Sunday 19 September 2010

RODS BLOG: As You Sit Down to Your Sunday Roast - Spare a Thought as to How the Meat Arrived On Your Plate.

Many, many people in this country are horrified at the way that Halal and Kosher meat is slaughtered. For those that need reminding, it involves cutting the throat of the animal and allowing its body to drain of blood whilst a few words of mumbo jumbo are said (allegedly) whilst the animals life slowly ebbs away. During this obscene exercise, the animal is fully conscious and aware of what is happening to it. The horror and distress that the animal suffers during this time can only be imagined.

Under 'Normal' circumstances, the animal is stunned and unconscious before it is actually killed, so therefore has no awareness of what is happening, consequently there is little or no stress to the animal. Of course many people feel that even this is unacceptable and as a result they do not eat meat.

The majority however do enjoy a nice piece of roast beef (if they can afford it) on a Sunday or possibly a beautiful golden roast chicken with all of the trimmings. Bangers and mash, burgers; Mmm my mouth is watering. Even maybe the occasional kebab.

What we do not realise is that meat cruelly slaughtered to meet the requirements of some religious cretins is being more and more foisted upon us by the industry. A report in todays (19 Sept) Mail on Sunday (read the article: ), tells how more and more Halal meat is finding its way into the 'normal' food supply chain. Most retailers will not tell their customers that the meat is Halal saying that there is no demand to disclose that information to the public.


I urge you to demand to know the source of any meat that you purchase in any retail outlet, from restaurants to burger vans to supermarkets to ensure that your next meal has not paid an awful price to be on your plate!

For the few who do not appreciate this horror or refuse to believe it, I urge you to watch this video - although I warn you, you may have nightmares.

I hope that you enjoy your dinner!


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