Tuesday, 20 July 2010

If you've got children - MUST read this.

Keyley is 10 today. Happy Birthday little one.

Matt & Vic took 5 year old Ryan to see his new school today as well.

Kirsty had a ‘Beaut’ holiday in the Maldives (or was it Camber?) with some beautiful pictures of her children, and Jo has picked up her ‘lil girl’ from her first school disco today and she’s kissed her first boy – oh wow, now it starts for you Jo!!

It makes my heart sing to read these stories and see the pictures as most of my ‘Friends’ on Facebook are young people with children or are planning to have at least one in the next 10 years or so. It fantastic to see all of these young faces, so happy and carefree. I have a lot in common with young people – I used to be one – a long time ago.

That’s my big problem. I was born a little over 25 years ago (in 1947 – yes the world is that old) and to be honest, sometimes when I look at Facebook I realise that I don’t even speak the same language! I mean what does this mean? I thought it must be in code until my 12 year old granddaughter translated for me.

“Rite im goin sleep nw as 2mro im guna wake up in a gd
mood n thn later on in the day im guna go make an
effort 2 c tht ertain lad u no hu u r x x”

How in Gods name do I communicate with the youngsters, how do I get my message across to them. Lets face it, I’m a boring old fart that hasn’t got anything that todays people are going to listen to? We’re not really so different you know. I can still remember when I felt invincible just like you guys do. 5 year old Ryans Dad is one one of my sons. Even my baby Dan has given me 3 beautiful little granddaughters and it for them that I am doing this.

I will be honest with you, I am worried sick about the future of my grandchildren. What sort of a life will I be leaving for them. I don’t matter. My end time is approaching but theirs is just beginning. It is their world, their country. My job now is to fight like hell with the time I have left to try and ensure that they have the same freedoms and opportunities that I had.

I am absolutely positive that each and every one of you young people hope that your children have a better chance at life than you did. That is only natural and I would ask you all to give serious thought to the following questions that are given to the parents mentioned above.

Louise, today is Kayleys 10th birthday. What sort of a country will she be living in on her 20th birthday? Will she have had a good enough education to set her on the path of life that you so rightly wish for her? Or will government cuts to the education system mean that she has been dumped by the system on the human scrapheap where only the wealthy and the elite can afford to buy a future for their children?

Matt, today you looked at Ryans new school. Will it still be standing in 15 years time; will it have been sold off to developers to make a killing? You may have needed to call upon the services of our dear NHS over those years. What will it be like? Nurses from overseas no longer have to have a basic understanding of English in our brave new NHS. Will you feel safe trusting the life of your wife or children to an uncaring organisation whose main concern is to make a profit?

Jo, relish the memory of that first disco because you may not have many more of them to pick you daughter up from. Loud western style modern music so beloved by our youngsters (don’t understand it myself – now the Beetles!!) is considered offensive by some of the ethnic minorities that have been encouraged to swarm into the country for the last 20 odd years. Already there are calls for Sharia law to be adopted in this country, indeed there are now more than 20 Sharia courts operating in England. Not sure what a Sharia Court is? It is simply a Court that enforces the law of Sharia which is the law of Islam.

What has that got to do with you? Most Western countries such as England, France, Holland even America are being absorbed into the Islamic Empire. The aim of Islam is to control the whole world and it will not rest until achieves that – or is stopped.

Sharia law places men as superior to women. Women do as they are told by their husbands – and not just the washing up. They are the chattels of men. They will provide sex when it is wanted. They may be beaten if their husbands consider it necessary. Should a woman be raped, she is the one who is punished. One favoured punishment is stoning the woman to death. Indeed, in Iran at the moment there is a woman currently under the death penalty for adultery. The preferred method in Iran for such an offence is for the woman to be stoned to death. Due to the uproar from the civilised western world, she will probably not be killed this way. She will be hung instead - for adultery?. But the man has not got away scot-free with this. He has been given a very strong telling off by the court and made to promise that he will not do it again!

Whilst we are in Iran, let us consider how the qu’ran deals with gays. The qu’ran says that the preferred method of dealing with gays is to throw them from a cliff. If no cliff is available, they may be burned. The preferred method in Iran is to hang the offender from the jib of a large crane by raising the jib up and strangling the victim – in public of course. Nice people aren’t they? Are any of your friends gay?

Maybe if it does get that bad, you may consider complaining or even demonstrating against it. Unfortunately by then it will be too late. By then this once free and proud country will be a ‘Police State’ much worse than either Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. You don’t believe that either?

Already in England you can be arrested by a foreign police officer knocking at your door for an alleged offence you committed whilst on holiday, taken back to that country, tried and possibly imprisoned without any recourse to an English court. More and more of our civil liberties are being eroded by the British government, taking us all closer and closer to chaos and destruction.

What am I going to leave behind for my grandchildren? What am I going to leave behind for YOUR children?

I so desperately want Keyley and Ryan to have enjoyed the benefits of a first class education system so that they are well equipped to flower to their full potential and contribute to the success of this great nation.

I very much want to know that Jo will see her children have many, many more discos and birthdays and be able to afford those holidays in the Maldives (or even Camber). Indeed that the government will allow her to keep enough of her hard earned money to afford any sort of a holiday.

Matt, I need the comfort that should any of your family need the attention of our medical authorities; you can go into hospital confident that you will be receiving the best care that the world can offer. That you stand a damn good chance of coming home cured and better as opposed to coming home in a wooden box because you caught a killer disease because our hospitals are dirty and inefficient.

I desperately need to know that our Police Force is there to ‘serve’ the community and not to ‘control’ the community. I want to see the respect returned to the Police that we all used to have for them just a few years ago.

I need to know that I have done something to set the ball rolling in waking the English Lion. This is the first step. Please let me know what you think?


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Rods Blog

The Failed State of England.

This article has come via another Patriotic site. I have copied it word for word. It is very illuminating and gives us an insight as to how others view our country. It is well worth the read.

"I found this on a Russian blog, and it is so true. Sad, but true. Please read:
Rarely in our world have we had the opportunity to watch, first hand, as a major Western power came crumbling down on itself in such a spectacular fashion as we are about to see with the final collapse of the now empireless Britain. Only the eventual collapse of the USA will make for a greater show than what is about to transpire on...or rather just off, the European continent.
For England is a failed state in all manner of levels and realities, from a total lack of freedom in the pseudo Stalinist prison camp, to the collapse of the economy, society and military, a physical collapse linked as a Siamese twin to the spiritual or moral collapse. A Godless post Christian enterprise, morally corrupt, economically penniless and over run by the most vile and foul and blood thirsty of modern world savages.

The failure is now most visible in the financial sphere, overshadowing other just as vital areas. England is a print happy, debtor nation, who while lecturing the failed economies of Iceland and Greece is itself running a 12.6% deficit, as opposed to the equally unsupportable one of Greece, at 12.7%. Worse, England is running a 0% interest rate, ruining the retirement of millions of its pensioners, even as its medical system goes about the task of dispatching them off in drove, to the other world, in a "dignified" manner, of course. At present, on average, one in 8 stores has closed down, leaving many areas abandoned, and the rate is continuing to accelerate.
Furthermore, the Stalinist state of England has forcably nationalized all major banks on the island, while spiking taxes on everything. The final blows in this financial alchemy are the proposed VAT on food, which will bring back the old misery of the 1700s and a tax on garbage, through smart garbage cans, able to judge the weight of the trash and charge accordingly, that is after a general tax that already is supposed to pay for the garbage. The final nail will be the green laws destroying what is left of England's industry.

Control wise, the government of the proto-Stalinst Blair/Brown and their shills of a Tori "Menshavik" so called opposition, have installed twice as many cameras as people. Everything is cataloged and tracked, from personal movements, to transactions to drives on the autobahns. Informants are everywhere, neighbor snitching on neighbor, friend on friend, family on family. Now comes the news that the police state will even keep dossiers on children as young as five who use or exhibit "racist" or "intolerant" behavior. What police actions will follow from this tyranny is yet to be determined. Of course this is Stalinist in the extreme, very similar to what that mad bastard did during his various great purges. The only things that are missing are the camps...for now.

To boot, the Islamic mass migration, into what is now a Jihad exporter, the UK, has been staggering, and now word has come out that the ruling elites and their shills did this on purpose. Image, a national elite that on purpose has taken radical steps to in effect, exterminate the very society that allowed them to climb to the level that they are at. In most societies, there would be pitch forks and fire brands, but not in England...only mildly worded letters of protest from the general public, as the Islamics rape and murder at will and the all watching and all knowing police state never seems to know what is and when this is going on...but God forbid you light up in a bar and refuse to put it out, they will sent an entire riot squad to get you.

Or God forbid, you fight back. Vigilantism will not be tolerated, smacks to much of individualism and must be crushed. Thus the Islamics and the half feral yobs, who will one day be recruited by them, get to run wild and victimize the rest of the population. The London metro system, smaller than Moscow's and serving a city and surroundings of half the population of Moscow, had 33 murders in 2009, as opposed to Moscow's 10. And the English write about crime in Russia?
Hang a few dozen of your hooligan and jihadist scum from trees and lamps and they'll get the point rather quickly.

But this should be no surprise, when considering that the Church of England is itself post Christian and leading the lost and be-fumbled population down into Hell and damnation and most Englanders are more than happy to follow along and spit blissfully into the eyes of God...after all, their masters have convinced them that they are humanist man-gods themselves.
Meanwhile top bishops in the Church are pushing for gay marriages and are more busy defending the Islamics that seek to Shari the Christians into extinction than in leading their flocks to Christ. Is it any wonder that the Orthodox Church is growing quickly in the UK, while whole congregations have petitioned the Catholic Pope to join Rome/ The Devil definitely has a play ground in the Church of England.

Even the vaunted English National Healthcare System is broken and killing, both by design and my neglect, possibly hundreds of thousands of people a year. In 2008, 6,000 women gave birth in corridors, lifts and taxis, when lack of beds and doctors forced them away at the last minutes before birth. A new report, just out, but apparently in the hands of the elites for over half a year, shows that some 50,000 or more a year are dieing from direct neglect in the hospital systems, and this is even without the Satanic Pathway in effect. What is the Pathway? Why the Pathway to Dignified Death, where they take sick or sickly elderly and not so elderly, pump them full of morphine and allow them to starve and dehydrate to death. The evil of such as system and the fact that the English tolerate it and have not risen past indignation and strongly worded notes, shows one how befitting of total collapse English society is.

And where are the Royals? Where are the God chosen defenders of English faith, culture and law? Where are those, designated by God to rule and veto this insanity? Why drunk, drugged and debauched into a stupor, where else? Why rule when you can screw and drink your way through life, without a care or worry and the Devil take you, and he will, what happens to your own kingdom. A sorrier lot is hard to imagine.

So what will it take to finally bring the last of this rotting wreck of humanity down? Why the upcoming war with Argentina, over the Falklands, of course. England is stretched bare in Afghanistan, yelping like a good lapdog to the yanks, the very same yanks who are obviously siding with the financially broke and corrupt Latin Argentinians over the financially broke and corrupt Anglo English. There simply is no way that England can keep the Falklands and the oil wealth there and this loss may finally tumble the rot down, a shock that the system will not survive.

But to be honest, there is some hope, in small parties, steadily gaining ground, like the English Defense League. Labeled everything under the sun that rhymes with Nazi, just like Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party, these chaps have their work cut out for them and frankly they may be way to late.

Good luck lads, you're more than going to need it."

I would be very interested to hear your comments.

Take care.

Rod Bridger