Monday 31 May 2010


There have been many, many rumours circulating recently that English people have been ordered by their Local Authority or Police, to remove or take down the Cross of St George.

Indeed, the Daily Mail carried a story about a young child being ordered off of a bus by a Polish driver because he was (the driver) offended by the England football shirt that the youngster was wearing. That report proved to be totally unfounded but unfortunately is typical of the poor quality of journalism we have come to expect from the Mail.

I want to state categorically here and now, that unless a flag is being displayed in such a way that it may cause a danger to other persons, you are legally entitled to display your flag, and that includes 'car flags'.

The following link will lead you a, where you can watch a short video issued by the British Government, in which it explains what you can do.

I would also wish to repeat my request from last week that anyone who IS made to remove their flag, report that to me as quickly as possible. The English Democrats will take legal action against that person or organisation if they are acting illegally. You may win yourself a few pounds in compensation.

If you have problems with the above link, visit where I hope to have a copy of the video shortly.

Do not allow yourself to be bullied. FLY THE FLAG.

1 comment:

  1. As the article says there is not a ban on flying the St.George. There does seem however to be a climate in England where these types of stories seem to spread quickly . As Rod says, report anyone trying to enforce any illegal bans.
