Monday 31 May 2010


There have been many, many rumours circulating recently that English people have been ordered by their Local Authority or Police, to remove or take down the Cross of St George.

Indeed, the Daily Mail carried a story about a young child being ordered off of a bus by a Polish driver because he was (the driver) offended by the England football shirt that the youngster was wearing. That report proved to be totally unfounded but unfortunately is typical of the poor quality of journalism we have come to expect from the Mail.

I want to state categorically here and now, that unless a flag is being displayed in such a way that it may cause a danger to other persons, you are legally entitled to display your flag, and that includes 'car flags'.

The following link will lead you a, where you can watch a short video issued by the British Government, in which it explains what you can do.

I would also wish to repeat my request from last week that anyone who IS made to remove their flag, report that to me as quickly as possible. The English Democrats will take legal action against that person or organisation if they are acting illegally. You may win yourself a few pounds in compensation.

If you have problems with the above link, visit where I hope to have a copy of the video shortly.

Do not allow yourself to be bullied. FLY THE FLAG.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

339 Thank You's

I would like to say “Thank You” to the 339 people in Hastings & Rye, who voted for the English Democrats last Thursday. This result is really encouraging as just a few weeks previous; the name of the English Democrats was largely unknown in Sussex, let alone in 1066 Country. Now we have a base of over 300 ‘Patriots’ in 1066 Country alone, with whom we can work to build on and spread the word even further, in readiness for the next election.

I suspect, along with more experienced pundits, that the next election will not be too far away. The reason that we currently have a ‘Hung Parliament’ (and many say they should be) is because the people have lost all faith, confidence and trust in a Parliamentary system that is still as corrupt and rotten today, as it was last week. Not one major political party has emerged with any honour from this contest, indeed the current scrabbling about in the ‘muck’ in the bottom of the cage, simply makes a mockery of the word ‘Democracy’. Don’t you find it amazing that the word ‘Referendum’ is being bandied about so freely again? Did anybody notice the look of pain on Gordon's face as he said the 'R' word in his bid to cling to power for just a few more weeks?

I don't know about you, but there is something distinctly unsavoury about these 'shenanigans'. I take no pleasure in saying I told you so – but I did!

The time to build on our figures from last Thursday is now. The next target of the English Democrats is to be able to contest every Local, County and Parliamentary election, ensuring that we are not a MINOR party in the eyes of the media for long. The English Democrats are here for the long haul.

I am making a direct appeal to those who had the courage to throw away years of indoctrination, threw off the shackles and voted for the English Democrats to make contact with me on 0844 3574 799 or email me at so that you may have a real input into how we move forward. Even if you didn’t or couldn't vote for us, please contact me if you want to help.

Once again, Thank You Very Much.

Monday 3 May 2010

Can We Really Make A Difference

Can we REALLY make a difference?

Yes we can!

Every vote cast for the Lib/Lab/Con Party is a vote for more of the same. The same lies, the same arrogance, the same contempt, the same ineptitude, the same hypocrisy – need I really go on?

Every vote for the English Democrats on Thursday will give notice to whichever of the Lib/Lab/Con Party takes control of our country, that the people of England have had enough of their freedoms and sovereignty being cast away to foreigners. That we demand to have returned to us the country that they have stolen from us.

Every vote for the English Democrats will be a nail in the coffin of criminal control of England. Every English Democrat Member of Parliament will be a hammer blow direct to the head of the monster which is devouring England and every Englishman and Englishwoman that still love this green and pleasant land.

Each of the 3 main parties tells us that they promise to change things. That things ‘can only get better’. How many times have they told us this? Don’t listen to the lies anymore.

British politics are not only broken, they have been smashed into a thousand little pieces and scattered to the wind. It is not time for Humpty Dumpty to try and mend them; it is time for YOU to make the decision that it is time for a whole new system of politics to be built in the place of the old discredited experiment which after 65 years has proved it is no good.

This is a war. This is the first major battle in that war. We can win and save our country for future generations or we can surrender to the traitors. It’s your decision.

I am asking you to think of England and of the future. A future not for me because my time is nearing its end but of a future for your children and your children’s children. Have the courage to give the first blow for freedom.