudd for the Tory party, Nick Perry Liberal and Nick Prince BNP.

It promises to be a lively evening and is a wonderful opportunity for us to raise our profile in the area, which is something that we desperately need to do. This will be the first time that I have had the opportunity to do this type of thing and is somewhat daunting, particularly considering the experience of the other politicians that will be there.

Please come along to give me some support on that evening. Tell your friends and bring them as well, raise a coach party or a special train, anything but please come and support English Democrats 1066 on 25th March!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


There was a copy of the Victim Support Logo here, but it has been removed by Order of the Victim Support Service.
They are upset by my using it. Ahhh Bless.
Today was to be the last day of my training to become a Volunteer Case Worker with the Victim Support Service. A very worth while charity for which I have had the greatest respect as the purpose of which is to offer support for the victims of crime. Sometimes these people are left almost forgotten as other Agencies naturally concentrate of catching and dealing with the perpetrator of whatever offence has been committed against the victim. The crime of course could be a relatively low level offence such as a broken window, right up to rape or murder.

Imagine my surprise then when I was effectively sacked by this erstwhile organisation for my Right-Wing political views and for belonging to a Right-Wing political party. I must be honest with you and admit that I did rile back against some of the 'fluffy-fluffy' teachings that had been foisted upon me during the six day course, such as when we discussed was it reasonable to accept arranged marriages or was it acceptable to eat your dinner from your lap while watching East Enders!! I'm afraid that I was not able to keep totally silent at these, and a few other, times.

During the course of the training I naturally spoke to the other students and the conversation rapidly turned to politics. "Now there's a surprise" I hear you say and before long other people were approaching me during breaks to ask about the English Democrats. Equally not surprisingly I was happy to oblige and some new supporters of the Party were found.

Imagine my surprise then, when at the end of the day, I was taken to one side to discuss a 'small problem'. Apparently my tutors and area managers had concerns about my ability to perform my duties as a Volunteer Case Worker because of my inability to accept that arranged marriages are a good thing. Further more my Englishness was contrary to the Services core values relating to 'Diversity & Equalness' (don't you just love those words)?

I'm afraid that here my usual cool, suave and debonair air, slipped slightly and gave way to, maybe not a 'Red Mist', but it was moving toward that stage. Lets just settle for the fact that I was pretty angry by now. As a result, I informed them that I regarded their accusations as Racial Discrimination and after a few more words (there were no expletives I am proud to say) I informed them that I was withdrawing my offer to work with them.

And that, my friends is where I went wrong. Should you ever discover yourselves in a similar situation, do not stomp off in a temper but do keep your cool. Wait until they have gone the whole hog and they actually kick you out. For then, you surely have them - hook line & sinker. This is advise from the Parties Legal Eagles so it is good. By effectively removing myself from the situation I stopped any chance of dragging them kicking and screaming into court to expose them as the Loony Left Dearies that they really are.

Remember to get the evidence that they are discriminating against you - and then you can enjoy.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Hastings Council Try To Stop A Great Day Of Fun


The May Day Bank Holiday in Hastings has always been a wonderful day full of entertainment and fun for thousands of visitors and towns people alike. It is a day when two cultures from opposing ends of the the social spectrum meet head on at Hastings Sea Front. On the one hand there are the Pagan celebrations of Beltaine where we can witness the parade through the Old Town into the Town Centre and on to the Castle, of Jack-in-the-Green and his escort. A wonderful display of ancient culture supported by Morris Dancers and many other attractions.

At the same time we have the Bikers Rally, where upwards of 30,000 bikers descend on the town for no other reason than the thrill of the ride amongst like minded people and then to admire each others machines. And some magnificent machines there are. Many of the 'Bikers' are professional people, solicitors and dentists etc and it is obvious that their machines only see the light of day on holidays and high days and May Bank Holiday. They arrive, they admire their machines, they spend a few quid, have some fish and chips at the seaside and go home.

No fights, no trouble and no drunks. Just a great day enjoyed by thousands of people.

Why then do Hastings Borough Council want to scrap it all? (See the news page for full details). They say it's because of safety fears but that is absolute rubbish - and they know that. It is true that Sussex Police don't like it, they would prefer to close the A21 and stop the bikers from entering the town. HBC don't want it because they have historically shut Breeds Place car park for the day to accommodate the bikers and as such they fear that they will be held responsible if something should go wrong. Good old Health & Safety rearing it's ugly head again. Of course, the fact that they lose all of the car parking fee's for the day doesn't have any bearing on it does it?

May Bank Holiday is a wonderful day. Probably the only day of the year where there is no trouble, just fun. The number of times I have come home wearing my green nose with pride is many. I hope you have enjoyed it in the past, because I fear that you won't enjoy it any longer.

Good work Hastings Borough Council.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Saying the word 'LIKELY' will now get you arrested in Fascist England

A Hastings businessman was arrested in front of his wife and children for allegedly saying the word 'likely' in an email to his Local Authority. A 'jobsworth' council official deemed the word 'offensive' to gypsies and called the police.

The offending word was contained in an email that was believed to have been sent by the businessman to Rother District Council in Sussex. The email referred to a planning dispute involving a gypsy Linda Smith, who had erected a mobile home in an area of outstanding natural beauty and overlooking the historic site of the Battle of Hastings. The email was sent to a council website and contained the words "It's the 'do as you likey attitude' that I am against". Council officials believed the term was offensive because it rhymed with the derogatory word 'pikey'. The email also contained the words "Get a job, get planning permission but more to the point get out of the neighbourhood". It later emerged that the 'offending' email was sent by a work colleague from his work computer.

The email was sent from a computer at the business mans firm but the first he knew about it was when two uniformed police officers arrived at his home. One moment he was enjoying his Sunday with his wife and 11 year old son, and the next he was under arrest on his way in a police car to Hastings Police Station.

The businessman, a father of two, said last night: ‘I had a sense of total disbelief. My wife and I decided to tell my 11-year-old son I had to go with the police because I had witnessed a road accident.

‘Even though the officers were fairly pleasant to me, I was informed I would be handcuffed if I didn’t go voluntarily. They then confiscated my computer and my wife’s computer and took them to the police station. ‘I was extremely angry. I was relaxing in the comfort of my home on a Sunday afternoon and then I was in a police car under arrest – all for an innocent comment by a colleague.’

He said: ‘I have never had any criminal record and try my best to teach my children right from wrong. This was a ridiculously heavy-handed police reaction to what they perceived as a racist comment. I am not the least bit racist and neither is Paul Osmond. The gypsy family concerned did not complain.

‘I did nothing wrong yet ended up in a police cell for four hours with my DNA stored on a criminal database.’

The arrest happened on November 15 and followed a three-year battle by a gypsy family to win planning permission for the mobile home on land outside the town of Battle.

The family bought a field from a farmer, put down a concrete base, and installed the mobile home at the end of a short driveway. Rother Council issued an enforcement notice against the building.

The businessman said he also objected to the council over the location of the mobile home, which is near his property.

He said: ‘It seems I have to get planning permission for everything I do right down to dead-heading the daffodils.

‘It seems they can erect this home with impunity. But I made my objections entirely through the proper channels and I have absolutely nothing against anyone in the gypsy community.’

The case finally ended last week when Mr Osmond, who was responsible for sending the email and who had been arrested and bailed, was told there would be no further police action. The planning case is continuing.

Mr Osmond, 39, of Icklesham, said: ‘I made it clear to them I am absolutely not racist. I said I was simply registering my objection to this application because it is 200ft from the most important and historical battlefield in the country. I now feel I am not even able to express an opinion for fear of being arrested by the police.

‘One of my closest friends is an Irish traveller and he uses the term 'pikey' all the time. This is the ultimate in political correctness going off the scale.’ Sussex Police said they had arrested the businessman over ‘suspicion of committing a racial or religious-aggravated offence’. After consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, it was decided to take no further action against Mr Osmond.

Chief Inspector Heather Keating said: ‘Sussex Police have a legal duty to promote community cohesion and tackle unlawful discrimination.

‘We are satisfied we acted appropriately in identifying the owner of the computer used and through this, the identity of the writer of the offending line.’

Police said they would hold the innocent men’s DNA indefinitely, which they said was in line with national policy.

It has been suggested locally that the reason for such police actions as this, is simply to boost the amount of DNA samples that are held by the police. At an estimated cost of £12,000 for this little fiasco, that is a very expensive collection process.

I suspect that the real reason is one much more sinister - to send warning signals to the people to keep quiet and not to rock the boat. The alternative is to spend the night in the police cells, an experience that the vast majority of people would be absolutely terrified by. Terrified into silence. Was the seizure of the businessman's computer equipment also a deliberate action, designed to send another powerful message?

Lets just picture the scene for a moment; a quiet Sunday afternoon in a quiet English village. A police car stops outside of your neighbours house and two uniformed police officers go into his house. We would all naturally be concerned as to whats happening, is it bad news? is it the children? Moments later your neighbour leaves the house with the police officers and gets into their car. Then all of his computer equipment is brought from the house and driven of with your neighbour.

Now, be honest what do you think is happening? They don't take computers away for nothing, do they? It can only mean one thing and that's not because somebody sent an email that sounded like 'Pikey'.

Is it just PC that's gone mad. Is it one particular police Inspector that is desperately trying to get her arrest figures up for the month - or is it something much more sinister? Is it about conditioning the minds of the English public, striking fear and intimidation into people? Or is it all mind-conditioning, getting the public ready for what's ahead. Perhaps we haven't seen anything yet.

I will leave it to you dear reader, to come to your own conclusion.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


This is too true to be funny!

The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were Living in the Stone Age.

D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

E. A billion Pounds ago was only 13 hours and 12 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

Building Permit Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Income Tax

Vat Tax

Unemployment Tax

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Petrol/Diesel Tax

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax

Inventory Tax (tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Luxury Tax

Marriage License Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Service charge taxes

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Tax

Local TaxVehicle

License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...

And our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt...

We had the largest middle class in the world...

And Mum stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened?

Can you spell 'politicians!'

What the hell happened?????

Gordon Brown, that's What!!!
(And Yes - that is what he thinks of us)

Brighton politician claims he's not posh

It's a Funny 'Ol World, Ain't It?

A Brighton politician has hit back at the suggestion he shed his double-barrelled surname to sound less like “a toff”.

Simon Kirby, or Radford-Kirby, yesterday responded to an article in The Mail on Sunday which named him as one of several Conservative parliamentary candidates allegedly ordered to split their name by party leader David Cameron.

In a blog, Mr Kirby said his double-barrelled name was the result of his marriage 17 years ago and not a “posh” background.

The politician, who will stand in the Brighton Kemptown constituency, said he was raised in a Hastings council house and went to local state schools. He said he had used the name Kirby when first elected to represent Kemptown on East Sussex County Council in 1992 and kept it.

He said it fitted on to posters better.

Ahh Bless!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Could This Really Happen To England?

Once Upon A Time There Was A Country Called 'Angloaria'

Angloaria was a proud Country that had existed for over 1,000 years

One day, the Justice Minister of Angloaria, who was a Muslim, appeared on a video clip addressing a large group of his fellow Muslim's at a big meeting. Although Angloaria was a Christian country and had been for over 1,000 years, there was almost 2,000,000 of the Ministers fellow Muslims living in the country. This has been achieved by the Ministers comrades in government allowing a totally free immigration policy of which his Muslim friends had taken full advantage. The intention behind all of these people massing into the country was simple. They wanted to take it over! This did not only happen in Angloaria but also in most of the countries of the international club of Europia to which Angloaria belongs.

On this day the Minister boasted to his fellow Muslims that they already had four members of Parliament and that after the Elections that were due soon, he hoped that there would be ten MPs. Indeed, the Minister was so enthusiastic that he said that by the year 2030, the whole Government of Angloaria would be Islamic! Now of course if this were to happen, all of the native people living in Angloaria, who had up until now lived under their own sovereign laws that had suited them well for 1,000 years, wouldl suddenly have to obey the new laws of Islam. Of course, there were also some Europian laws but they were silly laws when compared to the law of Islam, this law is called Sharia.

Islamic laws are different from Angloarian laws in many ways. Islam has some interesting laws that says that women are second class citizens, as such they have to wear special clothes and do as they are told by their husbands. Should they not obey these laws, special Islamic police will tell them off and may also punish them. Some of these punishments are very different from Angloarian punishments. For instance, if the wife of an Angloarian should fall in love with another man, her husband may divorce her and she would no longer be his wife. In the new Islamic Republic of Angloaria, the wife would be stoned to death. Some men love other men more than women and of course some women love other women more than men. These people are called 'Gay'. In the Old Angloaria, this was not a problem and many people were gay and lived quite happily. In the New Angloaria, Gays are not be a problem either because the Muslims will have killed them all. They prefer to do this by throwing them over a cliff but if they cannot find a cliff they will cut their heads off or stone them to death.

Now of course, this may upset some of the Angloarians and they may want to protest on the streets and sometimes these protests can be very angy. The government may want to stop these people who are very cross, so they will call the police to stop them. In the old days the police would try to persuade the people not to be so angry and to go home but it is not the same policemen now. You see, the Anglorian Police do not exist any more as they were all joined together with the Europian Police. If the people are very, very cross with the government they may not listen when they are told to go home and the Police might have to shoot some of them. This of course would make the people even more cross with the government and some might start fighting with the police and might even shoot some of them! This is called a 'Riot'.

So what do you think the Islamic Government of Angloaria would do then? Well its really quite simple, they would call for the soldiers to stop the naughty people. But don't worry, the soldiers will not be Angloarian soldiers they will be soldiers from one of the other countries that belong to Europia. All of the Angloarian soldiers will be as far away as possible in one of the other European countries in case they are told to shoot the people who live there. You must remember of course the Angloarian Army and Air Force (called the RAF) were all formed into one European Defence force. The Government didn't like the Navy so they closed it down and gave all of their warships to other big Muslim countries like Irania because they didn't have big warships like nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. They needed all of these big boats for when they went to war with the 'Evil Satan' who lived across the other side of the big sea.

So there you are, in the year 2030 Angloaria became a true Islamic nation and there was no more nonsense such as democracy or freedom of choice or elections, which only makes things complicated and difficult for the Government. And we all know that the Government knows what's best for us, don't we?

Everybody then lived happily ever after - well the Muslims did but the Angloarians, and that means ALL of them including those that came here from other countries, were still a bit cross, but don't worry - the Government will kill all of them that dare say anything.

Now off to sleep like good little Britons and no nightmares. But in the morning - for God's sake WAKE UP!