Friday 17 September 2010

The Carlisle Meeting - Success

The first meeting of the Hastings 1066 branch of the English Democrats took place last evening and can only be described as a success.

Being the first meeting, I was concerned that I would be the only one to turn up but in the event a total of 10 people were present. There was a good exchange of views and some brilliant ideas as to how to move the party forward in Hastings. It has been hard over the last year carrying it by myself but now I am very confident for the future.

One of the agreements that we came to was for each person to bring one more to the next meeting in little over a months time which means that in another 12 months time, we should have 5,000 members in Hastings!

Seriously it was a good meeting and I am looking forward to the next one with enthusiasm. Thanks are due to the Carlisle Pub for providing us with accommodation for the event and of course thanks to those who attended. It was good to meet you all at last.

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