Wednesday 29 September 2010

RODS BLOG: Why does it take the French to tell us what's happening?

Why do we have to rely on the foreign press to find out what is happening in our own country?

Once again I to bring to your attention information that is vitally important to this country, but which is being witheld from you by the British government andf their lackeys, the Liberal/Left media. If any of you doubt that my words are true, simply ask yourself why does it take a French TV crew to tell us what is happening in our capital city? Have you seen any mention of this in the British press or telly?

Any critisism of Islam is quickly quoshed by the authorities as Racist or Fascist. Why? Why are they witholding the truth from you?

Wednesday 22 September 2010


RODS BLOG: Once again I am braced for an onslaught of accusations that I am a Right Wing Fascist Bigot. Why because I have the temerity to bring to you more information that the Looney/Left Liberal media of this country try to keep from you. (There is no truth to the rumour that I eat babies either).

Below is an article written by Prof Paul L Williams who is professor of humanities and philosophy at Wilkes University and The University of Scranton. In it he describes how no less a person than the Chancellor of Germany states that Germany is being turned into an Islamist state.

If you really do believe that this will never happen in this country, think again - we are well on the road.


ByPaul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily.

“Our country is going to carry on changing, and integration is also a task for the society taking up the task of dealing with immigrants,” Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. “For years we’ve been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before.”

Germany, with a population of 4-5million Muslims, has been divided in recent weeks by a debate over remarks by the Bundesbank’s Thilo Sarrazin, who argued Turkish and Arab immigrants were failing to integrate and were swamping Germany with a higher birth rate.

The Chancellor’s remarks represent the first official acknowledgment that Germany, like other European countries, is destined to become a stronghold of Islam. has admitted that the country will some become a stronghold.

In France 30% of children age 20 years and below are Muslims. The ratio in Paris and Marseilles has soared to 45%. In southern France there are more Mosques than churches.

The situation within the United Kingdom is not much different. In last 30 years, the Muslim population there has climbed from 82,000 to 2.5 millions. Presently, there are over 1000 mosques throughout Great Britain – - many of which were converted from churches.

In Belgium, 50% newborns are Muslims and reportedly its Islamic population hovers around 25%. A similar statistic holds true for The Netherlands.

It’s the same story in Russia where one in five inhabitants are Muslim.

Muammar Gaddafi (Dictator of Libya) recently stated that “There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without sword, without gun, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists; we don’t need homicide bombers. The 50 plus million Muslims (in Europe) will turn it into the Muslim Continent within a few decades.”

The statistics support him.

Sunday 19 September 2010

RODS BLOG: As You Sit Down to Your Sunday Roast - Spare a Thought as to How the Meat Arrived On Your Plate.

Many, many people in this country are horrified at the way that Halal and Kosher meat is slaughtered. For those that need reminding, it involves cutting the throat of the animal and allowing its body to drain of blood whilst a few words of mumbo jumbo are said (allegedly) whilst the animals life slowly ebbs away. During this obscene exercise, the animal is fully conscious and aware of what is happening to it. The horror and distress that the animal suffers during this time can only be imagined.

Under 'Normal' circumstances, the animal is stunned and unconscious before it is actually killed, so therefore has no awareness of what is happening, consequently there is little or no stress to the animal. Of course many people feel that even this is unacceptable and as a result they do not eat meat.

The majority however do enjoy a nice piece of roast beef (if they can afford it) on a Sunday or possibly a beautiful golden roast chicken with all of the trimmings. Bangers and mash, burgers; Mmm my mouth is watering. Even maybe the occasional kebab.

What we do not realise is that meat cruelly slaughtered to meet the requirements of some religious cretins is being more and more foisted upon us by the industry. A report in todays (19 Sept) Mail on Sunday (read the article: ), tells how more and more Halal meat is finding its way into the 'normal' food supply chain. Most retailers will not tell their customers that the meat is Halal saying that there is no demand to disclose that information to the public.


I urge you to demand to know the source of any meat that you purchase in any retail outlet, from restaurants to burger vans to supermarkets to ensure that your next meal has not paid an awful price to be on your plate!

For the few who do not appreciate this horror or refuse to believe it, I urge you to watch this video - although I warn you, you may have nightmares.

I hope that you enjoy your dinner!


Friday 17 September 2010

The Carlisle Meeting - Success

The first meeting of the Hastings 1066 branch of the English Democrats took place last evening and can only be described as a success.

Being the first meeting, I was concerned that I would be the only one to turn up but in the event a total of 10 people were present. There was a good exchange of views and some brilliant ideas as to how to move the party forward in Hastings. It has been hard over the last year carrying it by myself but now I am very confident for the future.

One of the agreements that we came to was for each person to bring one more to the next meeting in little over a months time which means that in another 12 months time, we should have 5,000 members in Hastings!

Seriously it was a good meeting and I am looking forward to the next one with enthusiasm. Thanks are due to the Carlisle Pub for providing us with accommodation for the event and of course thanks to those who attended. It was good to meet you all at last.

Thursday 16 September 2010

The Carlisle Hastings

Last call for tonight's meeting. 7.30 pm at the Carlisle.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

ROD'S BLOG: Proud to be Muslim, a soldier and British

I always feel very sad when I read or hear of another of our nations brave service people making the ultimate sacrifice for their country, but I couldn't help wondering if we had a few more like L/Cpl Hashmi , just perhaps this poor sad land of ours would not be in such a sorry state. I have said before that if more members of the Muslim faith were to be more outspoken, then perhaps the extremists would not have so much of a strangle hold on Muslim youths.

L/Cpl Hashmi was far more than being 'outspoken', he is a hero. A true soldier of which his family can be so proud and his country can be humbled by his sacrifice. Once again we mourn the loss of two more of the cream of our nation. God Bless you both.

L/Cpl Jabron Hashmi, 24, a devout Muslim, died during an attack by Taliban fighters on a British base at Sangin, in Helmand Province. A second soldier killed in the attack was named as Cpl Peter Thorpe, of the Royal Signals. Both men were with 3 Para battle group. Five British soldiers have been killed in the region in the past three weeks.

L/Cpl Hashmi's family came to Britain from Pakistan when he was 12 and he joined the Army 10 years later, in 2004. After moving to the Intelligence Corps he was posted to the Royal Signals last January and finished his training six weeks before being sent to Afghanistan.

Relatives said that despite having to face rebels from his own faith, he was determined that his tour in Afghanistan would end in success and that the Army could help to secure peace and democracy in the country. His brother, Zeeshan Hashmi, 27, said: "The military was his passion, it had been for a long time. Ever since he was a little child he had wanted to be an Army commander. He was so happy when he got in and saw going to Afghanistan as a chance to build bridges between the East and the West.

"Jabron was a committed soldier and a committed Muslim. He was fiercely proud of his Islamic background and he was equally proud of being British and was very proud to live in Britain. My mother is absolutely devastated and all she wants is her son back." Mr Hashmi said that shortly after arriving from Pakistan as a teenager, he too had joined the Army and served in the Intelligence Corps for five years before leaving to study at Cambridge University. "Jabron was pleased to be doing the same thing. He was actually going to join the Army before me, but he picked up a knee injury during a physical test, so I ended up joining before him.

"He saw that I really enjoyed the Intelligence Corps and decided to follow that. He was looking forward to going to Afghanistan as he wanted to make a difference there. "He worked to the very best of his ability and really wanted to make a difference in the world for others' good and I sincerely hope he has made a difference.

"We are proud to have had the 24 years God gave him. He knew what the job entailed and said, 'When it's time to go, it's time to go'." L/Cpl Hashmi, whose parents live in Birmingham, was one of 906 men and women of Asian descent serving in the Armed Forces, of whom 320 are practising Muslims.

The Muslim Council of Britain paid tribute to L/Cpl Hashmi and said that although the Afghan conflict was unpopular with many Muslims, soldiers could not pick and choose their battles.
"This is far from the first time Muslims have given their lives in the service of this country," said Inayat Bunglawala, a spokesman. "Many did so in the two World Wars, but in recent years they have been under-represented in the Army."

Mr Bunglawala said the council had strongly opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which were opposed by large sections of Britain's Muslim community. But he said that he could not condemn Muslims who fought for the British Armed Forces in such conflicts. "This is a matter for the soldier himself," he said. "Many people in the Army disagree with a particular war, but they are soldiers and they have to follow orders."

L/Cpl Hashmi's father, Ishtiaq, 73, who worked as a deeds writer in Pakistan's law courts, brought the family to Britain after he retired for the sake of the children's education.
He and L/Cpl Hashmi's mother, Imtiaz, 55, were too upset to comment at their terrace home in Bordesley Green, Birmingham.

After finishing school, L/Cpl Hashmi, who was the middle child out of two brothers and three sisters, studied A-levels in chemistry, physics and maths at Bourneville College, Birmingham.
In June 2004, he carried out his basic training at the Army Training Centre in Winchester, before completing his training at the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre at Chicksands, Beds.

Zeehan Hashmi said that his brother would be "desperately missed" by the whole family.
"He was a very happy young man, but very cheeky and mischievous. He was very daring, he had no fear of anything. He was a bit of a joker who could really make you laugh, but also make you cry if he wanted to. "He was a very kind person, and would do anything for his friends.

"He also loved travelling, and that was one of the reasons he wanted to join the Army, so he could see the world. He also loved reading and would read everything he could get his hands on."
He said the last time the family spoke to his brother was two weeks ago, when he seemed in good spirits. "He said he was having a good time, but the last couple of times I spoke to him, he sounded very tired because of the long hours and all the travelling they were doing.
"He did say he was enjoying every minute of it though, and was excited and passionate about the job he was doing."

His sister, Zoubia, 29, said: "Jabron was very witty and his best quality was his generosity. He was saving his wages so that he could take our mother on a trip to Mecca. "He was adventurous, very caring and he could make you cry in seconds and make you smile in seconds. "He was so full of life and none of us can believe that he has gone."

Cpl Thorpe, 27, of the Royal Signals, joined the Army in August 1995 as an apprentice tradesman at Harrogate, North Yorks. His home was in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria
After completing his training, he was posted to 216 Parachute Signal Squadron in 5 Airborne Brigade, where he qualified as a military parachutist. Embracing his role as an airborne commander, he completed his first tour of Afghanistan in 2001. Cpl Thorpe was then posted on a two-year tour to Northern Ireland, returning to mainland Britain in January 2006 to prepare for his second operational tour in Afghanistan. A keen sportsman, he was also an Army Physical Training Instructor.

Cpl Thorpe's family members were too upset yesterday to speak about their loss.
The curtains were drawn at the family's terrace home on Walmey Island, Barrow, and a soldier who answered the door said the family did not want to make a statement at this stage.

Saturday 11 September 2010

ROD'S BLOG: Are YOU Brave Enough? It scared me!

A challenge! To each and every person in this country. From the lowest to the highest.

I challenge you to watch this video and answer just one question. It is a question that you will have to answer one day.

I wonder how our 'betters' and our 'Leaders' will cope when that day comes.

I wonder how will YOU cope?

If the video doesn't load automatically, copy and paste.

Monday 6 September 2010

Rod's Blog: Out of the Mouths of the Innocents

Whilst waiting with my 5 year old grandson for my wife the other day, young Ryan suddenly said with much excitement "Look 'Pomps', there's a Mercedes 'Soldier' car.

Intrigued to understand what on earth a Mercedes 'Soldier' Car could be, I turned just in time to see a Mercedes Hearse driving slowly by.

What a sad indictment of our times that a young innocent boy should link our brave service personnel with a Hearse!